Minutes of the Parish Council monthly meeting held on Monday 9 January 2017 at 7:30pm in West Lulworth village hall.

Councillors present:Mr J Davey (Chairman), Mr N Miller (Vice Chairman),MrE de Chazal, MrsMColvin, MsCMatthews, Ms S Jackson, Mrs M Colvin, Mr G Dale, MrPMaguire

In attendance:District Councillor Quinn (arrived 8:15pm)

Miss E Blake (Clerk)

4 members of the public


Apologies received from County Councillor Lovell.

Declarations of Interest16/17/115

Councillors (Cllrs) Davey and Maguire declared an interest in Estate matters and Cllr Colvin declared an interest in Church matters.

Public Questions and Discussions Period16/17/116

a) Mrs King discussed the consultation on concessionary travel changes. Cllr Lovell had said it didn’t apply to West Lulworth but Peter Wharf had suggested a response should be sent anyway as there is a concern doing nothing will affect rural areas.

The 103/104 bus service was withdrawn with little notice and the new number 15 service only gives users 3 minutes to get off the train at Wool and board the bus. Mrs King queried why a bus service would commence in winter when local businesses and Durdle Door camp was closed and there are concerns that further consultation on the removal of bus services may be carried out in September.

National concessionary tickets can currently be used but if it was a holiday bus service then even local concessions would have to pay.


The minutes from Monday5 December 2016wereagreed by all as being an accurate representation of the meeting and were duly signed by the Chairman.

Reports from District and County Councillors16/17/118

Report from District Councillor Barry Quinn

a)An extraordinary meeting will be held at Purbeck District Council (PDC) to decide on moves to become part of one of two unitary authority within Dorset.

b) Cllr Quinn had attended a workshop at County Council which discussed devolution. A map showing the level of services provided could highlight where parish councils could take on responsibility. It was felt that there was insufficient information to give a proper response.

c) The Partial Review consultationhas been paused and this is not without risk of speculative planning applications. Dialogue is ongoing with groups such as PPAC, CPRE and WoolRATH. A meeting is due to take place tomorrow with the Woodland Trust to discuss SANG’s.

A white paper about housing, to be released on 17 January, may cover such things as garden villages. A suggestion has been made of carrying out a full review rather than a partial review.

The next Partial Review Advisory Group meeting is in March and plans have been made to combine it with a question and answer session. Date to be confirmed.

d) Comments on the licensing application for Bestival close at midnight. It was thought that visitors unable to leave the site would do nothing for the local economy. Cllr Davey was concerned about the amount of traffic but Cllr Maguire felt it was managed well last year.

Numbers of attendees could be as much as 50,000 compared to 35,000 at camp Bestival. Cllr Davey pointed out the issue of a lack of public transport and Cllr Quinn suggested putting concerns into an email.

Drugs were thought to be an issue and Cllr Quinn acknowledged there were about 40 arrests on the Isle of Wight site last year. It was pointed out that West Lulworth is an area with little policing and is an area that could be considered attractive to visit at the festival conclusion.

e) Mr Lance asked whether the Chief Executive of Purbeck was one of the joint authors of a report in the Echo. Cllr Quinn responded that it was, the reason given was that there was a standard report sent to all Cllrs.

MP Richard Drax has made the decision to not join in the consultation process but it was felt that he is here to represent local views.

f) Cllr Jackson pointed out that it had been agreed at the PDC Social Housing forum that the term “affordable housing” was misleading and may not be affordable in real terms. PDC officer AnnaLee had suggested that affordable housing could be classed as an exceptional circumstance for building in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and it shouldn’t be.

Report from County Councillor Lovell

Cllr Lovell was unable to attend the meeting and apologies were received.

Planning Applications/ Updates on Previous Applications16/17/119

6/2016/0735 La Casita, Main Road, West Lulworth, BH20 5RW: An application for the erection of a single storey rear extension and stair tower was considered. Concerns were raised over light pollution.

ACTION: Clerk to submit response and request minimum effect on light pollution in line with the Dark Skies Policy.

Tree Works Applications / Updates on Previous Applications16/17/120

a) TWA/2017/001 3 Beech Close, West Lulworth: An application was received to fell 1 x conifer and reduce and trim 3 x conifers. Cllr Matthews pointed out that the tree was not visible from the road so there was no objection to the application.

b) TWA/2016/224 West Road (Vicarage Lodge), West Lulworth, BH20 5RY: an application to (T1) Holm oak - remove branch on property side of tree to SE at approx. 5m back to trunk; remove adjacent secondary branch growing towards property (approx. 2m in length) back to main branch; crown lift to 5m above ground level; prune back from overhead cables to provide approx. 2m clearance between branches and cables; remove epicormic growth along branches. Cllr Matthews pointed out that this application had been considered last month and there were no objections from the Parish Council.

ACTION: Clerk to submit responses.


a) Grants of dispensation for precept setting up to May 2019 had already been lodged with the Clerk apart from Cllr Dale who submitted his and this was accepted.

b) The accounts to date were noted.

c) The precept for 2017/18 was discussed and it was felt it was difficult to evaluate future costs due to uncertainty with the unitary authority proposals and possible devolution to parish councils. Highways proposals could see parish councils having to pay for gully clearance and grass cutting. Suggestion was made that people are noticing tasks aren’t being carried out and rural areas were not receiving the help that urban areas are.

Cllr Colvin proposed an increase of 2%, this was seconded by Cllr Matthews and all agreed.

ACTION: Clerk to submit precept estimate.

d) A grant was considered for Holy Trinity Church. Cllr Colvin commented that a water pipe had been installed recently due to a leak and this had cost more than £800.00. The PCC are looking to install a toilet in the Church but no firm plans have been made yet.

Cllr Quinn arrived at 8:15pm. Cllr Colvin left the meeting.

It was confirmed that the grant would be a one-off payment towards the fabric of the building. Cllr Miller proposed a donation of £1,000.00 towards building maintenance and Cllr de Chazal and all agreed. It was requested that a report is received on how the money was spent.

Cllr Colvin returned to the meeting at 8:20pm.

e) The following were approved for payment, proposed by Cllr Miller and seconded by Cllr Colvin:

Church donationCheque number 000873£1000.00

Staff wages (December)Cheque number 000874£402.96 Defibrillator case Cheque number 000875 £312.00

f) The following receipts were noted:

Interest on playground account (December)£ 0.19 Payment towards Cove gate (from DCC) £800.00

New Items for Discussion or Report16/17/122

a)Risk Assessment was given to all Cllrs. Cllr Matthews suggested that the risk rating for injury to Cllrs should be higher, this was agreed and the risk assessment was agreed by all.

ACTION: Clerk to amend and re-distribute.

b) Mileage allowances for parish councillors are being investigated.

c) Dependent Carers consultation was distributed to all Cllrs.

d) Consultation on concessionary travel changes. This was discussed earlier in the meeting and Mrs King will submit a response.

ACTION: Mrs King to submit a response to the consultation.

Ongoing Actions/ Updates from Previous Meetings16/17/123

a) A meeting with Lulworth Estate to discuss the public toilets at the Cove was suggested by Purbeck District Council (PDC) officer Richard Conway. Cllr Jackson suggested a meeting with justPDC would be more useful to facilitate next steps for the Parish Council to assume responsibility of the toilets. Cllr Dale asked whether minutes of the meetings held between PDC and Lulworth Estate could be reviewed. Cllr Miller pointed out that Stockbridge toilets were chargeable and facilitated through several businesses and institutions along with the parish council there.

ACTION: Clerk to arrange meeting and request minutes of previous meetings.

b) Listing of telephone kiosks is ongoing.

Feedback from Meetings16/17/124

a) Cllr Jackson notified the Cllrs that there was an upcoming open meeting at Swanage about the CCG consultation on proposed changes to NHS Dorset, which includes plans to reduce GP surgeries.

ACTION: Cllr Jackson to forward details of meeting to all.

b) Mr James Weld will attend February’s meeting to discuss Lulworth Estate’s redevelopment proposals for the Cove area.

ACTION: Clerk to put notice in the Parish News.


A training timetable was circulated to Councillors.

Cllrs Colvin, Matthews and Jackson wished to attend the planning training at PDC on Monday6March.

ACTION: Clerk to book training session.


No other matters were raised.

Dates of the Next Parish Council Meeting16/17/127

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 6 February 2017 at 7:30pm at WestLulworthVillageHall.

With no further business, the meeting was closed by the Chairman at 9:20pm.

Chairman: …………………………………….……………………….Date: …………………………….……………………