Washington Youth & Families Fund
2017Request for Proposals
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Washington Youth & Families Fund — Application Cover Sheet
Please respond to the questions listed below, keeping your response to a maximum of 5 pages (not including cover sheet) and using a minimum font size of 12 points. If your project aims to serve bothfamilies and youth/young adults, and there are distinct project componentsfor each population, you may go up to a maximum of 7 pages.
- Name of project’s lead agency:
- Other project partners:
- Title of proposed project:
- Define the geographic community served by this project:
- Target population (as defined in request for proposals):
☐ Youth and young adults experiencing homelessness
- Proposed use of WYFF funds (Summarize in 2 or 3 sentences how the WYFF funds would be used):
- WYFF request:
Total request for youth & young adult programming $
Total request $
- Funding requirements:
☐ At least one project partner uses HMIS and is able to report on HMIS data
- Primary project contact:
Mailing Address:
City/State/Zip Code:
Telephone Number:
E-mail Address:
Application Narrative
What’s the opportunity?
Please respond only according to your project’s population focus
- What are your community’s strengths for:
- Helping familieswho are experiencing homelessness?
- Helping youth and young adults who are experiencing homelessness?
- What are the strengths of the:
- Families experiencing homelessness in your community?
- Youth and young adults experiencing homelessness in your community?
- What goals do you hope this project achieves in launching, expanding or improving your community’s response to:
- Family homelessness?
- Youth andyoung adult homelessness?
Project Description
- What will you do with WYFF funding?
- How will you make those things happen?
- How will what you do help achieve the project’s goals?
- What organizations will be responsible for each part of the project?
- What strengths does each organization bring to the project?
- How will you measure progress towards the project’s goals and what data will you use?
Application Budget
Budget forms and instructions are provided in an Excel workbook. The first worksheet in the workbook is labeled “Instructions” and contains important information on filling out the budget worksheets. Please read the instructions carefully before filling out the worksheets.Budget worksheets will not count towards application narrative page limit.
Supplemental Materials
All applicants must submit the following additional information with their completed applications. Supplemental materials will not count towards application narrative page limit.(Please attach all supplemental materials LAST.)
- Documents certifying the tax-exempt status of applicant (if a public agency) or IRS determination letter (for 501(c)(3) and other nonprofit organizations)
- Any existing, relevant MOUs or other existing documentation of partnership (only if they are already in place, new partnership documentation may be requested at a later date but is not required at this time)
Application Check List
One (1) copy of the application cover sheet,narrative,and budget worksheets in electronic format.
Documents certifying the tax-exempt status of applicant (if a public agency) or IRS determination letter (for 501(c)(3) and other nonprofit organizations)
Existing, relevant MOUs or other existing documentation of partnerships
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