Sudan University of Science &Technology (SUST)
Peace Culture Centre (PCC)
Collaboration with UNDP -Sudan
Almiram Small Arms Controlling Groups
West Kordofan State-Sudan
Abyei Locality, Almiram village
15th-22nd Sept 2004
Assistant Professor
PCC Coordinator
July 2004
Table of content
1- Introduction
2- Conference over all Objectives
3- Conference specific Objectives:
4-Conference location
6-Target Groups
7- Expected outcomes
9- Conference agenda
The proposal title : Almiram Small Arms Controlling
Groups Conference.
Location : Almiram village,
WestKordofan State, Abyei locality,
Duration : 15 th-22nd Sept 2004.
Implementing Agency: Peace Culture Centre of SudanUniversity of
Science &Technology
Target groups : 10 Small Arms Controlling Groups consist of 100persons
Contact and Address:
Tel 249 83 560694 (Office)
249 87 563933 (Home)
Cel: 0912282559
This conference is prepared on the theme of Traditional Small Arms Groups, TSAG as community disarmament mechanism. About 10 TSAGs will convent at Almiram Village during the period of 15th-22nd Sept 2004, to discuss the possibility of using Traditional Mechanisms TM and Indigenous Knowledge System IKS in Disarming communities. These 10 TSAMGs were formed by Peace Culture Center PCC of Sudan University of Science and Technology SUST as main recommendation of Khartoum Workshop, on the theme of Traditional mechanism for DDR which was held by PCC in Collaboration with UNDP on 29thSeptmber, 2003-2ndJan 2004.
Almiram village was selected to host this important workshop after a carefully studies and investigation. It lies almost one thousands three hundred kilometers from Khartoum and thirty Kilometer north Abyei town in the south part of WesternKordofanState. This village is inhabited by different tribes; the Missaria Arabs and Dink constitute the majority of population, living together sharing limited available resources, lands ownership stands as a significant indication to all conflicts and disputes that took place between the Dink and Missaria the Arabs, the area is characterizes by rich fertile land and received quantity of rain fall in autumn season, sufficient for cultivation of different corps, the cropping patterns include sorghum , millet, ground nuts and Karkade as a cash crop.
The economic activities of the area include traditional farming , herd cattle raring in addition to collection of wild fruits. , in the year of 2001 the PCC supported by UNDP/Conflict Transformation Unit had intervened to form Almiram Organization for Peace and Co – existence, about 30 members from the tow tribes were working together and positively contributed in the formation of SACG.
In 1987 More than 3000 from the Dink tribe was driven by the civil war to stay in Almiram, fled their natives home in Bahar ElGazal State, Almiram Village as cross-line area is small railway station in the Almuglad –Wau railways, also it could be described as the joint point for the Missaria and Rezigte Mraheel and campaigns of People Defense Army PDF through the (Train). One of the negative impact of this civil war is the infiltration of small arms in hands of the civilian without control, to extend it threatened the security , available data reflects horrible facts, according to the Popular defense force (PDF) ,more than 50000 light weapons have infiltrated cross line areas around Western Kordofan, South Kordofan and South Dar Fur states, these light weapons are used by local tribes and communities, popular defense force (PDF) record suggests that about 50000 light weapons have infiltrated cross line areas around Western Kordofan, South Kordofan and South Dar Fur states, these light weapons are used by local tribes and communities. Light weapons are also in use in NubaMountain.
The use of small arms has expatriated already high mortality rates resulting from the conflict in Sudan. Recently in Dar fur the Jangweed and Mraheel represent the question of ( for how long the light weapon will be in the hands of the civilians &how it could be could be disarmament?).
To answer this question PeaceCultureCenter (PCC) sees the issue of community traditions and cultures are the central point to addressing the use of small arms at the community level.Building on the PCC’s four-years experience of disseminating peace culture through community traditions and cultural form, the center arranged & conducted a three days workshop to discuss possible use of Traditional Mechanisms in Arms Control, Disarmament and Peace Culture Demilitarization, provided by the UNDP, the above mentioned workshop has resulted into significant recommendation, some of which followings as out comes.
1- Participants' particular focused on Disarming communities and tribes at Sudanese intercultural and cross lines zones that infected by War culture and infiltrated by light weapons and machine guns such as Missaria, Rezigate and Dinka Tribes.
2-Formation of Small Arms Control Groups among Missaria and Rezigate and Dinka tribes.
3-Out-lined socio-cultural attitudes to violence among different tribes and areas, including incentives and disincentives for small arms possession and use.
4-Identified SMAG as tradition and IKS disarmament mechanisms among Missaria, Dinka and Rezigate.
Based on the above mentioned recommendation the PCC tries to conduct the proposed conference at Almirama village with intention to develop and fulfillment of these recommendations.
3-What is traditional Small Arms Control Groups?
Traditional SACG consisted of tribesmen who have been known by wisdoms and selected by their tribes systems of thinking under Amiss, Sultans, Omdas and Sheikhs of the tribes. Members of Traditional Small Arms Control Groups represent all sub divides of tribes according to traditional and native administration.
3-1 How TSACG Works:
The TSACG work almost under direct supervision of Amir (Nazir) and Sultans of the tribe within the native Administrations.
Because disarming is complicated and need times the first work of TSAC is to
(i)To identify boundaries and locations of Arms and weapons.
(ii)To trace the way of armament, because without tracing the armament system disarmament could not be obtained
(iii)Assessment, and good understanding, why weapons holders are caring weapons? And what is their need? And what is the exact numbers of Weapons
The Peace Culture Center PCC of SUST will arrange the first conference of TSACG in the period of 15 -10 Sept 2004 in Almiram village at Abyei areas.
2- Conference over all Objectives:
- TM and DDR are to be use in the areas of Missaria and Dinka tribes to enhance the capability of Peace Culture and sustainable peace.
- Utilization of IKS and TM in formation of Small Arms Control Groups SACG.
- Establishing SACG network at Rezigate , Missaria , Nuba , Blue Nile and Dinka Niok
3- Conference specific Objectives:
Following s objectives are identified to be as specific objectives:
1-To bring together 10 SMACG to share information and exchange views about the importance of Small Arms controlling.
2- To develop traditional Methodology and IKS tools usage in community disarmament.
3-To mapping and locate light weapon and small arms among Missaria, Rezigate and Dinka tribes.
4-To draw tribes structure to ease controlling small Arms, because light weapons and small Arms have branched and infected the tribes' tradition structure.
5-Sharing responsibilities in gathering the small arms with compatible to the both local and official stakeholders' rules.
6-Common perception of the importance of controlling the small arms.
4-conference location:
Almiram Village, western Kordofan State, Abyei province – Sudan.
The conference will be held on15th-22nd September 2004
6-Target Groups:
The target groups include the 10 Small Arms Control Groups consist of hundred different persons as direct target groups, while indirect groups includes some Sudanese intelligence , Peace advisory, military representatives , and communities leaders as well as neighboring tribes.
1-Successfully bringing together 10 Small Arms Control Groups, coming up with common vision on the importance of controlling small arms.
2-Identifying and addressing the traditional methodologies in local cultural norms in disarmament and controlling the small arms.
3- Restriction and registration of scattered arms in traditional communities.
4-To identify in a clear manner the tribes structure as perquisite for identifying and controlling Small Arms.
1-Direct contact with the target groups as well as government officials and defense officers for attending the conferences on timely fashion and place.
2-Raising participants awareness by high lighting the seriousness of infiltration of small arms in the hands of civilians
3-Assisting the target group to develop their own-thinking of how small arms can be controlled.
4-Summarizing and coming up with agreeable small arms control methodology.
5- Forming follow up monitoring & evaluation bodies to act efficiently in the field of controlling the small arms.
9- Conference agenda:
1- Bringing together 10 Small Arms Control Groups of 100 members, to come up with common vision on the importance of controlling small arms.
2- Identifying and addressing the traditional methodologies in local cultural norms in disarmament and controlling the small arms.
3- Restriction and registration of scattered arms in traditional communities.
4-Identifying tribes structure as perquisite for identifying and controlling Small Arms.
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