Children’s University™Activity/Module Planning Form

Name of Learning Destination– (School or Provider):University Centre Peterborough

Title of Activity/Module: / Volcanoes and Kitchen Science
Location/Environment: / UCP
Tutor(s): / Claire Swales / Start Date/End date (if known) Saturday 8th November
Enhanced CRB disclosure: / Yes
No. of participants : / 10 / Age range or Year Group: 7 – 10 and 11-14 year olds / Target Group (if any):
Overall Learning Objectives for children: /
  • To explain the advantages and disadvantages of living near a volcano.
  • To explain the process of eruption and the impact
  • To synthesise an eruption and the impact of lava flow using kitchen ingredients.

What specific skills will the children be introduced to?

  • Debate & discussion
  • Following Instructions
  • Basic Impact Assessment using PESTLE

Which Personal Learning and Thinking skills will the children develop during the activity? /  Independent Enquiry  Team Work  Effective Participation  Any other
 Self Management  Reflective Learning  Creative Thinking
A brief description of the Children's Universityactivity: -
(Points to consider when planning an activity: - Does it connect? Does it extend? Does it challenge?)
Pre Assessment
  • Identify volcanic disasters through history and their locations using a world map
Main Assessment
  • Build on pre-assessment with interesting facts about the human cost of each eruption
  • Debate on advantages and disadvantages on living near a volcano
  • Discuss Scientific and geological understanding on volcanoes and their eruption process
  • Consolidate understanding with fun activity
  • Name your volcano based on details learned during session and erupt volcanoes

Plan of Activity/Module progression (if appropriate)
1 / Identify volcanic disasters through history and their locations using a world map
5 Minutes / 2 / Build on pre-assessment with interesting facts about the human cost of each eruption
5 Minutes
3 / Debate on advantages and disadvantages of living near a volcano
10 Minutes / 4 / Discuss Scientific and geological understanding on volcanoes and their eruption process
5 minutes
5 / Consolidate understanding with fun activity
20 Minutes / 6 / Name your volcano based on details learned during session. Erupt volcanoes.
5 Minutes
7 / 8

Overall Activity/Module Plan:

Multiple Intelligences - Choose two of the overall learning intentions:
 Logical (Number Smart)  Naturalistic (Nature Smart)  Visual/Spatial (Picture Smart)  Verbal (Word Smart)
 Intrapersonal (Myself Smart)  Musical (Music Smart)  Kinaesthetic (Body Smart)  Interpersonal – (People Smart)
What are the potential progression routes for this activity e.g. websites to research the subject further or possible career paths. Will you discuss these with the children?
Links with Geography, Geology, History and Social Science. Links to primary and secondary curriculum.
Resources: All provided by UCP
At CU Postgraduate Level we are also looking for tangible outcomes which demonstrate achievement, such as displays, exhibitions, performances and/ or publications. Please add details here of any of these that the children might produce:
Video Evidence

Post Activity/Module Evaluation

Strongest part of activity: Least successful part of activity: Improvements to activity? Questions/Statements: