Washakie County School District #2 School Board MinutesJanuary 12, 2009

The regular meeting of the WashakieCountySD #2 Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 p.m. byChairman Jonna Abel. Present were board members Laura Yaracz, A.J. Jenness,and Terril Mills. Absent was Casey Johnstone. Also present were Superintendent Jerry Erdahl, Business Manager Jim Mayer, and Administrative Assistant Neysha Lyman. Guests present wereDolleen Grobe, Bill Grobe, Dennis Colbrese, Dave Egger, Desiree Taylor and Sarah Novak.

Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Jonna Abel.

Adopt Agenda: Laura Yaracz made a motion to adopt the amended agenda, adding Item 3 under Personnel under Business Discussion Agenda; Approve Hiring Middle School Basketball Sports Aide. Seconded by A.J. Jenness. Motion carried 4-0.

Guests and Patron Comments:Dave Egger updated the Board on the upcoming activities the CAN kids are involved in.

Reports and Recognitions:

MAP Update: Dennis Colbrese updated the Board on the MAP Assessment progress. First test will take place January 19th and 20th.
Instructional Team: Sarah Novak and Dave Egger discussed the progress of curriculum mapping in Math.
Technology/Maintenance and Transportation Update: Mr. Erdahl answered questions on the technology and maintenance/transportation reports that were included in the board packets.
Principal’s Report: Mr. Erdahl added comments to the principal report that was included in the packet.
Superintendent’s Report: Mr. Erdahl added comments to his report that was included in the packet.

Board Workshop Update: Jonna Abel, Terril Mills, and A.J. Jenness updated the attendees with School Board protocol and new items they learned at the Board Workshop they had attended.

Business (Consent Agenda Items): Minutes of the December 8, 2008 meeting were approved. Board members received copies of the statements and bills for review. A.J. Jennessmade a motion to approve consent agenda. Seconded by Laura Yaracz. Motion carried 4-0. Authorization to the pay the following vouchers: General Fund warrants #13026-13081 in the amount of $195,435.99; Federal Fund warrants #2634-2644the amount of $6,504.03; Major Maintenance Fund warrant#1104 in the amount of $5,055.71; Hot Lunch Fund warrants #906-910 in the amount of $8,147.66; ActivityFund warrants #1699-1707 in the amount of $3,724.51.

Approved prepaid bill: General Fund warrants #13019-13025in the amount of $5,226.19. Federal Fund warrant#2586-2587in the amount of $403.31.

Approved After School Club grant awarded monies to Summit National Bank in an interest bearing account.

Approved Surety Bonds.

Business (Discussion Agenda Items):

Approve Bus Bids: Terril Mills made a motion to table bus bids until next month. Seconded by A.J. Jenness. Motion Carried 4-0.

Review 2009-2010 School Calendar:Reviewed calendar and no changes were suggested. Will vote to approve calendar at next month’s board meeting.

Approve Updated Annual Agenda: A.J. Jenness made a motion to approve the updated Annual School Board Agenda. Seconded by Terril Mills. Motion carried 4-0.

Set Date for Superintendent Evaluation Review: A.J. Jenness made a motion to set the date for the Superintendent Evaluation Review on February 9th at 6 p.m. before the scheduled board meeting. Seconded by Terril Mills. Motion carried 4-0.

Approve Discontinuation of Preschool/Daycare Room and Replace with Title I Room: A.J. Jenness made a motion to approve the discontinuation of the preschool/daycare and replace with a Title I room. Seconded by Laura Yaracz. Motion carried 4-0.

Executive Session: A.J. Jenness made a motion to go into executive session at 8:21 p.m. Seconded by Terril Mills. Motion carried 4-0. A.J. made a motion to come out of executive session at 8:35 p.m. Seconded by Terril Mills. Motion carried 4-0. Laura Yaracz read the minutes of the executive session. A.J.Jenness made a motion to approve the minutes of the executive session. Seconded by Terril Mills. Motion carried 4-0.


Accept the resignation of Dolleen Grobe/7-12 English Teacher: Laura Yaracz made a motion to accept with regret the resignation of Dolleen Grobe as the 7-12 English Teacher. Seconded by Terril Mills. Motion carried 4-0.

Approve Advertising MS/HS English Teacher Position: Laura Yaracz made a motion to approve the advertising of the MS/HS English position for the 2009-2010 school year. Seconded by Terril Mills. Motion carried 4-0.

Approve Middle School Girls’ Basketball Sports Aide: Laura Yaracz made a motion to approve Crystal Armstrong for the Middle School Girls’ Basketball Sports Aide at step 1 on the salary schedule of $438. Seconded by Terril Mills. Motion carried 4-0.

Policy/Procedures Review

Review Board Policy By-laws: Board policy by-laws were reviewed and changes suggested. First reading will be at February’s board meeting.

Approve Update to Discipline Policy 5.23/5.26 (2nd Reading):Terril Mills made a motion to accept Discipline Policy 5.23/5.26 on seconded reading. Seconded by Laura Yaracz. Motion carried 4-0.

February Board Agenda Items:Superintendent Evaluation Review.Approve school calendar. Bus Bids. Budget snapshot. Set date for budget work session if needed. Salary/Insurance Committee update. Approve Administrative contracts. Assessment Team update.

Meeting Was Adjournedat 9:09 p.m. by Chairman Jonna Abel.



Jonna Abel, Chairman


Neysha Lyman, Board SecretaryLaura Yaracz, Clerk