WayneCentralSchool District

Annual Professional Performance Review

A Commitment

To Excellence



Table of Contents
APPR Committee Members ………………………………………1
Rationale …………………………………………………………...2

Philosophy Statement ……………………………………………..3

Charlotte Danielson ……………………………………………….4

Criteria ……………………………………………………………..5

Procedures …………………………………………………………6

Part-time, Probationary and Replacement Teachers …………6

Step by Step Directions …………………………………………8

Annual Summative Review ………………………………………11

Tenured Teacher Sequence …………………………………...12

Step by Step Directions: Option A ………………………………15

Option B ………………………………………………………...17

Professional Growth Plan Ideas ………………………………….18

Examples of Artifacts ……………………………………………..19

Methods and Strategies ……………………………………………20

Resources and Support ……………………………………………20

Annual Summative Review ………………………………………21

AlternateTimeline ………………………………………………23

Teacher In Need of Improvement Sequence ………………………24


Informal Classroom Observation Record ………………………..25

Pre-Observation Form …………………………………………….26

Observation Report……………………….………………………27

Option B Professional Growth Plan ………………………..……29

Professional Observation Reflection …………………………….30

Reflection Prompts ………………………………………………..31

Reflection Template ……………………………………………….32

Self-Assessment Worksheet ………………………………………33

Self Assessment Worksheet:School Counselors …………………34

Self Assessment Worksheet: School Psychologists ………………36

Summative Evaluation Form ……………………………………..38

Appendix: Teaching Rubrics………………………………………A. 1 - 18
APPR Committee Members
Bob Armocida / Principal (MS)
Mark Callahan / Director of Human Resources
Kim Cox / Principal (FE)
Maureen Doyle / WTA Vice-President
Carol Genzken / Teacher (OE)
Mark MacMillan / Teacher (HS)
Bob Magin / Teacher (FE)
Lisa Marlowe / Teacher (HS)
Lori Sensenbach / WTA President
LarrySpring / Assistant Superintendent for Instruction
Laurence T. Spring
Assistant Superintendent for Instruction / Lori Sensenbach
WTA President

In October 1999, the New York State Education Department passed an amendment to the Regulation of the Commissioner of Education Part 100.2. This amendment mandated the Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) be written with the goal of improving the quality of teaching and learning while meeting the needs of all students. It is delineated in the regulations that the objectives of the APPR must:

Include clear, consistent review criteria

Ensure teachers’ input to the process

Use multiple measures

Tie performance to district and school priorities

Increase responsibility for self improvement

Provide support to teachers in need of improvement

All teachers providing instructional services including pupil personnel service providers are affected by the APPR regulation. This regulation became effective September 1, 2000.

WayneCentralSchool District had a pre-existing contractual agreement that allowed for a variance to be filed until the event of a new agreement. The variance was in effect until September 1, 2001.

In the fall of 2000 a team of teachers, administrators, union representatives, and pupil personnel service providers was formed. This team met weekly for over six months to create the attached state-mandated document. It was with great pride that the professionals of WayneCentralSchool District shared the contents of our Annual Professional Performance Review Plan.

In the winter of 2003 and the spring of 2006, a team of teachers, union representatives and administrators reconvened to clarify and improve upon the document. These meetings reflect the collaborative nature that the APPR committee feels to be an important element of the observation and supervision process. The team will reconvene at the conclusion of the 2006-2007 school year to assess and refine the document.

The Wayne Central Teachers’ Association and the WayneCentralSchool District believe that professional growth, as well as a commitment to fostering life-long learning, is essential in order to create learning opportunities that allow students to achieve their fullest potential for personal development and educational success.

The purpose of the Annual Professional Performance Review is to provide teachers* with the opportunities they need to become reflective practitioners. It is designed to recognize and reinforce competencies while promoting and nurturing professional development. Performance will be assessed using agreed upon professional standards. It is our belief that this plan will operate in an environment that is supportive, respectful and collaborative.

Although the APPR document is a “living document” that must be revised and updated on a regular basis, no language within that document can contradict the terms and conditions outlined in the collective bargaining agreement. If a contradiction should arise, the contract language will take precedent until such time as the difference(s) can be discussed and resolved to the mutual satisfaction of both the District and the Association.

A Commitment to Excellence!

*Throughout this document teachers will refer to: pupil personnel providers, Counselors, OT, PT therapists Psychologists, Classroom teachers, Special area teachers, Special Education teachers, Speech and Language, and all members of the Wayne Teachers’ Association.

Philosophy Statement

It is the belief of the WayneCentralSchool District that on-going professional growth is a vital component to the enhancement of teaching and learning. A quality staff is instrumental in guiding students toward achieving their fullest potential for personal development and educational success.

Charlotte Danielson

Much of the research for this document was based on the work of Charlotte Danielson. Ms. Danielson is a program administrator for Educational Testing Service (ETS) in Princeton, New Jersey. She has taught at all levels, from kindergarten through college, and has worked as a consultant on curriculum planning, performance assessment, and professional development for numerous schools and school districts in the United States and overseas. She has designed materials and training programs for ASCD, ETS, and the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.

Ms. Danielson’s books, Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching and Teacher Evaluation, To Enhance Professional Practice, provided this committee with a framework to design a process to meet the needs of novice teachers, who are concerned with day to day survival; experienced teachers, who want to improve their effectiveness; and highly accomplished teachers, who want to move toward serving as a resource to others.

Ms. Danielson’s work and that of other districts gave us the courage and the desire to design a process that we believe will establish the staff at Wayne Central as a Community of Learners!

The APPR plan was developed to enable the professional staff to become more responsible for their personal professional growth. Wayne Central expects our students to become life long learners. We have a parallel expectation for our professional staff.

It is imperative that teachers continually look at research-based strategies, practices, and methodologies for improving student learning and achievement because of the nature and needs of our ever-changing student population and newer and more rigorous state and district standards.

Research must guide teacher performance, as well as teacher evaluation. The Danielson framework provides a basis for professional conversation and decisions regarding teaching practices, counseling and other professional supports.

The function of the process is to seek out, document, and recognize the quality teaching that already exists and to acknowledge that excellence in classroom practices is demonstrated in a variety of ways.

In order to achieve the above, the Dimensions of Teachingrubrics are provided as a framework for teachers to reflect upon their own practice as well as serve as a critical lens for the administrators to make fair and informed judgments regarding a teacher’s performance. These rubrics are included in the appendix of this document. Additionally, the district will provide annual training for staff through new teacher induction as well as the professional development program.

Rubrics are a tool to guide a teacher in self-reflection and the administrator in the evaluation process. These rubrics will also be used to jointly develop professional growth goals. While the actual rubric is included in the APPRdocument, teachers should make sure that they have a copy of Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching. This book is provided to all teachers upon entry to the district and should serve as a tool to help make expectations clear.


Part-time, Probationary and Replacement Teachers

A Community Of Learners!

The primary focus in assisting new teachers is to guide and nurture them in developing and refining their teaching practice. The administrator shall use the traditional observation/written evaluation process to evaluate all part time, probationary and replacement teachers. Any administrator may observe teachers formally and informally throughout the year and provide feedback. Any teacher may also request an observation at any time or for a specific goal.

Part time, probationary and replacement teachers will receive a minimum of two (2) formal observations and a minimum of one (1) informal observation yearly for the first three (3) years of employment.* Each will also meet with the administrator prior to the first informal observation to review the process thoroughly, the criteria for evaluation, and to discuss student needs, with the purpose of establishing goals for their initial year. Each teacher will also participate in an Annual Summative Review.**


Informal:October 15

1st Formal:January 5

2nd Formal:April 1

Annual Summative Review: This meeting will be held by June 1. The teacher and the administrator will sign the Review by June 10th.

Formal: is defined as a scheduled observation including:

  • -Pre-conference (for the minimum required observations)*
  • Pre-Observation Form
  • Lesson Plan
  • -Observation (of the entire period/lesson)
  • -Post-conference
  • Professional Observation Reflection
  • Observation Report
  • All formal observations shall be the minimum length of time to conduct a full lesson.
  • This documentation is included in the teacher’s professional file.

Informal: is defined as a generally unannounced visit, with the expectation of verbal feedback and a brief record of documentation

  • This documentation is included in the teacher’s professional file.
  • Informal Observation Record

*Additional observations, beyond the minimum requirement, may be unannounced and will occur without a pre-conference in accordance with article 8 letter B of the contract.

**Annual Summative Review: - This meeting will be held by June 1. The teacher and the administrator shall sign the review by June 10. This review will include three goals for professional growth.

***Teachers hired (or returning from leave) after the start of the school year will have adjusted deadlines to allow appropriate time and preparation for observations and evaluations.

Part-time, Probationary and Replacement PPS Staff

School counselors will receive the same number of formal observations and follow the same deadline schedule as teachers. Any administrator may do formal observations, but it is the building administrator who is responsible for seeing that observations are completed on schedule and that there is reasonable communication between the various administrators and counselors involved. The assistant-principal may do observations at the middle and high school levels only.

The building administrator will complete the summative evaluation for counselors with input from the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction.

School psychologists will receive the same number of formal observations and follow the same deadline as teachers. Any administrator may do formal observations, but it is the Director of Student Services who is responsible for seeing that observations are completed on schedule and that there is reasonable communication between the various administrators and psychologists involved. The assistant-principal may do observations at the middle and high school levels only.

The Director of Students Services will complete the summative evaluation for psychologists with input from the building principal.

Because there are areas of the school counselor's and psychologist's functioning which do not allow for formal observation without possibly compromising confidentiality or affecting assessment results (e.g. counseling sessions, testing sessions, etc.), it is recommended that formal observations occur in the following type of settings: CSE meetings; parent, teacher, and administrator conferences; PST meetings, building and district level activities, reports written, communications and correspondence, etc. School counselors and psychologists will abide by the codes of ethics of their individual disciplines.

Step by Step Directions for Observation/Supervision of Part-Time, Probationary and Replacement Staff
Step One: Goal Meeting by September 30th (1st year teachers only)
  1. Prior to informal meeting, the teacher will:
  • Fill out Self Assessment Worksheet to use in developing an awareness of potential goal areas
  • Set up an individual 15-30 minute meeting with administrator
  1. At Goal Meeting the teacher and administrator will:
  • Review Self Assessment Worksheet
  • Jointly agree on 3 professional goals from list on Self Assessment Worksheet
  • The three goals are geared toward the professional growth of the teacher and will also take into consideration the annual district and building goals, as well as opportunities for self-exploration
  • Review forms and data collection sheets that the administrator will use during the year
  • Review the entire APPR process and ensure that the teacher has the opportunity to ask questions and gain clarification regarding expectations
  1. After goal meeting the administrator:
  • Places a copy of Goals Worksheet in teacher folder
  • Returns a copy of Goals Worksheet to teacher
  • Invites teacher to discuss progress on an as need/time permitting basis

Step Two: First Informal Observation by October 15th

  1. Prior to informal observation the teacher will:
  • Review goals established by staff member and principal/administrator during goal setting meeting or last evaluation conference
  • Review Charlotte Danielson material
  1. At informal observation the administrator will:
  • Spend 15-25 minutes in the classroom
  • Look for evidence of goal work (it very well may not be observed)
  1. After informal observation the administrator will:
  • Write up notes on Informal Observation Record
  • Place copy of form in teacher folder and give copy to teacher
  • Possibly schedule a feedback meeting after the observation
  • The completed informal observation form will be completed will be given to the staff member for review and signature within 5 days of the observation. The staff member will sign and return to the administrator within 3 days.

Step Three: First (of Minimum of 2) Formal Observation Done by January 5th

1. Prior to formal observation:

  • Teacher contacts Secretary to set up pre-conference, observation, and post-conference appointments
  • Secretary/Administrator gives out Pre-Observation Form

2. At pre-observation meeting:

  • Staff member and administrator review Pre-Observation Form
  • Staff member and administrator review lesson plan
  • Staff member and administrator review the three goals established earlier
  • Administrator reviews the Informal Classroom Observation Record with teacher as reminder of other general things that are important
  • Administrator asks if there are other specifics the staff member would like the principal to focus on
  • Staff member and administrator agree upon date and time of observation

3. At formal observation the administrator will:

  • Use Informal Classroom Observation Record, script activities, or use other method per individual preference to record classroom data*
  • Collect evidence of goal work
  • Stay for the full period of time, 30-50 minutes, or until the completion of the lesson
  • Give the staff member the Professional Observation Reflection Form.
  1. After formal observation:
  • Post-conference meeting held with staff member and Principal/Administrator within 5 days of the observation
  • Staff member and administrator will discuss the lesson and may use a variety of tools as reference points. Ie. Observation Form, Informal Classroom Observation Record, Professional Observation Reflection Form, Observational notes and Goals Worksheet etc.

5. After Post-Observation Conference

  • Administrator sends completed Observation Report to staff member for review and signature within 10 days of the conference
  • Staff member returns signed Observation Report (signifying that they have read and understand the report) to Principal/Administrator for signature
  • Signed Observation Report is distributed (Human Resources will receive the original with copies going to: Staff member, Principal/Administrator, Office of Instruction)**

* The use of PDA’s and laptop computers for this purpose is acceptable, however, no direct recording of instruction (video or audio) may be conducted without the advance (48 hours) permission of the teacher.

** Confidentiality and access to personnel folders will be maintained in accordance with Article VIII Section 7 of the contract.

Step Four: Repeat Step three at least once prior to April 1st

Unannounced observations may also be completed at this time. When unannounced observations occur, the Informal Classroom Observation Record and Observation Reportwill still be used.

Step Five: Summative Evaluation will be held by June 1st

1. Prior to summative conference:

  • Administratorwill provide staff member with the Reflection Prompts & Reflection Template
  • Staff member will complete the Self Assessment Worksheet
  • Staff member will review goals from beginning of year
  • Staff member will review data and notes from observations and other experiences
  • Staff memberwill e-mail reflection to Administrator at least 2 days prior to the conference

2. At summative conference:

  • Staff member and administrator will review the Self Assessment Worksheet
  • Staff member and administrator will reviewthe reflection and additional information staff member has for each goal
  • Staff member and administrator will jointly set three goals for next year
  • The three goals are geared toward the professional growth of the teacher and will also take into consideration the annual district and building goals, as well as opportunities for self-exploration

3. After summative conference:

  • The Administrator will use the four domain areas to complete the Summative Evaluation Form including important strengths and areas of growth. This will also include evidence of success in achieving the three identified goals. List the goals agreed upon for next year at the end of the document.
  • Send signed copy of narrative to distribution listwithin 10 days of the conference but no later than June 10(Human Resources will receive the original with copies going to: Staff member,Principal/Administrator, Office of Instruction)*

** Confidentiality and access to personnel folders will be maintained in accordance with Article VIII Section 7 of the contract.