Physics 11 Course Outline: Sept – Dec. 5, 2008

Instructors: Ms. Knott (Sept – Dec 5, 2008)

Mr. Klaassen (Dec 8 – June, 2009).


Principle Text: Merrill Physics: Principles and Problems

Physics 11 Laboratory Manual: $5 deposit

Contact information for Ms. Knott:

Peer Tutoring: to be a tutor or to sign up for tutoring, talk to Ms. Knott after class or after school.

Extra help: Ms. Knott is available for questions about homework at 3:15 every day after school or by appointment at other times.

Tips for Success

·  Physics is a fun and challenging. Celebrate the challenge. Don’t give up on solving a problem too soon.

·  Do your homework the evening it is assigned. This allows you to stay on top of the course material and get help if you need it. Homework may be handed in or checked in the next class.

·  Ask questions. You engage your brain in learning when you formulate a question. Ask a classmate, ask the teacher, ask a peer tutor.


·  Punctual, regular attendance is expected.

o  If you are late, you will be required to make the time up after class.

o  If absent, a signed note from a parent or guardian is required.

·  Students missing tests or quizzes will receive a 0 unless a note is given.

o  Missed quizzes will be written in the next class you attend. Be prepared. If you don’t have your parental note, you will receive a zero.

o  Missed tests will be written Thursday after school in the next week following the missed test. If you miss the rewrite date, you will receive a zero. Plan ahead. Send me an email on the day you miss the test, to confirm that I will have a test waiting for you on the rewrite date.

·  Cell phones, calculators used for games, white-out and mp3 players will be confiscated.

·  Copying of tests or laboratory work will result in a 0 and a meeting between your parents and the administration. This includes copying data from your lab partner. You must copy down your own data as it is collected.

·  Students are expected to bring to every class:

o  their own text with a sturdy cover

o  their lab manual

o  a three ring binder

o  a large supply of paper

o  a scientific calculator

o  a ruler, pen and pencil, and

o  millimetre graph paper

Graph paper can be bought in a stationary store, printed out using a table, or borrowed and photocopied.


·  Homework and participation: 10%

·  Laboratory reports: 25%

·  Quizzes: 10%

·  Tests: 65%

·  Final exam: worth up to 20% of the year’s work.

·  Late assignments will be assessed a 20% penalty per class late.

·  Each term there is a maximum of 2 incomplete homework assignments. After that, each incomplete assignment will result in a 0.5% loss of marks up to 5% of the term.

Topics to be covered in Physics 11

·  Scientific Measurement – Chapters 1 and 2

·  Kinematics (Motion) – Chapters 3 and 4

·  Forces - Chapter 5

·  Elastic and Gravitational Forces – Chapter 8

·  Momentum – Chapter 9

·  Work and Energy – Chapters 10 and 11

·  Thermal Energy – Chapter 12

·  The Atom – Chapter 28

·  Nuclear Physics – Chapters 30 and 31

·  Wave Motion – Chapter 14

·  Harmonic Motion – pp 147-149

·  Sound Waves – Chapter 15

·  Light Waves – Chapter 16

·  Ray Optics – Chapter 17

·  Mechanics Overview

·  Mirrors and Lenses – Chapter 18

·  Interference Patterns – Chapter 19

·  Special Relativity – handout