Current curriculum: Water Lesson PlanPotential topics - Sustainability

Use of water

Amount of water used

Where does how water come from

Australia - dry continent

What can you do to minimise water use

Facts on water

Data show with photos and facts

Water drop presentation on amount of potable water in the world

Affects of drought

Run off

Use of showers, tanks, grey water,

Amount of people in the world with sub standard water

Water a precious resource?

Solutions for the future - Australia's big problem

Dams and rivers

Where does your drinking water come from

Students involved in putting in little bits that add up with the story

Day 2

Water Facts How much did you use today? On mainland? Is the amount we use important? Only have a certain amount at NKIEEC. thus we have certain thing to minimise use. Use data projector

Day 3 How much potable water is there in the world

Day 4 It all adds up - story

Day 5 solution and strategies to minimise use. Key learnings on water. Quiz

What is the Water Cycle

Roleplay:Water Cycle Adventure
This 10-minute readers' theater play traces water in its never-ending cycle. Students read the script as they perform the play. Neither props nor scenery is necessary. There are 19 characters, but in a small class, students can easily play more than one part.

Brainstorm Water Sources



Manufactured water – desalinisation, recycled grey water

What is a catchment area

Identify centre’s water source & catchment area

Local schools could identify Fitzroy catchment area


Water Wise Audit

Where is water used at NKIEEC? % use of water

Student Cabins

  • Fish tanks, showers, sinks, taps

Staff Cabins

  • Kitchen, taps

Dining Hall

  • Kitchen, taps, bubblers, Wash Zone


  • Washing machines, sink


  • Sink, outdoor showers, tap

Amenities Block

  • Showers, sinks

Admin/ First Aid Block

  • Sinks


  • Greenhouse irrigation, soaker hose/ sprinkler

Average Internal Water Consumption (household of 3 people) = 175kL per year (Plus an additional 25-70% of this total for external use i.e. irrigation, car washing, swimming pools)

Water Consumption Calculations

A Cabin reading:

A Cabin / number of people in cabin:

Dining Hall reading:

Dining Hall / number of people (including NKI staff):

A Cabin Total:

A Cabin Total + Dining Hall: (subtotal 1)

Main Water Filter reading:(total water use)

Main Water Filter – Subtotal 1:(subtotal 2)

Subtotal 2 is grounds, laundry, classroom, staff cabins, admin/ first aid, amenities

“Down The Drain” Online data collection

Students input individual water use for week & compare to other international entries


Water Wise Survey

What does NKIEEC/ your household do to save water?

  • Less showers/ baths, shorter times (3-4min sand timers in showers), low- flow shower heads, aerator taps,
  • Turn tap off while brushing teeth
  • Turn down hot water to balance water temperature instead of adding more cold
  • Use grey water from laundry/ sinks/ bath for garden irrigation
  • Water garden less – mulch and use drought tolerant plants, wash car on lawn
  • Clean house & paths with broom where possible, decrease use of hose
  • Wait until you have a full load of washing to do or select appropriate water level

What mechanical devices are/ could be put in place to minimize water use?





“sustainable development” as:

“Development that meets the needs of the present

without compromising the ability of future development

to meet their own needs.”

Since that time, there has been an ever increasing

emphasis on sustainable development in the provision of

water and wastewater services. It is widely recognised

that sustainability in the water industry now

encompasses the future use and development of water

resources that is sustainable from environmental, social,

cultural and economic perspectives.