Watchtree Nature Reserve Ltd Letter-Template

Watchtree Nature Reserve Ltd Letter-Template

My Shadow – Scheme of Work Introduction

About the Lesson:

This lesson has been designed to be used either independently or as part of a class project. It does not presume any level of prior knowledge so should be adaptable for any age group and with the aim being that it can be carried out at any point within the school year; however a day with good light would be optimal. The aim of this lesson is to use kinaesthetic and visual learning styles to aid in the student’s studies and to deepen their understanding in a way which is also fun and engaging. The students will also be able to work on communication and social skills as they will undertake group activities which will require each of them to fulfil a different role as suits them for the teams to work efficiently. There is also an element of solitary working encouraging the students to put forward their own thoughts and ideas on the activities. Each student will be expected to pay close attention to the health and safety of themselves and others whilst on their visit to Watchtree Nature Reserve.


This session meets several objectives for the Y3 National Curriculum Science Programme of Study for Light. Students will do practical activities to help them understand how shadows are formed, why shadows change shape and how to stay safe in the sun.


Students will work on handwriting and spelling whilst completing individual work during the plenary. They will have to think about an appropriate writing style for the task given and write a short passage in that style.

Physical Education:

For the main activity students will be outside carrying out physical activities to help aid their understanding. There is also scope to add in a much more physical aspect to this session which could include the students running, jumping, etc. to aid in their understanding of how and why shadows move.


This session has been designed with the aim of being flexible to each individual school’s needs. With this in mind all lesson plans and risk assessments are editable so they can cover all areas of the curriculum.

This scheme of work along with the lesson plan, risk assessment and work sheets are available to use straight from Watchtree Nature Reserve or can be edited to meet your school’s needs. The lesson has been designed so it can be delivered at any point in the year to fit in with the schools timetable and availability for visits to Watchtree Nature Reserve.

Watchtree Nature Reserve Ltd. Education Programme, Great Orton, Carlisle Cumbria. CA5 6NL

Tel: 01228 712539

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Company registration No. 5214585

Registered Charity No 1127029