Name ______Date ______Period ______

The Ancient Greeks Webquest


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Preview the questions for each section - choose and answerall or at least 4 of each section’s questions.

Read carefully. If time allows - you may answer more questions.

You will need to use the back page function (screen’s upper left arrow) as well as clicking on highlighted menu items to go between sections.

Be patient and answer as you find the section and then move onto another section.

Manage your time carefully, so you can maximize your learning.

GRAPES - Geography Religion Achievements Political System EconomicSystems SocialSystem

  1. Greek Introduction GRAPES
  1. At roughly what time period was the “Golden Age” of ancient Greece?
  2. Who was an ancient Greek writer of fables?
  3. What was a Greek mathematician?
  4. Why should Americans study ancient Greece?
  1. Greek City States GRAPES
  1. How is a city-state more than just a city?
  2. What term was not in use during the Golden age of Greece ? why not?
  3. What is an agora?
  1. The Life of a Greek Girl GRAPES
  1. How were women oppressed in ancient Greece?
  2. What would happen if a family did not have a male heir?
  3. At what age did most girls get married?
  4. What is a dowry?
  5. What was the goal of every Greek wife?
  6. When was murder completely legal in ancient Greece?
  1. The Life of a Greek Boy GRAPES
  1. What is a Greek adage about their newborn children?
  2. How long were men subject to the military draft?
  3. What is a lyre?
  4. What is rhetoric?
  5. What was a sophist?
  6. What was the most dangerous Greek sport?
  7. What is the “bible of the Greeks”?
  8. The gymnasium was the ancient predecessor of what modern institution?
  9. What were the two tools teachers used to teach reading and writing?
  10. When did education end for most boys?
  11. Why were Greek men expected to keep their bodies in shape?
  1. Greek Democracy GRAPES
  1. According to the Greek moral code, what two crimes were capital offenses?
  2. How did citizens vote sometimes in Athens?
  3. What type of democracy did Athens have?
  1. Greek Religion GRAPES
  1. According to the Greek moral code, what two crimes were capital offenses?
  2. Explain how Greece did not have a strict religious code?
  3. Spotting what kind of bird during the daytime foretold death?
  4. What could priests tell from an animal’s organs?
  5. What does fortuitous mean?
  6. What is a pantheon?
  7. What is augury?
  1. Greek Olympics GRAPES
  1. When did the first Olympics occur?
  2. What Olympic contest was held at the Olympian hippodrome?
  3. Were the Olympics the only games held in ancient Greece?
  4. What was the Heraia?
  5. What are the 5 sports in the pentathlon?


  1. How were the lives of Spartan women different from the lives of Athenian women?
  2. Sparta was one the few societies to produce no ____.
  3. Spartan boys started their training at what age?
  4. Spartan boys were yearly flogged for what reason?
  5. How were Spartan boys taught stealth?
  6. What did the Spartans do with their unwanted children?
  7. What word is a synonym for gorge?
  8. Sparta was completely dedicated to the art of what?
  1. Famous Greeks: GRAPES
  • Hippocrates - Anatomy School
  1. Hippocrates is often called:
  2. How many children died in ancient Greece before the age of ten?
  3. What is leeching?
  4. Write one line from the Hippocratic Oath:
  • Socrates Philosopher
  1. How was Socrates different from the sophists?
  2. Who were the “scientists” of ancient Greek?
  3. What does philosophy mean in Greek?
  4. What poison did Socrates drink?
  • Plato Philosopher
  1. Write the year of birth and death of Plato:
  2. Who was Plato’s teacher?
  3. What did Plato continue after Socrates’ death?
  4. What was Plato’s school’s name?

Next step - Be thinking of how you would sum up your findings from this webquest in a mini mural - on a large piece of paper. The mural will represent at least one item from each category.