15.104Department of Educational and Professional Studies

Community Education

BA with Honours in Community Education

Course Regulations

[These regulations are to be read in conjunction with Regulation 15.1]

Status of the Degree

15.104.1The degree is offered at Honours level only. Transfer to the BA in the Faculty of Education may be possible at any time subject to satisfying the appropriate progress regulations.

Mode of Study

15.104.2The course is available by full-time or part-time study.

Place of Study

15.104.3As permitted by Regulation 15.1.1, the course requires placements outwith the University campus.

Curriculum (Full-time study)

First Year

15.104.4All full-time students shall undertake classes amounting to 120 credits as follows:

Compulsory ClassesLevelCredits

CM 114Thinking Professionally1 20

CM 115Academic Enquiry120

CM 116Community Education and Social Thought120

CM 117Communication and Professional Interaction120

CM 119Foundations of Critical Pedagogy120

PR 107Experiential Learning: Practicum 1110

Elective Class10

Unless otherwise exempt by RPL, students must also pass in

IT 101ICTUniversity Assessment0

Second Year

15.104.5All full-time students shall undertake classes amounting to 120 credits as follows:

Compulsory ClassesLevelCredits

PR 204Educational Groupwork220

PR 205Experiential Learning: Practicum 2260

PR 206Analysing Social Context220

Elective Classes20

Third Year

15.104.6All full-time students shall undertake classes amounting to 120 credits as follows:

Compulsory ClassesLevelCredits

CM 314Practice Research Methods320

PR 315Diversity and Difference 320

PR 316Management and Community Education320

PR 317Ethical Practice320

PR 318Applied Critical Pedagogy320

Optional Classes

No fewer than 20 credits chosen from:

PR 319Community-based Adult Learning 1320

PR 320Community Development 1320

PR 321Youth Work 1320

Fourth Year

15.104.7All full-time students shall undertake classes amounting to no fewer than 120 credits as follows:

Compulsory ClassesLevelCredits

PR 417Experiential Learning: Practicum 3460

PR 418Integrating themes in Community Education420

PR 419Planning for Change420

Optional Classes

No fewer than 20 credits chosen as previously selected from:

PR 420Community-based Adult Learning 2420

PR 421Community Development 2420

PR 422Youth Work 2420

Curriculum (Part–time study)

15.104.8All part-time students shall normally undertake classes amounting to no fewer than 40 credits in each calendar year of study.

Period of Study

15.104.09 Notwithstanding Regulation 15.1.6, the maximum period of study for BA with Honours in Community Education by part-time study is 7 years.

First Year (Equivalent)

15.104.10All students shall undertake classes amounting to no fewer than 120 credits as follows:

Compulsory ClassesLevelCredits

CM 114Thinking Professionally120

CM 115Academic Inquiry120

Optional Classes

No fewer than 70 credits chosen from the list of optional classes in Regulation 15.104.14 (List A or B)

Elective Class10

Second Year (Equivalent)

15.104.11All students shall undertake classes amounting to no fewer than 120 credits as follows:

Optional Classes

No fewer than 100 credits chosen from the list of optional classes in Regulation 15.104.14 (List A or B).

Elective Classes 20

Third Year (Equivalent)

15.104.12All students shall undertake classes amounting to no fewer than 120 credits as follows:

Optional Classes

No fewer than 120 credits chosen from the list of optional classes in Regulation 15.104.14 (List A or B)

Fourth Year (Equivalent)

15.104.13All students shall undertake classes amounting to no fewer than 120 credits as follows:

Compulsory ClassesLevelCredits

PR 418Integrating Themes in Community Education420

Optional Classes

No fewer than 100 credits chosen from the list of optional classes in Regulation 15.104.14 (List A or B)

List of Optional Classes


List A


CM 116Community Education and Social Thought120

CM 117Communication and Professional Interaction120

CM 119Foundations of Critical Pedagogy120

CM 314Practice Research Methods3 20

PR 204Educational Groupwork220

PR 206Analysing Social Context220

PR 315Diversity and Difference 320

PR 316Management and Community Education320

PR 317Ethical Practice320

PR 318Applied Critical Pedagogy320

PR 319Community-based Adult Learning 1320

PR 320Community Development 1320

PR 321Youth Work 1320

PR 419Planning for Change420

PR 420Community-based Adult Learning 2420

PR 421Community Development 2420

PR 422Youth Work 2420

List B

CM 423Experiential Learning: Practicum410

CM 424Experiential Learning: Practicum 420

CM 425Experiential Learning: Practicum430

CM 426Experiential Learning: Practicum440

CM 427Experiential Learning: Practicum450

CM 428Experiential Learning: Practicum460

CM 429Experiential Learning: Practicum470

CM 430Experiential Learning: Practicum480

CM 431Experiential Learning: Practicum490

CM 432Experiential Learning: Practicum4100

CM 434Experiential Learning: Practicum4120

PR 433Experiential Learning: Practicum4110

Progress (Full-time study)

15.104.15In order to progress to the second year of the course, a student must normally have accumulated at least 110 credits from the course curriculum.

15.104.16In order to progress to the third year of the course, a student must normally have accumulated at least 230 credits from the course curriculum.

15.104.17In order to progress to the fourth year, a student must normally have accumulated 340 credits from the course curriculum. In addition, a student must have achieved an approved standard of performance with regard to level of study and academic attainment.

Progress (Part-time study)

15.104.18In order to progress to the next full-time equivalent year of the course, a part-time student must normally satisfy the appropriate progress require for full-time study.

15.104.19Within each year of study, a student will not normally be allowed to carry more than 20 outstanding credits from one calendar year to the next.

Final Honours Classification

15.104.20The final Honours classification will normally be based on

(i)the first assessed attempt at compulsory and specified optional classes which are taken in the fourth year;

(ii)if appropriate, an oral examination.


15.104.21BA with Honours: In order to qualify for the award of the degree of BA with Honours in Community Education, a candidate must have accumulated no fewer than 480 credits from the course curriculum. These must include no fewer than 180 credits at Levels 3 and 4 of which a minimum of 90 must be at Level 4.


15.104.22A candidate who fails to satisfy the requirements for the degree of BA with Honours in Community Education may be transferred to the degree of BA in Faculty of Education, provided they satisfy the appropriate progress regulations.


to 15.104.30(Numbers not used)


BA in the Faculty of Education

Diploma of Higher Education

Certificate of Higher Education

Course Regulations

[These regulations are to be read in conjunction with Regulation 15.1]

Status of the Degree

15.104.31All students will normally have been admitted in the first instance to other courses in the Faculty of Education.

Mode of Study

15.104.32The courses are available by full-time and part-time study.


First Year

15.104.33All students shall undertake classes amounting to no fewer than 120 credits from the curricula of courses delivered within the Faculty of Education.

Second Year

15.104.34All students shall undertake classes amounting to no fewer than 120 credits from the curricular of courses delivered within the Faculty of Education, including at least 90 credits at Level 2.

Third Year

15.104.35All students shall undertake classes amounting to no fewer than 120 credits chosen from the curricula of courses delivered within the Faculty of Education, including at least 60 credits at Level 3.


15.104.36In order to progress to the second year of the course, a student must normally have accumulated at least 100 credits from the curricula of courses delivered within the Faculty of Education.

15.104.37In order to progress to the third year of the course, a student must normally have accumulated at least 220 credits from the curricula of courses delivered within the Faculty of Education.


15.104.38BA: In order to qualify for the award of the degree of BA in the Faculty of Education, a candidate must normally have accumulated no fewer than 360 credits from the course curriculum of which at least 60 credits must be at Level 3 or above.

15.104.39Diploma of Higher Education: In order to qualify for the award of the Diploma of Higher Education in the Faculty of Education, a candidate must normally have accumulated no fewer than 240 credits from the course curriculum of which at least 90 must be from Level 2 or above.

15.104.40Certificate of Higher Education In order to qualify for the award of the Certificate of Higher Education in the Faculty of Education, a candidate must normally have accumulated no fewer than 120 credits from the course curriculum.


to 15.104.51(Numbers not used)

Human Communication Studies

BSc in Human Communication Studies

Diploma of Higher Education in Human Communication Studies

Certificate of Higher Education in Human Communication Studies

Course Regulations

[These regulations are to be read in conjunction with Regulation 15.1]


15.104.52The courses are offered to Bachelor degree level only. Transfer to the BA in the Faculty of Education may be possible at any time subject to satisfying the appropriate progress regulations.

Mode of Study

15.104.53The courses are available by full-time study only.

Place of Study

15.104.54The courses may involve placements outwith the University campuses.


First Year

15.104.55See Regulation 15.104.74.

Second Year

15.104.56See Regulation 15.104.75.

Third Year

15.104.57All students shall undertake classes amounting to no fewer than 120 credits as follows:

Compulsory Classes LevelCredits

B6 318Further Studies in Communication Difficulties 1:
Examination Paper 1320

B6 319Further Studies in Communication Difficulties 2:310

ED 343Counselling310

EN 313SLT in Educational Settings310

GU 301Audiology and Diseases of ENT310

Optional Classes

No fewer than 60 credits chosen from:

B6 316Clinical Practice 3320

ED 414Research Design and Data Analysis420

SL 317Clinical Decision Making and Collaborative

Such other classes as may be approved by the Course Director.


15.104.58See Regulations 15.104.78 – 15.104.80.


15.104.59BSc: In order to qualify for the award of the degree of BSc in Human Communication Studies a candidate must have accumulated no fewer than 360 credits from the course curriculum including at least 60 at Level 3 or above.

15.104.60Diploma of Higher Education: In order to qualify for the award of a Diploma of Higher Education in Human Communication Studies, a candidate must have accumulated no fewer than 240 credits from the course curriculum of which at least 90 must be at Level 2 or above.

15.104.61Certificate of Higher Education: In order to qualify for the award of a Certificate of Higher Education in Human Communication Studies, a candidate must have accumulated no fewer than 120 credits from the course curriculum.

15.104.62In accordance with Regulation 15.1.42, a candidate may be awarded the BSc or the Diploma of Higher Education or the Certificate of Higher Education in Human Communication Studies ‘with Commendation’.


to 15.104.70(Numbers not used)

Speech and Language Pathology

BSc with Honours in Speech and Language Pathology

Course Regulations

[These regulations are to be read in conjunction with Regulation 15.1]

Status of the Courses

15.104.71The degree is offered at Honours level only. Transfer to the BSc in Human Communication Studies is possible at any time subject to satisfying the appropriate progress regulations.

Mode of Study

15.104.72The courses are available by full-time study only

Place of Study

15.104.73The course involves placements outwith the University campus.


First Year

15.104.74All students shall undertake classes amounting to no fewer than 120 credits as follows:

Compulsory ClassesLevelCredits

ED 112Human Learning and Development: Cognitive
and Psycholinguistic Processing110

GU 101Anatomy: Head, Neck and Nervous System120

HP 102Human Physiology110

PR 101Clinical Semantics and Pragmatics110

PR 102Phonetics and Phonology110

SL 110Human Learning and Development: Personal
and Professional Development120

SL 111Human Learning and Development: Child
Development and Language Acquisition110

SL 114Practical Phonetics110

SL 115Clinical Practice 1110

Elective Class10

Second Year

15.104.75Allstudents shall undertake classes amounting to no fewer than 120 credits as follows.

Compulsory Classes LevelCredits

B6 216Clinical Practice 2220

B6 221Communication Difficulties 1: Assignment215

B6 222Communication Difficulties 1: Examination215

B6 223Communication Difficulties 2220

B6 225Clinical Linguistics210

CM 226Societal Context of Professional Roles220

GU 204Neurology and Paediatrics210

Elective Class10

Third Year

15.104.76All students shall undertake classes amounting to no fewer than 120 credits as follows:

Compulsory Classes LevelCredits

CM 336Counselling310

CM 458Research Design and Data Analysis420

B6 316Clinical Practice 3320

B6 318Further Studies in Communication Difficulties 1320

B6 319Further Studies in Communication Difficulties 2310

B6 337SLTs in Educational Settings310

B6 339Clinical Decision Making and Collaborative


GU 301Audiology and Diseases of ENT310

Fourth Year

15.104.77All students shall undertake classes amounting to no fewer than 120 credits as follows:

Compulsory Classes LevelCredits

B6 401Project Element 1410

B6 402Project Element 2410

B6 403Project Element 3410

B6 418Personal Development Planning410

B6 419Theoretical Application415

B6 420Clinical Practice 4415

X9 445Research Design and Reported Findings410

X9 456Personality410

Optional Classes

No fewer than 30 credits chosen from:

B6 406Fluency Disorders in Adults410

B6 407Fluency Disorders in Children410

B6 408Child Language, Communication, Context
and Disability410

B6 410Adult Acquired Aphasia410

B6 411Adult Acquired Language Deficits410

B6 412Disorders of Voice 1410

B6 414Adult Acquired Dysphagia and Dysarthia410

B6 421Language and Schools410

X9 475Augmentative and Alternative Communication410

X9 493Child and Adolescent Mental Health410


15.104.78In order to progress to the second year of the course, a student must normally have accumulated at least 110 credits from the course curriculum.

15.104.79In order to progress to the third year of the course, a student must normally have accumulated at least 220 credits from the course curriculum.

15.104.80In order to progress to the fourth year of the course, a student must normally have accumulated no fewer than 360 credits from the course curriculum including those for all second year classes. In addition, a student must have achieved an approved standard of performance with regard to level of study and academic attainment.

Final Honours Classification

15.104.81The final Honours classification will normally be based on:

(i)the first assessed attempt at compulsory classes taken in the fourth year together with the first assessed attempt at the third year class ED 414 Research Design and Data Analysis;

(ii)if appropriate, an oral examination.


15.104.82BSc with Honours: In order to qualify for the award of the degree of BSc with Honours in Speech and Language Pathology, a candidate must have accumulated no fewer than 480credits from the course curriculum. These must include no fewer than 180 credits at Levels 3 and 4 or above of which a minimum of 90 must be at Level 4.

15.104.83A candidate who fails to satisfy the requirements for the degree of BSc with Honours in Speech and Language Pathology may be transferred to the degree of BSc in Human Communication Studies, provided they satisfy the appropriate progress regulations.


to 15.104.90(Numbers not used)

Adult Literacies Teaching

BA in Adult Literacies Teaching

Diploma of Higher Education in Adult Literacies Teaching

Course Regulations

[These Regulations are to be read in conjunction with Regulation 15.1]


15.104.91Notwithstanding Regulation 2, admission to the course will normally be restricted to applicants who have completed the Scottish Qualification Authority Professional Development Award “Introductory Training in Adult Literacies Learning”. In addition applicants must normally have a minimum of 2 years teaching experience in Adult Literacies or a related field and so will be deemed to have achieved 120 credits at SCQF Level 7

Status of the Courses

15.104.92Students may be admitted to either the BA degree or the Diploma of Higher Education in the first instance.

Mode of Study

15.104.93The courses are available by part-time study only.

Place of Study

15.104.94The courses involve workplace learning outwith the University campus.


First Year (Equivalent)

15.104.95The first year is not taught as part of the courses. All students shall be deemed to have achieved 120 credits at Level 1.

Second Year (Equivalent)

15.104.96All students shall undertake classes amounting to no fewer than 120 credits as follows:

Compulsory ClassesLevelCredits

PR 200Learning Worlds and Literacies 1230

PR 201Making Mental Models of Literacies, Learning

and Education 1230

PR 202Expanding our Repertoire of Teaching and

Learning Techniques 1230

PR 203The Enabling Net of Support for Literacies and

Learning 1230

Third Year (Equivalent)

15.104.97All students shall undertake classes amounting to no fewer than 120 credits as follows:

Compulsory ClassesLevelCredits

PR 828Making Mental Models of Literacies, Learning

and Education 2330

PR 829The Enabling Net of Support for Literacies and

Learning 2330

PR 830Expanding our Repertoire of Teaching and

Learning Techniques 2330

PR 831Learning Worlds and Literacies 2330


15.104.98In order to progress to the third year (equivalent) of study, a student must normally have accumulated at least 240 credits from the course curriculum.


15.104.99BA: In order to qualify for the BA in Adult Literacies Teaching a candidate must normally have accumulated no fewer than 360 credits from the course curriculum. These must include no fewer than 60 credits at Level 3.

15.104.100Diploma of Higher Education: In order to qualify for the Diploma of Higher Education in Adult Literacies Teaching a candidate must normally have accumulated no fewer than 240 credits from the course curriculum. These must include no fewer than 90 credits at Level 2 or above.