Waterford Borough Council Meeting
November 7, 2011
The regular meeting of Waterford Borough Council was brought to order at 6:30 by President Wm. Strohmeyerat the Waterford Municipal Building. Lords Prayer and Salute to the Flag followed. Laura Breon was noted as absent. Visitors were UnaMaeVanDyke, AaronCaplan, Marian Burge, Nathan Moore, Mike Narcisso, Darlene Powell, Sandy Loop, Arnold Loop, Greg Waite.
Aaron Caplanpresented a requestfor Jean Stull Memorial to be placed in the municipal building. Brown moved to approve the placement of the memorial, second by Pugh. Vote all yes.
Aaron Caplaninquired if borough is interested in the purchase the former Shorehaven Campground by the lake which he now owns. Caplan presented a proposal to council for purchase of the land.
Nathan Moore is requesting that the borough have more than one inspector for the borough. He suggested that all inspectors don’t all follow the same standards.
Keiser moved that we offer additional optionsfor inspectors in Waterford and that several inspection companies be interviewed. Second by Cline. Following discussion, votewas two yes and three no votes. Motion denied.
Darlene Powell asked that council consider improving the Porter Park and lake area.
Narcisso asked if there was a plan to put in more sidewalks this year. His concern is E 4th and High St.
Loop asked that West Street be opened. Blose explained that there is no street at West Street. Mafia blocks being removed would serve no purpose and in fact are preventing a potential hazard. The area is wet a majority of the time. After research and consideration, the mayor voted no to removing the blocks, breaking the tie vote taken in Oct.
Greg Waite expressed dissatisfaction with BIU.
Mayors report: School said parking issue during soccer games is boroughs problem.
UnaMaeVanDyke asked that seniors be permitted to play cards in the municipal building on Tuesdays from about 12:30 to 4.
Keiser moved to approve minutes of Oct meeting. Second by Brown. Vote all yes.
Treasurers report was reviewed. Clinemoved to approve. Second by Keiser. Vote all yes.
Pugh moved to approve bills of the meeting.Keiser second. Vote all yes.
Committee Reports:
Recycling: Site is being kept relatively clean.
Codification: Next draft should be presented by January. Keiser moved that council approve the change order allowing for e-codification which will cost $1300 annually. Cline second. Pugh and Brown vote no. Keiser, Cline, McGuire, Strohmeyer vote yes. Motion passed.
Parks: Cline asked if reflectors could be placed at ball diamond flower bed.
Streets report presented for review.
Law enforcement report was presented for review.
Strohmeyer reviewed bids for painting of building for next spring.
Council is waiting on bids for insulating the garage.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 for executive session.
Meeting reconvened at 8:20.
McGuire moved to advertize budget as presented in addition to reorganization meeting. Pugh second. Vote all yes. McGuire moved that State funds budget be approved and will be advertized at the same time. Second by Keiser. Vote all yes.
McGuire moved to approve Rob Stubenbort as our delegate for the tax collection committee. Brown second. Keiser vote no. Passed.
McGuire moved to approve resolution to appoint Berkheimer as tax collector. Pugh second. Vote all yes.Keiser vote no.
Meeting dates for 2012 are first Monday of each month and second Monday in July and Sept.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 .
Respectfully submitted,
Janet M. Parke, Secretary