Value of Research Task Group

Conference Call Minutes

Thursday, February 26, 2009

11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. CST

Call Participants:

Mara CampbellShana Lindsey

Chris JenksDale Peabody

David Kuehn Brian Pfeiffer

Beth Miller Bill Zaccognino

  1. Welcome (Mara Campbell)

Mara apologized for being unable to attend the TRB annual meeting, which resulted in cancellation of the scheduled Value of Research Task Group meeting.

2.Updates from Subgroups:

Mara began the discussion asking for updates from the three subgroups. Dale Peabody said he would start first and we discussed the efforts his team was making regarding completing action items from the SCOR Strategic Plan. One action item is to develop a process to elevate the documentation of successful research. Chris Jenks reported that Pat Casey of CTC and Associates has prepared a number of one-page color impact documents elevating research success stories. Mr. Jenks reported the current agreement with CTC and Associates could be utilized to create a similar research update for state DOT directors. Mr. Jenks e-mailed the group the link so everyone could see the publication that was produced to share research impacts. Discussion occurred regarding the process for highlighting projects for inclusion in the SCOR report. Mr. Jenks will contact Mr. Casey to see if he can create a deliverable based on information he currently possesses.

Action Item:Chris Jenks to contact Pat Casey regarding a marketing piece utilizing previously collected “value research examples.” This marketing piece would be targeted to CEOs and available for the RAC at the summer meeting. It would also be distributed to the SCOR.

Then the discussion moved to the value of research “tool kit” that has been prepared.

Action Item: Mara to e-mail the communication toolkit to the task group.

Shana Lindsey suggested that CTC & Associates could review the communication toolkit and revise their template to include information recommended from the communication toolkit. Mr. Jenks stated he would have to check into availability of funds for Pat Casey to revise his data collection template to include information provided in the communication toolkit. It was suggested that communication subgroup needs to identify DOT results as a research community, package and market the research successes, and develop a plan to sustain this project as something viable instead of just a deadline that the task group has to meet. Everyone agreed, and the issue of a “process” of doing this will be added to the agenda next month.

Shana Lindsey reported on a research media-marketing program that has ten years worth of documentation on the cost-benefit of research. She has a paragraph written on the research media-marketing program that could be shared with local media and questioned if this information would be appropriate to report at the summer meeting.

Action Item: Mara to contact Randy Battey to see if this could be included in summer meeting.

Mara reported that Jon Woodland accepted a new position and will no longer participate on the task group. Mara will contact task group members to see if someone will accept the leadership position for this subgroup and later in the discussion, asked David Kuehn to consider this position. Mara will follow up with David to see if he would be willing to lead the “Assessing the Value of Research” subgroup.

Action Item: Mara to contact David regarding leadership for subgroup

Mara offered to send the group a recent analyais that MoDOT did regarding research performance indicators -- what state DOTs are using. David Kuehn reported on work at the local level to determine indirect and secondary values of performing research, e.g., building partnerships with local governments, universities, etc.

Shana Lindsey voiced concerns that communicating the value of research subgroup may be overlapping with assessing the value of research subgroup. Mara stated consideration may need to be given to whether three subgroups are necessary. This will need to be discussed and vetted at the RAC Annual meeting.

At the RAC Annual meeting, they are planning to have a round table session to discuss high value research. Dale Peabody, in collaboration with Randy Battey, is developing a template to use to elevate projects for inclusion in this session. Mr. Jenks noted a table format in the report he mentioned earlier could be adapted to create a template. It was noted that perhaps Pat Casey could use responses received to produce an annual DOT CEO report for consideration at the summer meeting.

Action Item: Dale Peabody to distribute template to be used to solicit topics for high value research discussion at the summer meeting.

3.TRB Update/RAC meeting in July

Chris Jenks reported the RAC meeting scheduled for July19-24, 2009 in Orlando is a combination of the annual RAC meeting and the TRB state representatives meeting. Combining these two meetings may allow staff from states with restricted travel to attend due to TRB reimbursement. The state representatives will meet at the end of the week. The meeting Web site is activated with preliminary information; time slots are available early in the week for groups to schedule meetings.

4.Wrap up and Next Steps

  1. Another conference call will be scheduled for early April. Donna Linnenbrink to solicit date and provide conference call numbers.
  2. Meeting minutes will be emailed the week of March 2nd.
  3. Mara Campbell to email the communication toolkit to all the members.
  4. Chris Jenks to contact Pat Casey regarding a marketing piece utilizing previously collected research topics packaged for the summer meeting that could also be provided to SCOR.
  5. Mara Campbell to contact Randy Battey to see if this could be included in summer meeting.
  6. Mara Campbell to contact David Kuehn to discuss assessing the value of research subgroup (leadership position).
  7. Dale Peabody to distribute template to be used to solicit topics for high value research discussion at the summer meeting.

AASHTO-RAC – Value of Research Task Group Conference Call Minutes

February 26, 2009

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