Warwickshire North Delivery Group
Healthier Communities Grant 2016/17 – Nuneaton and Bedworth
Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council and Public Health Warwickshire have jointly contributed resources to create the Healthier Communities Grant, making £30,000 available in total. The Healthier Communities Grant can be used to fund community based, not for profit projects to support the following priorities of the Warwickshire North Delivery Group:
1.Tackling Health Inequalities including projects aimed at:
- Reducing the rise in obesity in children
- Reducing the number of adults who are obese
- Reducing teenage conception rates
- Reducing alcohol related harm
- Increasing Health Check promotions
2.Increasing physical activity particularly:
- in priority areas (e.g. super output areas)
- with those less physically active
3.Improvement in quality of life especially:
- for those with a mental illness
- those with Dementia or their carers
The grant is specifically aimed at community and voluntary sector organisations and schools in Nuneaton and Bedworth only. Local Authorities are eligible to make an application, however there is an expectation that any applications will involve joint working with a local community or voluntary sector organisation or schools
Using the Healthier Communities Grant, Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council and Public Health Warwickshire are looking to fund projects up to the value of £5,000, but would consider applications for an increased amount providing the organisation can clearly demonstrate a compelling evidence base and a wide reach in terms of targeting vulnerable or hard to reach individuals.
As well as the priorities above; project applications should include activities that are:
- Able to provide either cash match funding or in kind contributions, e.g. Volunteer time*.
- Targeted to more disadvantaged wards and communities.
- Sustainable and will not require recurrent funding.
- Provided by a community, voluntary or charitable organisation, school or led by a local Authority in partnership with at least one of these organisations
- Build on/or expand established schemes or build capacity for the future.
Although we see the above points as priorities, this should not necessarily preclude applications from projects if they do not achieve all of these requirements.
All grant applications should be received by 12 noon onMonday 6th February 2017Applicationsreceived after this date and time will only be considered if the full grant amounts are not allocated during the original deadline.
1.2Who can apply for the funding?
Any local not for profit organisation, voluntary group, school or social enterprise organisation can apply. Local Authorities are eligible to make an application, however there is an expectation that any applications will involve joint working with a local not for profit, voluntary, school or social enterprise.
Who cannot apply for the funding?
- Statutory or national organisations or individuals who are not working in partnership with local ‘not for profit’ groups and/or in relation to the specific project that funds are being requested for
- Party Political Groups
- Organisations with significant ‘free uncommitted reserves’
1.3What will not be funded by the Healthier Communities Grant?
- Projects that promote religious or party political beliefs
- Projects for personal profit
- Social trips or holidays – however educational visits and residential training may be funded.
- Projects that require funding for major capital projects e.g. Building work.
- On-going running (core) costs – unless the organisation can demonstrate that these costs could be met in future years.
- On-going staff costs, although sessional worker costs can be funded.
- Costs related to items or work already carried out before the grant has been awarded.
- A project that has already been delivered or work that has already been carried out.
- Loans or debt repayments.
- Activities that are part of statutory obligations or replace statutory funding, including curriculum activities in schools.
- Projects which do not follow the Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council’s Equality and Diversity Policies and the national legislation on health and safety, discrimination and child protection.
- Existing projects where there has been no evidence of impact or success
1.4Organisations applying for the Healthier Communities Grant must submit with their application:
- A copy of yourconstitution or set of rules.
- Financial report or last audited accounts and latest bank statement.
- Copies of any relevant insurance documentation
- Copies of your Child Protection/ Vulnerable Persons policy
- A declaration of no conflicts of interest.
- Match funding is encouraged either financially or in kind, we require evidence that this is in place and how it has been calculated*.
*For guidance, the mean figure for West Midlands Public Sector Gross Hourly Pay, Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) report 2014 calculated the average hourly wage as £15.89ph, therefore this figure should be used as your volunteer in kind ‘hourly rate’.
1.5Application Process
Applications must be returned on the Healthier Communities Grant Application Form 2016 - 2017,they can be returned via email to by post (to arrive within the specified deadline and to ensure timely delivery, a recorded delivery service is recommended to the address below. Applications can be hand written (please use black ink) or typed. The size of the boxes of the application form should be taken as a guide to the level of detail required. If you need more space please continue on a supplementary sheet or expand the boxes if an electronic copy is used, numbering each page accordingly. Applicants are free to submit any additional information in support of their application; however this must not exceed two sides of A4 paper.
Please limit your answersto approximately 100 words per question.
You are welcome to discuss your project idea with Rachel Jackson, Michelle Clarkeor Rachel Robinson or to ask for advice and information before you complete your application form. Contact details:
Rachel Jackson, Communities Manager, Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council, Coton Road, Nuneaton CV11 5AA. 024 76376322
Michelle Clarke Communities Team Support Officer, Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council, Coton Road, Nuneaton CV11 5AA. 024
Rachel Robinson, Health Champion for Northern Warwickshire Public Health Warwickshire, Warwickshire County Council, PO Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, CV34 4SX. 01926 41 + extension 3754 Email:
You can also get further support in completing your application, and with the supporting documents required, from Warwickshire Community and Voluntary Action, 72 High Street, Nuneaton CV11 5DA, 024 7638 5765
The panel will check applications to ensure they meet the eligibility criteria to apply for a grant and support theHealthier Communities priorities and/or local need. In undertaking the assessment we may request further information from applicants.
All successful projects will be required to enter into a Service Level Agreement and complete regular, reporting requirements on their project, including proof of project delivery, reporting around achieved outputs and outcomes and receipts for all money spent. Successful projects will also be required to prepare quarterly update to inform the Warwickshire North Delivery Group about the project delivery and achievements.
Successful applicants will be notified around the15th February 2017of arrangements for receipt of funding.
The deadline for the Healthier Communities grant application is:12 noon Monday 6thFebruary 2017