Annie Dennis Children’s Centre (ADCC) recognises the sensory benefits gained by children engaged in safe water play activities. ADCC recognises that water play is essential in developing literacy and numeracy skills as well as scientific discovery abilities and environmental awareness in children while assisting them in their fine motor skills as they learn to grasp, measure, pour, discover the basic concept of water displacement and water energy and experiment with diffusion.
Similarly, ADCC recognises and understands that a child can drown in water at a depth of only 5 centimetres. ADCC takes its responsibility to provide a safe, resource-rich learning environment very seriously.
This policy applies to the educators, parents/guardians, committee of management, and any other person involved with ADCC.
Children’s safety and wellbeing will be protected in and around water through supervision and prevention, and be promoted through the availability of clean, hygienic water for play and for drinking.
The safety and supervision of children in and around water is of the highest priority. This relates to water play, excursions near water, hot water, drinking water and hygiene practices with water in the ADCC environment. Children will be supervised at all times during water play experiences.
ADCC complies with the National Quality Standards which reflect additional health and safety requirements for children’s services. Further, ADCC recognises that water has the capacity to be a heavy material and as such require educators to follow appropriate occupational health and safety guidelines relating to back care and safety of equipment when moving or securing vessels containing water.
ADCC will ensure that:
•this policy and procedures are developed, maintained and implemented at all times;
•guidance and education is provided to educators and families on the importance of children’s safety in and around water;
•work, health and safety practices incorporate appropriate approaches to safe storage of water play equipment;
•families are provided with water safety information including the availability of learn to swim programs offered in the local area;
•grey water systems or rainwater tanks will be labelled with “Do Not Drink” signage and the children will be educated about why they shouldn’t drink grey water from the tanks;
•hot water accessible to children will be maintained at the temperature set by the City Council appointed plumber. Thermostatic valves are to be tested and serviced annually by a council appointed plumber;
•water for pets at ADCC must be changed regularly and only be accessible to children when adults are present;
•a risk assessment will be conducted prior to any excursion taking place. Particular attention will be focused upon water safety where the excursion is near a body of water;
•all children that are taken on an excursion near any body of water, the minimum adult-to-child ratio of persons participating in the excursion is:
a) 1 adult for each child who is under 3 years of age, and
b) 1 adult for every 2 children who are 3 or more years of age; and
•children are not taken on an excursion to a beach, river, lake or other place where there is a significant water hazard.
Educators will ensure that:
•when filling a water trough or container with water they will always consider the following:
(a) the age of the children the experience is planned for
(b) the number of children playing at the experience, and
(c)the type of water experience planned for the children e.g. washing dolls or babies wetting their hands.;
•activities will be supervised at all times and containers or troughs will be emptied onto garden areas after use;
•children will be educated against drinking from these water sources;
•assistance is sought from families in providing a spare set of clothing for their child in the event that the child becomes uncomfortably wet during a session of water play;
•there will be minimal water waste and reinforce the water conservation message by ensuring that only such water as is required to undertake a programmed water play activity is placed within the vessel;
•the educational programs reflect the appropriate environmental water-wise message when water play activities are planned;
•buckets used for cleaning are emptied immediately after use;
•no buckets are left in play area or accessible to children;
•that all water-carrying vessels that can reasonably present a drowninghazard for children are emptied at the end of each water play activity and removed from access by children;
•that all water-carrying vessels that can reasonably present a drowning hazard for children are stored in a manner to prevent the inadvertent collection of water through natural causes such as rain;
•after rain and watering, the outdoor areas are checked to empty any water that has collected in holes and outdoor equipment;
•that all water-carrying vessels are emptied and allowed to dry thoroughly at the end of each water play activity to prevent the build-up of potentially harmful bacteria and mould;
•children thoroughly wash and dry their hands in accordance with ADCC procedures after each water play activity too reduce the risk of cross infection;
•clean drinking water is provided at all times and this water will be supervised to ensure that it is safe and hygienic for consuming;
•that drink water containers will be securely sealed;
•that at the end of each day, water containers will be emptied and cleaned thoroughly; and
- children are discouraged from drinking water from grey water systems or rainwater tanks. Educators will discuss with the children that this water is for the purpose of play and/or watering the garden and not for consumption.
- Building Environment and Equipment Safety Checks Policy
- Clothing Policy
- Excursions Policy
- Hygiene Policy
- Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy
- Supervision of Children Policy
Children (Education and Care Services National Law Application) Act 2010
Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011: 168
Links to National Quality Standards: 2.1.1; 2.3.2; 7.3.5.
The Water Safety Policy is linked to the National Quality Standards, National Law and National RegulationsQuality Area 2: Children’s health and safety- focuses on safeguarding and promoting children’s health and safety.
National Law (section) and National Regulations (regulation)
Standard 2.1 regulation 77
Standards 2.3 section 165, 167 regulation 100,101,102,168,168 (2)(a)
Quality Area 4: Staffing Arrangements- focuses on the provision of qualified and experienced educators, co-ordinators and nominated supervisors, who are able to develop warm, respectful relationships with children, create safe and predictable environments and encourage children’s active engagement in the learning program.
National Law (section) and National Regulations (regulation)
Standard 4.1 section 169 regulation 121-124, 136, 168 (2) (i)
National Health and Medical Research Council –
Community Child Care Co-operative sample template – Water Safety Policy
Pool and Water Safety –
APPROVAL 24 June 2013