Sudan Shriners
TO: Uniform Unit Heads
FROM: Frank Long, Director
DATE: August 20, 2015
RE: SASA Parade Information
September 17-20, 2015
Nobles, I have attached information for 2015 SASA Annual Convention to be held in Myrtle Beach, SC on September 17 - 19, 2015.
The Parade on Friday Night September 18th will step off starting at 6:00 PM sharp. Sudan is 7th in line this year. We’ll line up on 7th Ave. South. Sudan’s step off time is 7:00 PM. I must remind you that parade times are estimates. Your unit needs to be in place and ready to parade no later than 6:15 PM. Please come in to 7th Ave. South off Kings Highway. Only licensed vehicles will be allowed to travel on Kings Highway.
Every Noble who will be parading with your Unit requires a SASA Registration Badge visible for the Parade Marshals to see. I will be picking up the badges at the SASA Headquarters. Units may pick up their badges in the lobby of the Westgate Hotel from 10:00 AM to 12:00 on Friday the 18th otherwise they will be distributed at the parade line up.
There will be no equipment vehicles allowed in the parade. The SASA Parade Marshal asked that we help to keep the parade moving smoothly. To accomplish this, please review with your members the PARADE ORDERS & REGULATIONS, LINE-UP AND INSTRUCTIONS that are included with this MEMO. Please call me at 910-893-5766 (H) or 910-890-2970 (C), should you have any questions about unloading and taking your trailers to staging area.
I am looking forward to a great weekend with you in Myrtle Beach. Let’s represent Sudan like never before and show the judges and the public who the number #1 Shrine temple is.
Cc: Divan
Friday, September 18th7:30 am - 9:30 am / SASDA Breakfast / Landmark Resort Hotel
8:30 am / Shrine Motor Corps
Competition / Parking Lot of Tire Town 3454 Waccamaw Blvd., Myrtle Beach
8:30 am / SASBA Fest of Music / Crown Reef Convention. Center - 2913 S. Ocean Blvd.
9:00 am - 6:00 pm / Registration / Landmark Lobby Level Expo Ballroom
9:00 am - 6:00 pm / Market Place Open / Landmark Lobby Level Expo Ballroom
11:00 am - 3:00 pm / Hospitality / Landmark 4th Floor Grand Strand 2 & 3
5:00 pm / Parade Line-up / See Website for Temple Assignments / Line-up Locations
6:00 pm / Parade Step-Off / See Website for Parade Route
Aft. Parade - 12:00 am / Hospitality / Landmark 4th Floor Grand Strand 2 & 3
Saturday, September 19th
7:00 am / Golf Tournament Registration / Whispering Pines Golf Course
7:30 am / Golf Tournament Shotgun Start (9-hole scramble) / Whispering Pines Golf Course
9:00 am - 3:00 pm / Market Place Open / Landmark Lobby Level Expo Ballroom
10:00 am / SASMC Awards Brunch / Springmaid Beach Resort
11:00 am - 2:00 pm / Picnic (Registration Badge /Arm Band Required) / Pelican Field
11:30 am / Golf Tournament Trophy Presentation / Pelican Field
2:00 pm / Parade Trophy Presentation / Pelican Field
2:00 pm / SASBA Jam Session / Tropical Seas Hotel - 2807 S. Ocean Blvd
3:00 pm / SASA Officers’ Installation / Pelican Field
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm / Meet & Greet with Aaron Tippin (Ticket Required) / Pelican Field
6:00 pm / Gates Open for Concert (Ticket Required) / Pelican Field
7:00 pm / Concert starts with Southern Drawl (Ticket Required) / Pelican Field
8:00 pm / Aaron Tippin takes the stage (Ticket Required) / Pelican Field
Parade Orders:
ALL Nobles in the parade and in staging areas must have (Noble Designated) 2015 SASA registration badges. Nobles without badges will be instructed to leave the area or purchase a badge from a Parade Marshal. A Noble’s Temple will be declared ineligible for any and all parade awards if found to have fake and/or reproduced badges. Please make sure to communicate this to all participating Nobles, as this will be strictly enforced.
DOT unlicensed vehicles areNOTallowed to be driven/ridden on any state streets other than the designated parade route during your Temple’s parade time. To be clear,DO NOTdrive/ride any DOT unlicensed vehicle to/from line-up areas.This will be strictly enforced! Unload your parade vehicle at your Temple designated line-up area, then park your tow/haul vehicle in the un-loading/loading area designated on the parade route.Starting at 4:30 PM, transportation will be provided from the unloading/loading area to the line-up areas. Transportation will continue until the last Parade Unit has passed the 29th Avenue parade end-point.
Restrooms will be located at the intersections of Yaupon Ave and 7thAve South through 12thAve South.These locations are noted on the parade route.
Parade Marshals will be staged at each Temple line-up street and along the parade route.These Marshals are in place to help with your Temple Unit’s placement and step-off.Please follow their instruction; they are there to help you!Also, prior to step-off, please advise them of any last minute Unit line-up changes.
Parade line-up will begin at 5:00 PM on 7thAve South through 12thAve South.Access to line-up streets will be from Kings Highway [Hwy. 17 Bus.] and Yaupon Ave.The Parade Route shows each Shrine Center's line-up location.It is necessary to line-up on the right-hand side of the street, as the left-hand lane must remain open at all times. The SASA Dignitary cars will line-up at 5:00 PM on the west side of South Ocean Boulevard between 11th & 12th Avenues South. These lead vehicles will exit the parade route after dropping off their passengers at the reviewing stand at 29thAve South, and return to their Temple’s line-up street for step-off.
Each Temple will be issued a line-up number placard.This placard must be carried, in clear view, by the first Unit in each Temple.Your Temple will not be judged if this placard cannot be seen clearly.Also, to be judged, your Temple must parade in the registered line-up order.
The parade will step off at 6:00 PM beginning with the SASA Dignitaries, followed by Shrine Temples #1 through #18.The Parade officially starts at 12th Avenue South and ends at 29th Avenue South. To maintain the step-off schedule, it is important that there be no Unit maneuvering before 12th Avenue South. All parade Units will stay intact until 29thAve South.At 29th Avenue, parade end, street licensed vehicles will turn right and leave the parade route. All non-street-licensed-vehicles and Units needing breakdown must continue on South Ocean Boulevard to the official unloading/Ioading area.
The reviewing stand and parade judging will be at 26th and 27th Avenues South, respectively.
Parade awards will be presented at approximately 2:00 PM Saturday, September 19th,at Pelican’s Stadium, following the BBQ luncheon.
Estimated Time of Step-Off:
Line-Up/Step-Off Order / Shrine Center Name / Step-Off Time Estimate / Line-Up/Step-Off Street1 / Kerbela / 6:00 PM / 7thAvenue South
2 / Kosair / 6:10 PM / 8thAvenue South
3 / Kazim / 6:20 PM / 9thAvenue South
4 / Nemesis / 6:30 PM / 10thAvenue South
5 / Rizpah / 6:40 PM / 11thAvenue South
6 / Oleika / 6:50 PM / 12thAvenue South
7 / Sudan / 7:00 PM / 7thAvenue South
8 / Jamil / 7:10 PM / 8thAvenue South
9 / Amran / 7:20 PM / 9thAvenue South
10 / Omar / 7:30 PM / 10thAvenue South
11 / Oasis / 7:40 PM / 11thAvenue South
12 / Jericho / 7:50 PM / 12thAvenue South
13 / Khedive / 8:00 PM / 7thAvenue South
14 / Hejaz / 8:10 PM / 8thAvenue South
15 / Acca / 8:20 PM / 9thAvenue South
16 / El Hasa / 8:30 PM / 10thAvenue South
17 / Alee / 8:40 PM / 11thAvenue South
18 / Beni Kedem / 8:50 PM / 12thAvenue South
1. Non-Shriners.Other than the police escort, dignitaries, distinguished guests, and Shriners Hospitals for Children patients, only Shriners are permitted in Shrine parades.
2. Cadence.Marching cadence will be 110 steps to the minute, except for specialized units which may require a different cadence.
3. Interval.Intervals of not over 80 feet between temples and 40 feet between units are to be constantly maintained.
4. Impersonations.No impersonations of ethnic groups, females, or political figures are allowed in parades.
5. Vehicle equipment.No motorized vehicles shall engage their emergency sirens or lights.
6. Safety laws.Motorcycles, scooters, and other motorized vehicles shall obey local laws regarding speed, prudent operation, and the use of hard helmets. In states where helmets are not required, the Temple Potentate may direct helmet use for safety reasons instead of fezzes.
7. Throwing objects.Neither candy nor other objects shall be THROWN to spectators along the parade route. A Shriner may walk along the edge of a parade route and hand out candy, Shrine information, or other appropriate objects (No latex balloons).
8. Demeaning displays.No demeaning displays, discharge of firearms of any type, or other items that may be considered in poor taste are permitted.
9. Alcoholic beverages.Members of participating Units shall not drink any alcoholic beverages before or during any parade, and they shall be circumspect in the use of soft drinks in public places so as not to give the impression they are drinking alcoholic beverages.
10. “State” flags.No “state” flag shall be lowered or dipped when passing the reviewing stand or elsewhere.
12. Enforcement.Parade Marshals shall enforce all Shrine parade regulations and they shall report any violators to the Potentate of his Temple. Failure on the part of a Temple Potentate to cooperate with Parade Marshals shall be reported in writing to the Imperial Potentate.
13. Potentate responsibility.Each Potentate is personally responsible and accountable for knowingly permitting any violation of parade regulations. Temple Potentates are required to review parade regulations with their Temple Marshal, the Parade Marshal, and their Unit heads.
SASA Parade Line Up
Sept. 18, 2015
1. Drum & Bugle Corps
2. Flag Unit
3. Divan, Convertibles, Provost Guard
4. Mini Cars
5. Beach Bums
6. Cooligans
7. Clowns
8. Shriners Choo-Choo
9. Fire Brigade
10. Desert Rats
11. Roadsters
12. Mini Rigs
13. Horse Patrol
14. Cart Caravan
15. Racers
16. Truckers
17. Hillbillies
18. Monster Trucks
19. Burnouts
20. Drifters
21. Ghostbusters
22. Daredevils
23. Carteret Co. Mariners
24. Playboys
25. Pirates
Prowlers cancelled 9/3/15