Virginia Commonwealth University

Monroe Park Campus Student Government Association

Student Senate Meeting Agenda

November 17, 2008


I.  Call to Order

a.  Welcome

b.  Roll Call

c.  Approval of Agenda

d.  Approval of Minutes

II. Introduction and Reports

Officer Reports

1.  Chairman – Zack Ghahramani

-  Your duty as a senator does not end when you walk out of a meeting, you have a full time duty

-  Do office hours

2.  Vice-Chairman – Stephen Straus

3.  Clerk – Jessica Robertson

-  Do office hours

-  NAACP are hosting an event at 5:30pm today please attend

-  Speak Out tomorrow!! 3-5pm in the plaza

III.  New Business

a.  Student Services Presentation – Delores Taylor

-  The space they have been given is the first floor of Harris Hall

-  It will include financial aid, records and registration (mainly registration), student accounting and cashiering

-  These are the offices that students deal with the most during the semester

-  It will allow students to have one location to conduct most of their university business

-  They may be able to have it by Spring 2010

-  They want our input in what we think is an important service they could add

-  Bryan Brown is the campus planner if you have extra questions you can contact him or you can also contact Delores Taylor

b.  VCU Tradition Bill – Jessica Robertson

-  To make STRUT Fashion Show and Relay for Life a VCU Tradition

-  Making it a tradition protects their funding

-  Bill passes

c.  Elections Committee Bylaws Update – Josh Ronk

-  The bylaws are more for the elections itself not for what the committee does

-  Senate does not vote on these changes but they want to update us

-  We add certain restriction

-  Increased expenditures $50

-  Presidential campaign can spend $600

-  Senate campaign can spend $200

-  Cannot post anything in Shafer, commons, and library

-  Extending grievance time to 3 days

-  People running need to turn in a package

d.  Appropriations Bylaws Changes- Justine Abais

-  It was e-mailed about one hour ago

-  Anything that is highlighted or scratched out it means that it was changed

-  Article 4 was the biggest change that was made, SGA will fund certain councils and they will give the money to the organizations under them

-  Also how they define student organizations has changed

-  Highly encourages for senators to read through it all

e.  Constitutional Reform Committee Update – Josh Ronk

-  A brand new constitution will be rewritten

-  Senate has to approve on it

-  It will be a “cabinet” style

-  Will get rid of branches to create more unity

-  President and Vice President will still be elected

-  President will be in every meeting, he can nominate someone from the pool of senate but not vote on issues

-  Getting rid of the presidents cabinet

-  The importance of it, we save A LOT of money

-  Will go in effect at the end of Spring Elections

-  Technically, at least 2/3 of this body has to vote on it

-  Basically it will be in effect in May 2009

-  Constituency rule was dismissed

-  You will have a new constitution by next meeting

f.  Siegel Center Basketball Seating- Josh Bark

-  Student spirit is low and we want to fix it

-  We cannot judge the spirit by 2 games

-  The dancers are supposed to be sitting on the floor

-  240 out of 270 tickets are sold for season tickets

-  We feel that we don’t have student representation in the middle

-  Mr. Teague believes that we should give it a couple of games until we can fully judge the new system

IV.  Discussion & Voting

V.  Committee Reports

a.  Academic Affairs (AA) – Stephanie Lynch

-  They have finished their ground survey

-  Peer mentoring has been extended to Tuesday

b.  Appointments – Adele McClure

-  Training went very well

-  Committee assignments are still not finished

-  Thanks to all the chairs, advisors, and senators elect that came

c.  Appropriations – Justine Abais

d.  Communications & Technology (CommTech) – Ana Sarshar

-  Working on the Speak out

-  Facebook group

-  Sign up for book trading

-  Wants to re-do pictures, make it to your meetings this week!

e.  Legislative Issues & Civic Action (LICA) – Jon Ward

f.  Student Life – Ethan Labowitz


-  If anyone can come to help out please do and you will get food earlier than everyone else

VI.  Bill Assignments

VII.  Announcements

-  Tomorrow at Qdoba come out and support dance team’s fundraiser

-  There’s a game tomorrow come out

-  Young Democrats at VCU have a meeting tomorrow, come out

VIII. Adjournment