WASFAA 2014-15 Strategic Planning Committee Meeting Minutes
April 11, 2015
Harrah’s Hotel, San Diego, California
9:30 am – 10:30am
Bordeaux Room (2nd floor)
Committee: Frank Green – Chair, Kevin Jensen (President), Barbara Bickett (President Elect), Jack Edwards (State Presidents), Mindy Bergeron (Treasurer), Ashley Munro (Secretary) – Melissa Moser substituting for Ashley Munro, Tracy Lehman (VP), Steve Herndon (Research), Wendy Olson (Fiscal Planning), Oscar Verduzco (EDAC), Sun Ow (RAL & Fund Development), Kay Soltis (MLI)
Present:Kevin Jensen, Mindy Bergeron, Steve Herndon, Barbara Bickett, Kay Soltis, Frank Green, Laura Hughes, Sun Ow, Oscar Verduzco, Melissa Moser
Called to order at 9:29 – Frank Green
Thank you to Steve for filling in last meeting.
Discussion Items
1)Continuation of contract with Gayle Northrop
- Budget request –$4000 in the 2015 budget
2)Measures Tracking Tool
Recommendation to Kevin Jensen – get committee to help complete the measure’s tracking tool
Sun Ow, Frank Green - Fund develop needs to be added to the tracking measures tool.
Kevin Jensen, Kay Soltis, Steve Herndon - Survey discussion regarding smaller surveys, culture and climate
Frank Green, Kevin Jensen, Mindy Bergeron, Kay Soltis – reports not completed with statistical information; folks may not be comfortable or familiar with the format; need to use the appendix and provide training during transition meetings. Reminders should be sent regarding datathat needs to be included. Chair of the committee should report to the EC. June meeting should begin process of inputting tracking measures and reviewing the strategic plan.
Communications – discussion regarding what works and what/how to measure this area.
Identify the dates / time frame for results – need a more consistent time frame for identifying and inputting of results into the tracking measures tool.
Ethnicity of membership – 25% are “declining to say” on the membership application. Suggest to the Executive Council that this be removed from the application.
Frank Green - Closing – thank you for input and service this year
Frank Green
- fill in conference numbers after conference, summer institute
- follow-up on new volunteer numbers
Kevin Jensen
- to coordinate and finalize Gayle Northrop’s contract
- strategic planning chair to report to the EC
- provide new members on EC to Frank Green
- provide communications to Frank Green
Committee adjourned at 10:36 closed