7242 Health Science II Syllabus

Fall 2011-2012

Melinda Atkinson, RN, BSN, CNOR

This course is designed to help students expand their understanding of financing and

trends of health care agencies, fundamentals of wellness, legal and ethical issues,

concepts of teamwork, and effective communication. Students will learn health care

skills, including current CPR and first aid training. English language arts and science

are reinforced in this course. Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA)

competitive events, community service, and leadership activities provide the opportunity

to apply essential standards.

Make Up Work

Tests, Quizzes, and homework may be made up for excused absences. The student is responsible for arranging makeup work and securing class work missed. If the student needs to stay after school to make up work a date and time will be agreed upon by the student and the teacher.

Grading system

Tests/Projects 100%



Notebook Checks 100%

Daily Starter 100%

All work is equally important and therefore counts equally.

*** The Final Exam however counts 25% .

All students must take the final exam there are no exemptions. A score of 80% on each test is required. If you make less than 80% you will need to retake the test. Your test scores will be averaged together for your test grade on that unit.

CPR and first aid will be offered at a cost of $5.00. I need the money by Sept. 6, 2011.

Grading Scale:

A+ 100 – 98

A 97 -95

A- 94 – 93

B+ 92- 91

B 90 - 88

B- 87 - 85

C+84 - 79

C78 - 77

C-76 - 75

D+74 - 73

D72 - 71

D-70 - 69

F 68 - 0

Parent/Teacher Contact

Progress reports will be sent home every 2 weeks. Please check your student’s notebooks for quiz/test scores.

Please feel free to call me if you have any concerns or questions regarding this course or your child’s progress @ 671-6050 or email at .

Supplies needed for class

1. A 3 ring binder (2 inch to 3 inch)

2. #2 pencils, blue or black pens, a green pen, and highlighters

3. Notebook paper

4. Notebook tabs

5. Index cards

6. Colored pencils


Melinda Atkinson, RN, BSN, CNOR

Allied Health Science Instructor

I have read and understand the above syllabus outline for Health Science II.

Parent Signature______

Student Signature______


Please return signed by Monday, August 29, 2011