Waves, Currents, Tides Cornell Notes
WAVESWhat causes waves? / Brainpop: Waves
Directions: Label parts of the wave below. Wavelength, Trough, Crest. Then, describe each in your own words.
Wavelength: ______
What are Ocean Waves? / An ocean wave is the movement of ______through water.
What causes waves? / •Waves form from ______.
•Waves form out in the open ocean, and travel ______to the shore.
What are the effects of waves? / •Waves can ______and ______sediment, changing the shape of the beach
•BIGGER ______create BIGGER ______
Tsunamis / •Tsunamis are giant ocean ______caused by earthquakes beneath the ocean floor
What causes tides? / Brainpop: Tides
Directions: Label the diagrams below as “Spring Tide” or “Neap Tide.” Then, describe each in your own words.
Spring Tide: ______
Neap Tide: ______
What are tides? / •Tides are the movement of ocean water at the shore when it ______and ______during the day
•There are______tides per day; 2 ______tides and 2 ______tides
What causes tides? / •The gravitational pull of the ______and sun on Earth’s water
High Tide / •Water level is ______
•When part of the ocean is facing and directly opposite the moon, the water bulges (gets bigger toward the moon)
Low Tide / •Water Level is ______
•When the water is not drawn out in areas in between the high tides
What are currents? / Compare and Contrast: Surface Currents and Deep Currents
What are surface currents? / Mass of ______flowing (warmer) ocean water moving from one place to another towards the surface.
What causes surface currents? / •Surface currents arecaused by global and seasonal ______.
•Direction of currents is caused by ______.
Coriolis Effect / Earth’s rotation causes objects in the N. hemisphere move ______, objects in S. hemisphere to move ______.
What are deep ocean currents? / Deep ocean currents are ______movements of (colder) water deep under the ocean water.
What causes deep ocean currents? / Deep ocean currentsare caused by differences in ______(temperature & salinity)
What are the effects of currents? / •Currents affect the ______of a location
•Warm-water currents warm up climate, cold water currents cool down climate
Summary(describe the causes of waves, tides, deep ocean currents, and surface currents):______ ______