AP StatsRemind 101: Please text @mcestat to81010 to receive
Syllabus 2016-2017 important reminders from me!
Instructor: Mr. Stradley ()
Grade Catergories:
Daily Work 20%Tests50%
Quizzes 20%Final Exam 10%
Textbook:The Practice of Statistics
Materials:Students should have paper, pencils, pencil sharpener, textbook, and a calculator with them everyday.
Calculators (TI-83 Plus): The TI 83 Plus calculator will be used in this class. All students have the opportunity to check out one calculator from the school. Students that do not bring a calculator to class will not be allowed to share a calculator. If a school issued calculator becomes lost, stolen, or damaged, then it is the student’s responsibility to pay for its loss or damages in order to replace the calculator. Students will need to supply their own batteries for the TI-83 Plus calculators – 4 AAA batteries.
Make-Up Work: If a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to learn, obtain, and complete the work missed within five school days.
Final Exam:Design astudy and conduct an experimentthat requires the use of one of these statistical tests: One group t-test, One group proportion z-test, 2 group t-test, Paired t-test, Regression analysis, chi-square test for association. For your test, state the null and alternative hypothesis both in word and symbols along with the question. Report your findings to the class.
Classroom Expectations
- Be respectful. Keep hands, feet, objects, and comments to yourself.
- Be on time and come to class prepared. Bring paper, pencil, homework, textbook, and calculator every day.
- Follow all directions the first time they are given.
- Stay focused and on task. Every student is expected to participate in all activities the entire class period.
- No food, snacks, or drinks are allowed in the classroom. Bottled water is permitted.
Help Sessions: Help sessions should be used to find out what work was missed due to an absence, making up quizzes and test, and for extra help with homework. I am available on Wednesday and Thursday mornings at 7:30and Fridays after school until 4:15.
AP Fee
Each student must pay a $20 fee to cover AP expenses by September 18th. This fee helps cover expenses including teacher training, course review materials, lab/activity materials, spring tutorials, and online subscriptions for class use. For students taking the AP exam, this $20 will be credited toward their CCSD mandated administrative fee (to cover student testing expenses at McEachern like substitutes for test administrators, custodial services, etc).
AP Exams at MHS
McEachern AP students are expected to take the exam for every AP course in which they are enrolled. AP Exam dates are set by the College Board and either begin or end outside of normal school hours. Students taking the exams must arrange their own transportation on the national exam date. A student cannot ride the bus in the morning and arrive on time for an 8am exam. A student taking a noon exam will not be done testing in time to ride the bus in the afternoon.
Students on an IEP or 504 should contact their case manager and counselor during first semester if they need to apply for testing accommodations during the national exam administration in May. The deadline for the submission of all applications/ documentation for SSD Accommodations will be in early February and must be done by the student’s family.
The College Board charges $92 per exam ($54 if on free/reduced lunch). Registration and payments for the AP exams must be made by December 4th for any. See attached flyer for more information.
Students on Free or Reduced lunch must submit a “Sharing Information with Other Programs” form to grant permission for the cafeteria manager to verify F/R lunch status with the AP coordinator. If taking the SAT/ACT or applying to colleges, check the box for the counselor sharing as well so you don’t have to do the form again. You must complete sections titled Child’s Name, School, Signature, Printed Name, and Address. Return these to Mrs. Beyke in Macland 114 or the cafeteria manager by September 18th.
All students taking the AP Exam must attend a MANDATORY paperwork session on Wednesday, April 27th at either 7:30am or 3:40pm. Please keep your calendar open for this session and prepare transportation.
Students may choose to exempt their teacher’s final exam score in their AP course if they take the AP Exam in May (making a good faith attempt at the test). More specific details about exemption requirements and tutorial dates (to be held in the spring in the weeks before the exam) will be issued in the coming weeks. Failure to follow through on the exemption requirements will result in a grade change to include the grade on the previously exempted course final. SLOs and EOCs will NOT be exempted.
Most colleges and universities award college credit for successful scores on the AP Exam. Trevor Packer, Executive Director of the College Board, reported that 65% of college credit policies award credit for 3s, 33% require a 4, and 2% require a 5.