CHHS All-Staff Meeting Agenda
January 20, 2010 - 3:30 p.m.
Ceremonial Moot Court Room
1. STAFF PICTURE- Westminster Hall. Please be prompt
2. Welcome/Updates - Professor Greenberger
3. Associate Director Update –Josh, Xani, Heather
3. Other Logistics Updates –Jeanne, Clara, Nick
4. Substantive presentations:
a. Nick Alexopolus- website
5. Issues raised at small group meetings
6. Other projects – all staff and RAs/Externs welcome to report on additional projects
7. New business
Please note the locations for the meetings. Please make sure you are at Westminister hall promptly at 3:30 for the staff picture.
9:30-10:30, Room: Paca Street Conf Room
Group 1:
Howard Community College COOP- Emily, Ray
DHS COOP –Mike, Adrian, Eric, Clara
Howard County government COOP- Eric, Angelique
Eastern Shore community colleges COOP-Emily, Talley, Corey
Chancellor’s COOP Plan- Robin, Ulka, Emily
MEMA COOP- Preeti, Ben
DC HSEMA COOP- Adrian, Markus
MoCo COOP/E&T: Koosh
MoCo Municipalities COOP – Dave M, Jillian, Ray, Clark
10:30-11:30, Room: Paca Street Conf Room
Group 2:
DHMH Legal Symposium/Handbook- Marita
Baltimore City Health Department- Jess G, Earl
MARCE- Marita, Annie
Southern Maryland Hospitals- Sean, Marita, Whitney
National Action Plan- Annie
Montgomery County Regional Planners- Paris, Aileen
11:30-12:30, Room: Paca Street Conf Room
Group 3:
RCPG: Lori, Megan, Atresha, Christina, Cezar, Max, Michael Q, Joanne, Bianca, Stacey, Adam C., Mat S, Amy B., Matilda, Amy M., Jennifer S, Anthony, Jess H
Groups 4 & 5:
City of Annapolis - Robin, Whitney
Anne Arundel County- Whitney, Karla
MDOT Interoperability -Kristen
Harford County –Sean, David Myers
Baltimore UAWG –Cal, Dave, Anthony
MEMA regional planners –Kimberly, Preeti
MD GOHS –Dave McDonough
DNR Maritime –Sean, Karla
Queen Anne’s Interoperability- Erin P
DHR-Dave Bohannon
NCR Strategic Planning- Karla, Mike V, Trudy, Ulka
Frederick Douglass- Bianca, Peter, Robin
Baltimore County Emergency Management- John O
Howard County Office of Emergency Management- Colleen
NCR SPG – Kelley, Mike S
DC HSEMA Planning-Ellen, Jodi, Eric G
MoCo Exercises: Christina, Atresha
MoCo 311: Brigid
BMC Exercise: Christina, Atresha, Joanne
3:45-5, Location: Ceremonial Moot Court Room
All Staff meeting—attendance required:
Agenda to follow
administrative/logistical/managerial updates
substantive presentations by staff/visitors
discussion of issues raised in group meetings