Dublin eLearning Summer School 2011
“Challenging the 21st Century Learner”
Monday 20 to Friday 24 June, 10.00-4.00 daily
DIT, Aungier St, Dublin 2
Final Programme
Monday 20 JuneChairs: Kevin O'Rourke (DIT) & Genevieve Dalton (UCD)10.00Official opening, welcome and introductions
Dublin Lord Mayor Gerry Breen,Professor Brian Norton (President, DIT), Muiris O’Connor (HEA)
11.15Tea / Coffee
11.45Opening keynote: "Challenging the 21st Century Learner",Conor Galvin, UCD
2.00Introduction to Online Learning: Workshop “getting to know you” session,Muireann O’Keeffe (DIT) Morag Munro (DCU)
Tuesday 21 JuneChairs: Genevieve Dalton (UCD) & Lisa O'Regan (NUIM)
10.00Summing up of previous day, plus symposium “Blended learning for the 21st century learner”, Claire McAvinia(NUIM)Roisin Donnelly (DIT)
11.00Tea / Coffee
11.30Workshops (parallel sessions)
● Using Wikis & Blogs ● eReaders, eBooks, eContent
Fionnghuala Kelly(DIT)Elaine Walsh (DCU)
2.00Workshops (parallel sessions)
● Facebook in Education● Teaching in Second Life
Frances Boylan (DIT) Claudia Igbrude& John O'Connor (DIT)
3.00Workshop: “Managing Online Discussions”, Niall Watts (UCD)Catherine Kane (TCD)
Wednesday 22 JuneChairs: Muiris O'Grady (IADT) & Jean Hughes (DCU)
10.00Summing up of previous day plus symposium / workshop “Managing a time effective assessment process to maximise a quality learning experience ”,Jen Harvey (DIT)Marion Palmer (IADT)
11.15Tea / Coffee
11.45Symposium/workshop (parallel sessions)
●ePeer assessment● Supporting the development of reasoning
Robert Galavanandcompetencies
Marian Crowley Henry (NUIM)Cicely Roche (TCD)
12.45Lunch, plus link to Eden Conference Dublin 2011closing plenary session, more info
2.15"Rhetoric and Reality": the experience of academics as online learners. Collaborative workshop with students from the DRHEA online module
Dublin eLearning Summer School 2011
“Challenging the 21st Century Learner”
Monday 20 to Friday 24 June, 10.00-4.00 daily
DIT, Aungier St, Dublin 2
Final Programme
Thursday 23 JuneChairs: Theresa Logan-Phelan (TCD) & Morag Munro (DCU)10.00Summing up of previous day, plus keynote “Teaching in an Online Environment: Strategies for engagement”, Michael Hallissy (Hibernia College)
11.00Tea / Coffee
11.30Workshops (parallel sessions)
● Finding resources online to ● Developing, promoting and evaluation eLearning
use in your teachingresources for mathematics
Diana Mitchell (DIT)Ciarán Mac an BhairdAnn O’Shea (NUIM)
2.00Workshop follow-up: “Managing Online Discussions”
2.30Symposium "What's the futureof eLearning in the DRHEA?" Roundtable discussion with members of the DRHEA eLearning Network of Excellence
4.00Reception, followed by Summer School Dinner, Fallon & Byrne Restaurant, Exchequer Street, 6pm.
Friday 24 JuneChairs: Morag Munro (DCU) & Kevin O'Rourke (DIT)
10.00Hands-on Learning Technologies Workshops (parallel sessions)
● Prezi: the alternative to● Mobile learning with● Creating video with mobile phones
PowerpointBlackboardto enhance classroom learning
Simon Ahern (NUIM)Garrett CoughlanRobbie Hickey (ITB)
11.15Tea / Coffee
11.45Workshops (parallel sessions)
●Livescribe pens● Podcasting & Screencasting● Developing my personal learning
Stephen Howell (IT Tallaght)Michael Seery(DIT)network
BernieGoldbach(Tipperary Institute)
2.00Closing Keynote: eLearning, Flexible Learning and the Hunt Report, Richard Thorn (Director of Flexible Learning, IoTI)
3.30Feedback from week, and close.