Classroom Leadership Opportunities

Listed below are the classroom leadership positions in Mrs. Terry’s class. Read each job description carefully. On your job application you will list the top 5 leadership positions for which you would like to be considered. Everyone in our classroom will have a leadership position each quarter. Make sure to choose jobs wisely because you will be responsible for performing those duties for the entire quarter.

Clip Chart Leader:This leader will be responsible for putting all clips back on green at the end of each day. Before the clips are moved back, he/she will record the students point value of the day. He/she will take our bag of clips to specials each day.

Habit Hero Leader:This leader will be in charge of drawing our habit hero each morning. They will put the habit hero slip in the leader of the month bucket as well.

Pencil Sharpener Leader: This person will be in charge of keep our pencil sharpeners clean. They will also keep a bucket of sharpened pencils for classroom emergencies.

Board Leader- This leader will write all classroom assignments and announcements on Agenda Board at the beginning of the day. They will also help keep track of our subject topics on the board. At the end of the day, this person will make sure the board is clean.

Attendance Clerk- This leader will take attendance each day. They will then notify teacher and Absentee Secretaries who is absent, fill out form, and give to Errand Runner.

Agenda Leader:These 2 leaders will be responsible for checking to see that everyone has agendas completed before we leave each day. These leaders must always write down assignments and important information from all classes every day in order to do this job.

Absentee Secretary: These 2 leaders will collect and record assignments and papers for all absent students. They will do this in all classes for the missing student.

Desk & Cubbie Leader:These 2 leaders will make sure cubbies and desks are neat and clean each day. If a student needs to work on cleaning their desk or cubbie, this leader will politely ask them to.

Chair Leader: This person will make sure the chairs are stacked correctly at the end of the day. If a student is absent, you will stack their chair for them. In the morning, you will put down chairs of absent classmates.

Paper Leader:These 2 leaders will be in charge of giving back graded work to classmates. They will also take graded papers to Mr. Watt and Mrs. Taylor.

First Aid Leader:This leader getting band-aides and returning icepacks to the nurses office when necessary.

Electrician: This person is in charge of making sure the lights are turned off when we leave the room. Also, unplug the sharpener and turn off Mrs. Terry’s Scentsy light before leaving for the day. You may turn it on the next morning.

Technology Leader:When we use laptops and I-pads this leader will make sure they are turned off and stored properly at the end of the class period or day. If we have the technology cart, this leader will get the cart for us and return it to the computer lab when we are finished.

Door Holder:This person will line up right behind the class line leader and hold the door for the rest of our class. The door holder will then be the last person in line once the last class member has passed through the door.

Dining Room Leader:This leader will be responsible for getting trays turned into the cart. They will then wheel the cart up to the cafeteria staff. He/she will make sure our area is clean before we leave the cafeteria.

Line Leader:This person will lead our class to different areas in the building. Our line leader must be someone who always follows hallway expectations and sets a good example for other students.

Librarian:This leader will be in charge of making sure our bookshelf stays neat each day. As books are taken and returned, he/she will be responsible for making sure the shelf is organized. You will also take or pick up anything from the school library.

Greeter Leader: This leader will greet students in the a.m. & when a new adult comes in, or prompted by teacher.

Classroom Mission Statement Leader: This leader will lead the class in reciting the class mission statement each day.

Supply Leader:This leader will be responsible for keeping our paper basket filled with notebook paper, filling up the pencil cup, and maintaining our classroom supplies.

Classroom Leader:These 2 leaders will make sure our class is clean before we leave each day. They will be responsible for sweeping the floor and taking care of any extra trash that accumulates each day.

L.E.A.D Leader :This student is responsible for keeping track of our LEAD slips and helping us reach our goal.

Transportation Leader: This student is responsible for making sure our dismissal clips are updated and looking nice.

Teacher Assistant:The teacher assistant will take the attendance to the office each morning. This person may also be asked to run other errands for the teacher during class. The teacher assistant must be a responsible student who can be trusted to complete the errand and return to class promptly. The teacher assistant must always follow hallway expectations.

Notebook Leader:This leader is responsible for taking our red binder when we change classes each day. Give binder to Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Watt at beginning of class and get back from them at the end of class. The red binder will be returned to me at the end of the day.

Substitute Leader:This leader will be responsible for helping a substitute if I should have to be absent. This needs to be a very responsible person who will alert the sub of our daily routine and assist in any way the sub may need.

Restroom Leader:There will be one boy and one girl restroom leader. These leaders will be responsible for letting the students waiting in line for the restroom know when they may enter. Restroom leaders will alert the teacher for any potential problems that may occur in the restroom.

Sports Equipment Leader:These 2 leaders will be responsible for getting our sports equipment out to the playground each day for recess. They are also responsible for bringing everything back inside and putting away neatly.

Games Leader: This leader will make sure our games are neatly put back and all pieces are there.

Secretary:This leader will be responsible answering the phone and taking messages for the classroom.

Sanitizer Leader:This leader will be responsible for giving classmates a squirt of hand sanitizer before lunch each day. He/she will also be in charge of making sure we replace hand sanitizer when necessary.