A Water Accounting System for Strategic Water Management

Graham M. Turner, Timothy M. Baynes, Bertram C. McInnis

Online material

The diagrammatic interface to each module of the Water Accounting Systems (WAS) is shown in the associated figures, where barrels represent stock variables, pipes represent flows, and parameters such as intensities are hexagons. Stocks generally refer to the accumulated amounts of physical entities, such as storage volumes or land areas, while flows are the changes in physical entities within each time-step of the simulation. In addition to the descriptive title of each variable, the figures show abbreviated names for the dimensions of the disaggregated variables; two common ones are: “wrv” for “water region Victoria” and “ts” for “time of simulation”. The variables are either inputs or outputs of the numbered procedure boxes which contain the code for calculating the outputs. The connectivity between modules in the water account is indicated by the yellow tags (with abbreviated module names) on those variables in one module that are passed to other modules. The WAS has been created and is operated in a “whatIf” software environment (whatIf Technologies Incorporated; available from: that is designed to support: large multi-dimensional data objects; model development and simulation; a diagrammatic user-interface; and creation, management and analysis of scenarios.

Figure 1. Stock and flow diagram for the 'Building Space Areas' module.

Figure 2. Stock and flow diagram for the ‘Water Available Within Region' module.


A Water Accounting System for Strategic Water Management

Figure 3. Stock and flow diagram for the ‘Water Requirement' module.


A Water Accounting System for Strategic Water Management

Figure 4. Stock and flow diagram for the ‘Water Reuse' module.

Figure 5. Stock and flow diagram for the ‘Allocation of Water Discharge' module.

Figure 6. Stock and flow diagram for the ‘Water Transfer Direct' module.

Figure 7. Stock and flow diagram for the ‘Water Puts Disposition' module.

Figure 8. Stock and flow diagram for the ‘Water Takes Disposition' module.

Figure 9. Stock and flow diagram for the ‘Potable Water Treatment' module.

Figure 10. Stock and flow diagram for the ‘Centralised Discharge Water Treatment' module.

Figure 11. Stock and flow diagram for the ‘Desalination Water Available' module.

Figure 12. Stock and flow diagram for the ‘Water System Energy Use' module.

Figure 13. Stock and flow diagram for the ‘Ground Water Flow' module.

Figure 14. Stock and flow diagram for the ‘River Flow Account' module.

Figure 15. Stock and flow diagram for the ‘Dam Account' module.


A Water Accounting System for Strategic Water Management