Washington High School PTA
Meeting Minutes
September 14,2010
President Sorina Abernathy called the meeting to order at 9:05am. The meeting was held at Washington High School in room 128. Thirty six people were in attendance.
Presentation by Mr Warren Sprouse, WHS Debate Coach.
Mr. Sprouse discussed the Iowa Caucus debate competition to be held at WHS on October 29-31,2010. He described the event and indicated the need for assistance to run the tournament with over 300 contestants. Jackie Berquist is the parent in charge of tournament volunteers and donations. If you can assist with judging, running the tournament, or food and drink donations please contact her at 366-1685 or .
Dr. Ralph Plagman, Principal, introduced 7 new teachers. Amy Jones will be teaching psychology and U.S. History. Rose Hornick will be teaching Environmental Science and Foundations of Science. Tami Ryan will be teaching Reading 180. Molly Sofranko will be teaching Drawing 1 and Painting 1. Olivia Baker will be teaching AP US History and World History. Tyler Walker will be working with juniors and seniors in IJAG. Christine Le will be leading the IJAG program for 9th and 10th grade. We welcome these teachers to Washington.
Executive Committee Reports
Secretary – The minutes of the May11, 2010 meeting were approved.
Treasurer – Laura Gregory reviewed the proposed 2010-2011 budget. The budget was approved as presented. There was a discussion of why the funds brought in have gradually decreased over the last few years. The income for this year so far (mostly funded by Blue Chip) appears to be comparable to last years. We discussed efforts we have made to control the downward trend.
Staff Comments
Mrs. Sue McDermott, Counseling Dept. Chair circulated and reviewed the attached Sept. Counseling Update for PTA. She discussed Power School as the “best line of communication” for viewing a student’s progress. Contact Dana Hartman or Melissa Jaynes if you need a password to access the program. The drop policy for classes was covered. The fall college panel has been eliminated and replaced with Student-Student Connection on Monday, December 20 and with College Touring with the WHS Counselors on Tuesday, January 11. A new brochure on planning for college was mailed to all WHS families in September. The ZAPS SAT/PSAT test preparation on Sept15 and 16 will be held at Kennedy. WHS students can attend this session and the cost is $75. A similar program for the ACT will be offered March 14th and 15th at Kennedy High School. Mr. Duer also offers free test prep sessions at WHS to be announced at a later date. The counselors will be visiting colleges in the Minnesota area Nov. 3 through Nov. 5. The attached report contains abundant information concerning various tests including ACT, ITED,PSAT, SAT, etc..
Jen Byers, Counseling Dept, discussed the joint counseling, PTA wellness program. The program has been revamped to include the Student Senate, SADD, and JEL organizations as partners to conduct education and awareness. The program will cover sexual health, healthy lifestyles, and mental health and will coincide with national theme months. The counseling office has a detailed brochure describing the program for anyone who would like more information.
For additional information and details on the above, see the attached report or visit the new and improved counseling web site linked to www.crwash.org (resources).
Dr. Ralph Plagman indicated enrollment is steady at WHS. Sixtysix 9th graders from “nonfeeder schools” were added to the enrollment for this school year. He thanked Peggy Hardesty for her efforts. The average ACT score of 25 for the class of 2010 set a new school record.
Committee Reports
College Panel – Sorina Abernathy reported how the college planning programs have changed for this year. Please see the counselor’s notes for additional details. She mentioned the name of this committee will change to reflect it updated status. She thanked Pam King and Barbara Campbell for their work on the new college planning brochure sent to families.
Conference Scheduling – Sorina asked for new additions to this committee. It is a short time position in the counseling office scheduling parent/teacher conference visits.
Cookie Sales – Kathy Bjornsen described this committee for new parents. You can volunteer for this committee on the volunteer signup sheet or at the October PTA meeting. The first cookie sale is October 29.
Blue Chip – Diana Neppl described the program and encouraged everyone to donate and remind your friends to donate.
School Cents – Anne Salamon will be working with this program this year and would like to increase the amount WHS receives from the program. There are three ways to earn points: turn in mall receipts, publicity efforts earn points, and report cards give points for each letter grade. All receipts from Lindale businesses and the stores surrounding the mall, including Hy-Vee, can be turned in for points for WHS. Restaurant receipts are multiplied by 100 for point totals. This program is an easy way to earn funds for the school.
Graduation Follow-up – Lisa Thirnbeck and Sandy Worley will be heading this committee.
Grounds – Looking for a person to chair or co-chair this committee.
Health ed – This is currently chaired by Jen Byers. If you would like to assist with this effort please see Jen.
Hospitality- JoDee Anderson and Pam Westrom asked for food donations for the conferences to be held on Oct 6, Oct 11, and Oct 13.. Also need help with treats for each PTA meeting.
Trophy Displays – Looking for a chair for this committee. The cases are in serious need of cleaning.
Volunteer Coordinator – Darcy Rouse-Traut mentioned that everyone needs to complete a yellow disclosure card at WHS if you will be volunteering. The library is in need of volunteers. See Darcy or Renate Bernstein in the library to help with this.
New Business
Zarmun Duke will be the presenter at the October meeting. He will discuss Study Table.
Questions & Answers with Dr. Plagman
The fall awards assembly has been moved to January. This coincides with changing the date of the ITED testing to April. The change of the ITED date should have no effect on AP test preparation.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:25am. The next meeting will be Oct. 12 in room 128.
Karen Greif, Secretary