WARREN, N J 07059


Minutes of May 1, 2007 meeting

The meeting was called to order at 8:15 PM


Present Commissioners: R. Britt (Presiding Officer), W. Gerken, P. Lobo, G. Pasternak, J. Rohrer
Absent Commissioners: H. Black, D. Gallic, J. Henschel, Liaison M. Plager
The minutes of April 17, 2007 meeting were approved.
Flag salute

STATEMENT by Presiding Officer: Adequate notice of this meeting was given

by posting a copy on the Township Bulletin Board and sending a copy to the Township Clerk, Echoes Sentinel and Courier News as required by the Open Public Meetings Act. All Commissioners are duly appointed volunteers working for the Township of Warren. We plan to adjourn by 10 p.m.

Next meeting will be May 15, 2007 at the

library meeting room at 8:00 PM

If you are not able to attend the meeting, please call

the Secretary at 908-369-0682 as soon as possible.

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May 1, 2007 minutes continued


I.  From: NJDEP

To: Bohler Engineering

-  This letter is in response to the applicant’s request for an LOI to verify the jurisdictional boundary of freshwater wetlands and waters. The information is accurate as shown.

Applicant: Stephan Bojczuk – Estate of Mykola Bojczuk

Block 205, Lots 58, 59, 60, 61

-  Loc:


To: EcolSciences, Inc.

-  This letter is in response to a request for an LOI to verify the jurisdictional boundary of the freshwater wetlands and waters. The information is accurate as shown.

-  Applicant: James T. Madalone

Block 208, Lots 2, 7, 10

-  Loc:

II.  Minutes from other boards or commissions:

- None at this meeting.

III.  Other Correspondence:

The Commissioners received information from Dave Peterson on the Trails Committee including maps. They also received information about a class being held on May 31, 2007 regarding a practical approach to navigating stormwater rules.

They also received a letter from Christine Zuback at 76 Old Smalleytown Road, discussing an amount of water flowing as a result of stripped land from the adjacent lot at 78 Old Smalleytown Road. Many strong rooted trees were being removed. Warren Gerken will look into this issue and get back to the Commissioners with an update.


The Commissioners discussed Alliance Bible Church and the conservation easement. They are willing to put this in, as they discussed with Rory Britt.

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May 1, 2007 minutes continued

Rory Britt spoke to John Chadwick about the tree ordinance. The Commissioners discussed educating people about the ordinance including how to do this (by television or website). They will discuss with Malcolm Plager. Contractors could be registered.

Rory Britt will try to attend the Township Committee meeting to discuss the cell tower to be put in by Cingular on Washington Valley Road. It is very close to the schools, residents, children, and is an eyesore.

Old Business:

None at this meeting.

New Business:

None at this meeting.


None at this meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Katrina De la Cruz,


“Conservation is Harmony between man & land”