Regular Meeting
City Council
September 11, 2017
6:30PM – City Hall
Mayor Thorpe called the regular monthly meeting to order at 6:30PM with Council membersWadholm, Flaherty, Fuher,Reis, Maunu andMeidinger present.
Absent: None
City Employees present were: Police Chief Knutson, Attorney Kelly, Public Works Director Flynn and Auditor Middlestead.
Others attending: W. Senger, Interstate Engineering; C. Hedman, M. Meyers, H. Krause,
L. Hahne, M. Thorpe, J. Boekelheide, and C. Gulke; R. Johnson, Dickey County Leader Editor was not in attendance.
Agenda additions: None
Wade Senger with Interstate Engineering informed the council on the progress of the water tower. Naastad’s should be starting around September 18th. Motion by Reis, second by Maunu, to approve the changeorder #1 including VFD, generator and additional water mains. Roll call vote: Reis – Yes; Maunu – Yes; Meidinger – Yes; Wadholm – Yes; Flaherty – Yes; Fuher – Yes. Motion approved. Discussed the bypass system at the water plant needed during the tower project. Council will make a decision at next meeting whether it should be a permanent or temporary system.
Council Member Fuher left the meeting at 6:40 PM.
W. Senger left the meeting at 6:45 PM.
L. Hahne now in attendance 6:45 PM.
Minutes: Motion by Meidinger, second by Reis, to approve the minutes of the Regular Council meeting on August 14, 2017. All members, aye. Motion approved. Motion by Reis, second by Maunu, to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting August 28, 2017. All members, aye. Motion approved.
Operating statement: Motion by Meidinger, second by Maunu, to approve the Augustoperating statement as presented. All members, aye. Motion approved.
Bills: Motion by Reis, second by Maunu, to approve the bills as presented. All members, aye. Motion approved.
Delinquent accounts: J. Bailey,T. Beckius,R. Kosse,M. Masset, L. Noyes, A. Peterson, Rithmiller Accounting, J. South,T. Spitzer,S. Swanson,B. Taylor L. Uecker and Val Wagner.
Raffle Permits: None.
Police Chief Knutson was present to report on the police activity for the month of August. CAD system is up and running.
Police Chief Knutson left the meeting at 6:55 PM.
Alcohol Licenses – Pheasant Lanes LLC: Discussed the rules set out in NDCC 5-02-06 concerning alcohol served while minors are present, with or without parents/guardians. Due to agenda item time schedule, subject tabled to later in meeting.
Council Member Fuher now in attendance at 7:00 PM.
Storage Containers: C. Hedman, H. Krause and Myron Meyers were present to discuss Ordinance 5.0601.1– Building Code – Storage Containers. Hedman stated he would like to place a 40’ storage container at 63 3rd St N to store materials for an undetermined amount of time. At this time the Council has not created a Conditional Use Permit for residents to request the placement of a container, but was hopeful to have it created later during the meeting. This ordinance does not have a grandfather clause; consequently all containers currently in city limit will be required to complete the Conditional Use Permit. At which time the Council will determine whether the existing containers will remain. Mr. Hedman was invited to be present while the permit discussion was held.
Hahne – Utility billing request: L. Hahne was in attendance to discuss the possibility of having the current Utility Billing fees removed from two properties adjacent to her residence, as she is interested in purchasing these properties. Since these properties have underground water and sewer hook ups the Council felt it is difficult to remove these fees at this time. The request was denied at this time. Discussed creating a committee to further investigate a procedure for this situation.
L.Hahne left the meeting at 7:40 PM.
H. Krause, C. Hedman, and J. Boekelheide left the meeting at 7:50 PM.
Continued discussion on Pheasant Lanes LLC liquor license: After discussion of NDCC rules concerning minors in establishment selling liquor; notification of these rules will be sent to Pheasant Lanes LLC’s attorney. Motion by Reis, second by Meidinger, to approve the request for a full liquor license for Pheasant Lanes LLC; and transfer the current beer license from Geller’s DBA Pheasant Lanes to Pheasant Lanes LLC. Roll call vote: Maunu – Yes; Meidinger – Yes; Wadholm – Yes; Flaherty – Yes; Fuher – Yes; Reis – Yes. Motion approved. Motion by Reis, second by Fuher, to approve the parental/guardian procedures per NDCC 5-02-06 Section 2. Roll call vote: Meidinger – Yes; Wadholm – Yes; Flaherty – Yes; Fuher – Yes; Reis – Yes;Maunu – Yes. Motion approved.
Public Works Report: PW Supervisor Flynn reported on the monthly jobs completed in August.
Street crack sealing was completed. The 2002 pay loader has 6,600 hrs, and a complete checkup was done, required maintenance will be done for less than $10,000. Airport Authority requested the possible use of the tractor/batwing mower. PWS Flynn will get more details for next meeting.
Building Permits: Motion by Reis, second by Maunu, to approve MLS Dakota Inc, for an addition on the southside of the existing building at 205 1st St NW; approve D & N Genter to reroof house at 112 3rd St N; approve K. Fischer to construct a deck on the north side of house at 400 7th St N; approve E. Schrenk to reroof at 245 2nd Ave SW; approve R. Hardy to put new siding on the house at 512 4th ST S. All members, aye. Motion approved.
Discussed all building of sheds/storage type buildings and the need for a building permit. Zoning Ordinance – Chapter 5 was amended in 2015 which made abuilding permit required for any building or structure when erected, added to,structurally altered or remodeled. Local contractors will be notified of this ordinance.
PWS Flynn left the meeting at 8:10 PM.
Storage Container Permit: Discussed the many features that would be important on the permit. Motion by Flaherty, second by Meidinger, to approve the Storage Container Permit along with a fee of $1.50 per square foot, per year. Roll call vote: Meidinger – Yes; Wadholm – Yes; Flaherty – Yes; Fuher – No; Reis – No;Maunu – No; Mayor – Yes to break the tie. Motion approved.
Water Restrictions will remain in effect. Discussed increasing the late charge on the Utility bill. At this time the penalty will remain the same.
Appointment of City Assessor: Motion by Reis, second by Maunu, to appoint Dickey County Tax Equalization Deputy as the City Assessor. All members, aye. Motion approved.
C. Gulke now in attendance 9:10 PM.
Ambulance coordinator Corey Gulke explained the ambulance billing service from Rugby, ND, will no longer service our ambulance. An ambulance service from Bismarck has been hired. Discussed how the delinquent bills will be handled. Motion by Flaherty, second by Meidinger, to have a collection agency handle ambulance delinquencies of $500 and greater, including prior outstanding delinquencies, if applicable. All members, aye. Motion approved.
Also discussed the pros and cons of the ambulance becoming a separate entity. More information will be obtained for next month.
C. Gulke left the meeting at 9:35 PM.
Discussed the Fargo Assembly/JDA lease agreement: Mayor Thorpe has contacted Fargo Assembly Manager to set up a meeting to discuss lease options.
Discussed hiring a company to appraise the City’s assets to ensure proper insurance coverage. The City’s property was appraised in 2010, and the company will be in North Dakota in the Spring of 2018. Auditor will forward the details to the Council and more discussion will be held in October.
2018 Final Budget: Motion by Reis, second by Flaherty, to approve the 2018 Final Budget. Roll call vote: Reis – Yes; Meidinger – Yes; Wadholm – Yes; Flaherty – Yes; Fuher – Yes; Maunu – Yes. Motion approved.
Discussed snow removal on Main Street, will continue in the October meeting.
Correspondence: ND League of Cities will be Sept 28, 29, 30 in Fargo.
Next regular meeting will be October 9, 2017,at 6:30 PM.
Reis motioned to adjourn the meeting at 10:05PM.
Approved bills:
Interstate Engineering / 81,173.19 / Jones & Kelly, Atts. / 680.60 / Ellendale Concrete / 30,000.00NDWPCC / 200.00 / Municipal Gov Academy / 25.00 / Computer Express / 31.00
AmeriPride Services / 69.93 / BCBS / 8,453.55 / Rekow's Yard Care / 515.00
Matheson Tri-Gas / 45.20 / One Call Concepts / 16.55 / ND Chemistry Lab / 51.79
Lexipol, LLC / 990.00 / MDU / 529.45 / Menard's / 600.43
Halo Solutions / 656.55 / VISA / 93.99 / Waste Management / 1,635.86
Thorpe Excavating / 1,477.03 / Comfort Inn / 163.80 / One Fulfillment / 400.38
281 Repair / 66.70 / Team Laboratory / 2,746.00 / John Deere / 515.52
Dakota Supply / 57.88 / Charles Duckstad / 7.86 / City Employees / 23,729.11
Amb Employees / 9,585.04 / City Council / 400.94 / Mayor / 277.05
Thorpe Excavating / 5,732.91 / Postmaster / 172.38 / I.R.S.-Payroll taxes / 10,743.88
Keith Loewen / 486.00 / SE Water Users / 14,000.00 / Crossroads Advisors / 3,075.00
Kim Radermacher / 800.00 / Bank of North Dakota / 42,260.00 / Ross Merkel / 474.00
ND PERS / 4,772.23 / Ellendale Fire District / 500.00
Matt Thorpe / Candace Middlestead
Mayor / City Auditor
(minutes subject to corrections and approval at next regular meeting)