The Lorax Name:

1. Name the natural resource the Once-ler identified:

2. Name and describe the Once-ler's product:

3. Observe how the thneed factory changed over time; describe how the factory changed as the business grew.

4.What technology did the Once-ler invent to increase the production of thneeds?

5. How did the thneed industry affect the physical environment (water, air, soil etc.)?

6. How did the production of thneeds affect the local plants and animals?

a. truffula trees

b. Bar-ba-loots

c. Humming fish

d. Swomee swans

7. Byproducts are materials or chemicals remaining after the production of a product.

a. Name two byproducts that resulted from making thneeds.

b. Were the byproducts that resulted from the making of thneeds harmful or helpful to the environment?

Worksheet adapted from

Answer Key

1. The truffula trees

2. A Thnead. A thing of great beauty that all people need. It is adaptable to be used in any way at any time.

3. It grew bigger and bigger to handle the increased production.

4. The super axe hacker, spinning axe

5. Water, air heavily polluted from the Once Lers factories. Soil is infertile thanks to the once ler.

6. A .Truffula trees - they are a renewable resource BUT it takes ten months for a seed to germinate and 10 years to grow into a sapling. Resource depletion!

B. Bar – ba – loots – have to leave because they have no truffula fruits to eat.

C. Swomee Swans – cannot sing for the smog in their throats so they have to leave.

D. Humming Fish – pollution from the factories (Glupity Glup and Schlopity schlop) has blocked up the gills so they cannot hum. They have to leave.

7. A. Glupity Glup and Schlopity schlop, air pollution- smog and smoke