0. FAQ……………………………………………………………….……………... 4
I. GENERAL HELP…………………………………………………….………… 4
II. SETUP BOX OPTIONS…………………………………………………..……. 4
III. CHOOSING REPORT SOURCE……………………………………………... 4
IV. GENERATING REPORTS……………………………………………………. 5
V. ROSTERS……………………………………………………………………….. 6
A. STUDENT LIST………….…………………………………………….…….. 6
B. IEP/EVALUATION LIST……………………………………………………. 6
C. SUPPLEMENTAL CASELOAD…………………………………………….. 7
D. COMPLETE CASELOAD……………………………………….…………... 8
E. SITE SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT…………………………………………... 8
F. ESYP SERVICES……………………………………………………………... 9
G. PLAN DATE LIST..………………………………………………………….. 9
VI. STATE/COMPLIANCE……………………………………………………….. 10
A. COMPLIANCE WORK REPORT…………………………………….……... 10
B. REEVAL MANAGEMENT REPORT……………………………………….. 12
D. MFP REPORT.……………………………………………………….………. 13
I. COMPLIANCE WORK REPORT 2………………………….…………….. 17
J. YEARLY RE-EVAL REPORT……...………………………….……………. 18
VII. AUDITS…………………………………………………………………………. 19
A. COMPLETE SPED DATA…………………………………………………… 19
B. TRANSFERRING STUDENTS……………………………………….……... 19
C. STATE ID MATCH REPORT……………………………………………….. 19
D. SIDNO AUDIT……………………………………………………………….. 20
E. GRADE LEVEL……………………………………………………….……… 20
F. TESTING STATISTICS……………………………………………………… 20
G. CHECK STUDENT RECORDS……………………………………………... 21
H. TEACHER CERTIFICATION……………………………………………….. 21
I. STUDENT LEAVE LIST……………………………………………………... 22
J. STUDENT ENTRY LIST……………………………………………………... 22
VIII. MISCELLANEOUS……………………………………………………………. 22
A. SPED CONTROL MASTER…………………………………………………. 22
B. SUSPENSIONS………………………………………………………………. 23
C. NONGRADED STUDENTS….……………………………………………… 24
E. MEDICAID REPORT..……………………………………………………….. 25
F. IEP PARTICIPANTS..………………………………………………………... 25
G. SBLC………………………………………………………………………….. 25
H. LEGENDS……………………………………………………………………. 26
IX. HOLIDAYS AND VACATIONS……………………………………………… 27
XI. STATE TRANSMISSION……………………………………………………... 27
XIII. PAMS SPEC CODE UPDATE………………………………………………… 30
XIV. DELETE ALL ESYP DATA…………………………………………………... 30
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0. FAQ
Q1. How can I get a list of my Alternate Assessment Students?
A1. Select Nongraded Students under the Miscellaneous Section of the SPED Reports Program. Next click the 'View Options' button and a gray setup box with options should appear. Check the box SPED Alternate Assessment Students. A table should appear of alternate assessment students.
This application allows users to generate reports from special education data, update the state calendar that is used to calculate vacation and holidays, and prepare transmission files of updated records for the state. Other utilities allows users to calculate working days and end date using the state calendar, set the student's current grade in the special education database to the grade in the Student Master Editor (once the grades have been rolled up at the end of the school year), and update Spec Codes in PAMS for the SIS transmission.
When Special Education Reports starts, a set up box is displayed with school year, district, school number, database, and as-of-date selection options. The year refers to the year in the student master record, the school district the district number you would like to work with. Most users will only have one district. If you have multiple district numbers in your student master database, select one district or ‘All’ for all districts. Your reports will contain the records of all districts if you select all or one district if you select a single district number. Select your school number. The school number appears in the header of your printed or displayed reports but does not affect the content of the reports. Select 'CURRENT' for you database unless you want to view an as-of-database. Set the as-of-date for today unless running with an as-of-database (i.e. if running with database asofsped10/01/2003 set the as-of-date to 10/01/2003). You may select Options -> Edit Setup to change the setup options after the application has started.
The Special Education Editor allows the user to generate a snap shot of the current database for As-Of-Date reporting. If an As-Of-Date database exists, you can base reports from it instead of the current database. The current database is the default database when the reports application begins. To change to the As-Of-Data database, select Options from the pull down menu then select Edit Setup. The setup box will appear for you to change the database name. Note that the title bar of the application includes the database name with the As-Of-Date, and the screen background changes from green to blue. Once the database has changed, the next report run will be based off of the new database. Select Options from the pull down menu then Edit Setup to change back to the current database for reports. The background will change from blue to green.
Currently the only reports that are setup to be used in junction with the as of database tables are the Student List, IEP Eval List, Supplemental Caseload, Complete Caseload, Plan Date List, MFP Report, FAPE Report, Grade Level, Testing Statistics, Check Student Records, Teacher Certification, Exceptionality Statistics and Legends.
Select the radio button of the report to generate. Then click on the View All button to generate the general default report or select View Options to customize the report. When you select the View Options button, a box listing options for that particular report will be displayed. Check all of the options you would like in your report and select the OK button. If you choose the Cancel button no report will be generated. The hourglass cursor/progress bar indicates the application is busy generating a report. When the report is finished (the arrow cursor visible), a Jtable will appear on the screen displaying information.
You may print reports using the print button. To print only specific rows press the [CTRL] key and click on the rows you wish to print, then press the print button. Only the specified highlighted rows will print on the report.
You can export information to a delimited file using the export button. You can also copy highlighted information from a JTable to a clipboard using the [CTRL] and C keys (copy command). To highlight selected rows you can press [CTRL] and click certain rows or you can press [CTRL] and A (select all command) which will highlight/select all rows int the table. Once the information is copied to the clipboard you can then paste into Excel, email, doc, etc.
The hide column button can be used to hide columns of information from showing on the screen and printing/exporting. For example, you might want to hide the column SSN from printing, so you would click on the hide column button and check next to SSN. The SSN column should now be hidden from sight on the table. To bring back a hidden column click on the hide column button again and uncheck the hidden column.
Contains the fields STUDENT NAME, SCHOOL-school number, R-race, S-sex, GR-grade, DOB-Date of Birth, EX-primary exceptionality, ID NUMBER- state ID number, GUARDIAN NAME-name of guardian, ADDRESS-address of student, CITY/STATE-city and state of student, PHONE-telephone number of student. This report will display a list of SPED students whose have a primary exception code and it is not No Exceptionality or is not Unable to Complete Evaluation Process, and who do not have a program exit date. In addition, the student must have a record in the student master database. The students are sorted by name. Click the column header of the table to sort by that column.
STUDENT NAME / SCHOOL / R / S / GR / DOB / EX / ID NUMBER / GUARD / ADDRESS / CITY/STATE / PHONE / TOTALDOE, JANE / 001SHS / 5 / F / -1 / 2000-11-28 / 01 AUT / 123-45-6789 / DOE, JOHN / 123 ELM ST. / SHREVEPORT, LA / 3188688000 / 1
Options for this report are:
Select a range of schools, grades, race codes, gender, primary exceptionality codes, and select an IEP teacher. The range blocks can be selected or ignored. If selected then the ranges affect the final report. If ignored then they don't affect the final report. For instance, if you would only like to see students from school 001 through 004, select School From 001 and School To 004. If you want all schools, then do not set either of the school combo box ranges. If you want to see only school 001, then set both combo boxes to 001.
q Add Students without Active Services.
q Add SBLC code column.
q Do Not Show Students without a Student Master.
Contains the fields STUDENT NAME, SCHOOL-school number, R-race, S-sex, GRADE-Pams grade, AGE-student's age, DOB- Date of Birth, E1-primary exceptionality, E2-secondary except., IS-instructional services is the Placement/Service Determination code, MIN-minutes per day for particular service, D-days per week, EVAL-last evaluation date, IEP DT-last IEP date, IEP TEACHER-name of IEP teacher if the social security number is found in the Employee Staff system or HR Personnel system, L/A-leap/Iowa tested or alternate assessment, SERV-supplemental services. All active (students without an exit date or service termination date) are included in this report sorted by name. Click on the column header of the table to sort by that column.
STUDENT NAME / SCH / R / S / GR / AGE / DOB / E1 / E2 / IS / MIN / D / EVAL / IEP DT / IEP TEACH / L/A / SERV / TOTALDOE, JANE / 001SHS / 5 / F / 9 / 14 / 1990/11/28 / 01 AUT / 00 / 1 / 70 / 3 / 2003/05/09 / 2004/08/26 / JONES, M / 01 / 1 / 1
Options for this report are:
Select a range of schools, grades, race codes, gender codes, and of primary exceptionality codes. Also, you can select a list of placement setting codes and an IEP teacher by name/SSN. The other options are:
q Sort by IEP Teacher. (This orders the report by teacher's social security number and by student last name. During printing, this option inserts a page break after each class. It also displays the age range in the class. If the age range is 3 years or older then "*****" will be added to the age span line.)
q Sort by IEP Teacher & List All Supplemental. (This orders the report by teacher's social security number and by student last name. In addition, the report also lists all supplemental services and the service provider name/ssn that they are receiving services from underneath their IEP Teacher. During printing, this option inserts a page break after each class. It also displays the age range in the class. If the age range is 3 years or older then "*****" will be added to the age span line.)
q Don't show students without an IEP Teacher. (Excludes records that have no IEP teacher.)
q Students who turn 17. (This is a list of students who will turn 17 sometime during the period starting with the first day of school of the current school year and ending one year later.)
q Exclude Students with no Exceptionality.
q Exclude Gifted and Talented Students.
q Show Leap/Iowa Tested Only.
q Double Space Print.
q Don't Show Students without Student Masters.
Note: This report has been updated to list students that do not have an active student master record. This was a request from a parish that was having difficulties with school sites not notifying special ed. when a student had left the school. With this new alteration the student will appear on the roster list even if he has a student master leave code and leave date, prompting the IEP Teacher that they need to notify special ed. at the central office that the student has left and that a service termination date needs to be entered into JSPED. Also the option "Don't Show Students without Student Masters" was added to the View Options screen. When this option is selected it will only show students that have a student master record for the current year (including records with student master leave codes).
Contains the fields STUDENT NAME, SSN, SCH-school number, R-race, S-sex, GR-grade from PAMS, DOB-date of birth, EXCEPTS-primary exceptionality and secondary exceptionality, MIN-minutes per day, D-days per week, and SRV-support service code, PROVIDER-name of service provider if the social security number is found in the Employee Staff system or HR personnel system, PROVIDER SSN, EVAL-evaluation date, IEP-iep date. The students are sorted by student name. Only students who have services with no termination date are displayed.
STUDENT NAME / SSN / SCH / R / S / GR / DOB / E1 / E2 / IS / MIN / D / SRV / PROV SSN / PROV NAME / EVAL / IEP / TOTALDOE, JANE / 123-45-6789 / 001SHS / 5 / F / 9 / 1990/11/28 / 01 AUT / 00 / 1 / 70 / 3 / 1 / 987654321 / JONES, M / 2003-05-09 / 2004-08-26 / 1
Options for this report are:
Select a range of schools, PAMS grades, race codes, gender, primary exceptionality codes, support services, and select a support service provider by social security number/name. The other option includes:
q Sort by Provider
q Double Space Print.
q Don’t Show Students without Student Masters.
Contains the fields STUDENT NAME, SCH, R, S, GR, AGE, DOB, E1, E2, IS, MIN, D, EVAL, IEP DT, SRV, PROVIDER, L/A, RE, MA.
STUDENT NAME / SCH / R / S / GR / AGE / DOB / E1 / E2 / IS / MIN / D / EVAL / IEP DT / SRV / PROV / L/A / RE / MA / TOTALDOE, JANE / 001SHS / 5 / F / 9 / 14 / 1990/11/28 / 01 AUT / 00 / 1 / 70 / 3 / 2003-05-09 / 2004-08-26 / 1 / JONES, M / 01 / 9 / 9 / 1
Options for this Report are:
Select a range of schools, grades, race codes, gender, exceptionalities, support services, and a teacher/provider by social security number/name. The other options include:
q Show Testing Accommodations.
q Show User Fields.
q Double Space Print.
q Sort by Teacher.
q Exclude Students with no Exceptionality.
Contains the fields STUDENT NAME, SCHOOL-school number, R-race, S-sex, GRADE-Pams grade, AGE-student's age, DOB-Date of Birth, EXCEPTS-primary and secondary exceptionalities, SP-speech, the speech column will contain an X if this service is Speech, IS-instructional services is the Placement/Service Determination code, MIN-minutes per day for particular service, D-days per week, EVAL-last evaluation date, IEP DT-last IEP date, PROVIDER-name of service provider if the social security number is found in the Employee Staff System or HR Personnel System. The students are sorted by name, with each service for that student on a separate line. Only students receiving services are included on this report.