LSCB Independent Chair: John Goldup
LSCB Multi-Agency Audit: Children with Mental Health Difficulties and Social Issues.
This questionnaire is being sent to you by the Redbridge LSCBas part of the LSCB Multi-Agency Audit Programme 2017 – 2018. The theme for this audit is linked to the LSCB Business Plan priority 1: To improve services for young people experiencing mental ill-health.As partof the audit, the LSCB are asking that this questionnaire is completed by all education provisions within London Borough of Redbridge.
School:Role within school:
Mental Health Services.
1 / What training have school staff received to assist them to identify and respond to issues relating to children’s mental health?
2 / Are staff confident in talking aboutchildren’s mental health with children and parents? / Yes/No
If ‘Yes’, how is this been demonstrated
3 / How are issues regarding mental health covered within the school curriculum?
4 / Have you seen an increase in particular mental health stressors for children?
E.g.housing issues, exam stress, bullying, low self-esteem, physical illness. / Yes/No
If ‘Yes’, please explain.
5 / Have you seen an increase in any of the following: / Yes/No
Self-Harm behaviours
Eating Disorders
Suicidal Ideation
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
6 / Which issue around children’s mental health concerns you most?
7 / What support internally does the school have access to for children where mental health difficulties are identified as a concern or risk for a child?
8 / Which external services have you referred children to, specifically in relation to mental health?
9 / Do you feel services are robust and effective in managing mental health? If not why not?
If you have any questions about this form please contact LSCB QA Manager Andrea Barrell, LSCB Business Manager, Lesley Perry or Education Welfare Safeguarding Officer, Kate Raley.
Thank you for completing this questionnaire.
Please return completed form to by 3rd November 2017. / 1