WASFAA Strategic Planning
San Diego, California
November, 8, 2007
Present-Steve Herndon, Tami Sato, Pat Peppin, Tamara Hornbuckle, Peter Miller, Catherine King-Todd, Leonard Walker, Doug Severs, Tracey Lehman
Special Guests-Dave Gruen- NASFAA Chari Elect, Billie Jo Hamilton- MASFAA President elect
Call to Order-Tami Sato welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 8:35 am.
Tami Sato reviewed the To Do List which has been completed in its entirety.
Motion-Catherine King Toddmotioned to approve the agenda, Pat Peppin seconded. Motion carried.
Motion- Steve Herndon motioned to approve the minutes, Catherine King-Todd seconded. Motion carried.
WASFAA Committee and Officer Goals for 2007-2008-Tami Sato reviewed the committee goals document, federal relations had additions to their section as did the secretary section.Additional information was also addedto the research section. The WASFAA Officer Goals document is still missing verbiage for Treasurer,Treasure Elect,Representative at Large- Segmental and Representative at Large– Associate MemberRepresentative at Large.
To Do- Tami Sato will have the WASFAA Committee and Officer Goals document completed for the next meeting.
Review of measures tracking tool- Tami Sato made a skeleton of the tracking tool to fill in as events happen.Leonard suggested Tami obtain access to event management on the ATAC system so she can check numbers of registered attendees forevents. Tami will have 3 years on the tracking tool when finished so comparisons can be made.
To Do- Tami Sato will ask Pat Downey for access to event management section
In reference to Goal 2c Peter Millersuggested adding senator/representativelinks to the WASFAA website and we could then track how many WASFAA members used the links to determine advocacy response.
Tami Sato informed the group that she will be co-chairing the Federal Issues Committee due to some concerns of Vicki Shipleys lender status in legislative responses.
In discussion of Goal 3a Catherine King Todd mentioned that the states president exchange iscollaboration and should be listed on the tracking tool.
Steve Herndon suggested Tami Sato add at least one more past year to the tracking tool.
Tami reviewed the progress so far in the tracking tool; on page 3, Goalnumber 4, C (EDAC survey) is completed;Goal 7(continually improve methods and processes for communicating with the membership) will be updated to reflect the recent number of scholarship applicants.Goal 1, A -training manual is done but some sections still need to be finished and it is a good start.
EDAC Survey- Tamara Hornbuckle and Tami Sato reviewed the Ethnic Diversity Action Committee survey and the number of respondents. There was a problem with sending the link and the link not working with the list serve. This made it difficult for members to access the survey. The busy time of the year was also mentioned as a factor.
To Do-Peter will work with Pat Downey to see if ATACcan work out a solution on the html messages that wrap around and do not link.
There was a question about who received the survey, members or list serve or certain members? There were 62 respondents. Tami Sato compiled the results of the survey for the report to be presented at the full executive council meeting later. Leonard Walker suggested that this would be a good conference session topic; he was disappointed with the number of responses. Catherine King Todd suggested Tamara Hornbuckle get help from the state presidents to discuss the issues brought up in the survey.
To Do-Tami Sato will do an article or the newsletter based on the results of the EDAC survey.
Tami Sato and Doug Severs commented that there were many great comments from the survey. Tamara Hornbuckle will research the origins of EDACby contacting some of the founding members and get the history of EDAC and write an article for the newsletter. Steve Herndon mentioned Yolanda Copeland Morgan, Dr. Jones, Wendy Baker and Beverly Porter as possible contacts for EDAC history.
To Do- Tamara Hornbuckle will contact previous and early EDAC members and do an article for the newsletter and ask Renee Davis for assistance in identifying members.
5 Year Strategic Plan- Steve suggested to Dave that he contact Gail Northrop be used for NASFAA measures tracking tools.
Motion-Doug motioned to adjourn the meeting, Peter seconded. Motion carried.
Strategic Planning 11/8/07
San Diego, CA
Motion-Catherine King Todd motioned to approve the agenda, Pat Peppin seconded.
Motion- Steve Herndon motioned to approve the minutes, Catherine King-Todd seconded.
Motion-Doug motioned to adjourn the meeting, Peter seconded.
To Do
Strategic Planning 11/8/07
San Diego, CA
To Do- Tami Sato will have the WASFAA Committee and Officer Goals document completed for the next meeting.
To Do- Pat Downey will give Tami Sato access to event management
To Do- Pat Downey will be charged with working with ATAC for a solution to the HTML messages that wrap around and do not link. (Ask Peter Miller if you have questions)
To Do-Tami Sato will do an article for the newsletter based on the results of the EDAC survey.
To Do- Tamara Hornbuckle will contact previous and early EDAC members and do an article for the newsletter. Renee Davis will assist her.