Diary of 1911-1913

Warren R. Houghtaling

Completed August 3, 2011


February 17, 1911 D.H.H read letter from Martha. Came upstairs and talked to Willie about it. She wanted $2000 to go to Europe and $3000 additional to live on. Very nasty letter D.H.H said she was drunk when she wrote it!

February 18, 1911 154’4 W.R.H Saw D.V. Biggs. Miss Dwinger for dinner. Bought David 2 suits clothes $10 each

June 19, 1911 Cut north lot – 2 ½ loads.

July 14, 1911 First Huckleberries

July 15, 1911 Finished haying- 16 loads- Reagan laid cement walk and steps front house.

July 20, 1911 had cows bred.

July 25, 1911 Harris fixed chimney.

July 27, 1911 First Katydid

July 29, 1911 Cut hedge.

August 9, 1911 Heifer bred Vosburgs

August 11, 1911 Mrs. Waitt died.

August 16, 1911 Church fair

August 17, 1911 Mr. Ackley died.


April 13, 1912 Henry and Irene sailed for Naples on “Berlin”. Went Sharon with Willie 323

April 14, 1912 Sharon. Went driving with Glovers and horses got away.

April 15, 1912 Titanic lost.

April 16, 1912 Returned to N.Y.

April 20, 1912 Sat. Father went Kingston- Willie went Sharon.

May 3, 1912 Fri. Willie went Sharon- I called on Mathilda in hospital.

May 5, 1912 Sunday- Father had slight _____& fell in hall. Telep Willie and she came home.

May 15, 1912 Wed. All went to Sharon. Svts went in morn.

May 21, 1912 Painted hives (Tuesday)

May 22, 1912 Father and Willie went N.Y.

May 24, 1912 Went fishing with Arthur Duane took Jane.

May 25, 1912 2nd lot chickens- 128

May 26, 1912 Sunday McClelland came up

May 27, 1912 Monday 41° Fine day

May 30, 1912 Heavy Thunderstorm

May 31, 1912 Very cold, put up tent

June 1, 1912 Put beds in tent- slept in tent with David.

June 2, 1912 Holtzmann and wife came up 83°

June 3, 1912 Holtzmann went home.

June 4, 1912 took down glass porch

June 5, 1912 Heavy thunderstorm. Jane went to N.Y. to dental with Wilhelmina 80°

June 6, 1912 43° Trimmed rose hedge.

June 7, 1912 David came up for last time to Sharon.

June 8, 1912 Cut hay north lot.

June 10, 1912 First swarm bees

June 12, 1912 Second swarm bees- got hay in from north lot.

June 14, 1912 Floyd Parker came. Ralph Millburn birthday.

June 15, 1912 Very ill, severe chill- sent for Chaffee and trained Nurse Miss Woods. Bina Contant came.

June 17, 1912 First strawberries

June 18, 1912 3d Swarm bees

June 19, 1912 First chard

June 20, 1912 Mathilda’s Birthday. First onions. Bina Contant went home.

June 24, 1912 First peas.

June 28, 1912 Went N.Y. meet Irene and Henry who return on Kr. N de G.

June 29, 1912 Ther. 99° in N.Y.

July 1, 1912 Ther. Sharon 39°

July 3, 1912 Cow should be bred this month. 87°

July 6, 1912 88° No rain 3 wks. Hot.

July 8, 1912 91°

July 9, 1912 92°

July 10, 1912 92- thunderstorm- hot wave broken.

July 17, 1912 Will Taylor and wife called in auto

July 20, 1912 Mrs. Cudlipp came up.

July 23, 1912 got hay in.

July 24, 1912 took off 108lbs honey

July 29, 1912 David went Pt. Washington visit Floyd Parker.

August 1, 1912 Took Mrs. Cudlipp to White Plains. Mrs. Waitt loaned her automobile and Dr. Chaffee went with them.

August 6, 1912 David and I went Rathbones.

August 12, 1912 returned from Rathbones

August 13, 1912 Went Sharon

August 19, 1912 Mrs. Billings died

August 21, 1912 Tree men working trimming trees.

August 30, 1912 Swarm bees.

September 1, 1912 Started Furnace

September 17, 1912 David went Hotchkiss

September 23, 1912 Went Kingston with father in auto- Saw Clearwater

September 30, 1912 First frost 30°

October 10, 1912 W.R.H 146th

October 16, 1912 Jane and I went N.Y.


April 1, 1913 Edward Klebes left and Floyd Decker came on place.

April 29, 1913 Went to Sharon- First day out of house since been sick.

April 30, 1913 Very tired and weak. We are staying at home place.

May 3, 1913 Sat. Moved to Mrs. Ackley’s.

May 11, 1913 Harry G. Costello and wife came to our house rented it for season.

May 12, 1913 McBurney came to work on place $50 mo.

May 25, 1913 Coleman came up and went back.

May 29, 1913 Blanche and John came on evening train.

May 30, 1913 Decoration day; fine day.

May 31, 1913 Fine day. Blanche and John went over after David. Let Furnace fire out- first time.

June 1, 1913 Blanche and John went home 730. David rode back Hotchkiss on wheel. Weight 138- Slightly improved.

June 2, 1913 Fine day drove with Dr. Morgan around Mudge Pond- Set 3 hens- 45 eggs.

June 3, 1913 “A day in June” Set another hen 15 eggs. Plant Lima beans (N.Y. May 20 Sharon 2 weeks later = Eye down)

June 4, 1913 Wed. Slept in tent first time: Ther 49°- Miss Johnson and Jane. Cloudy and windy. Peabody put in new water back range- couldn’t get hot water. Drove with Willie and Miss Johnson by Miss Whites to Hotchkiss.

June 5, 1913 Thurs. Beautiful day. Dr. and Mrs. Morgan came lunch. Willie and I called on Duane and Schwabs with Anne’s horse “greylegs”

June 6, 1913 Friday- 50°- 72 Painted Hives- Close and heavy. Good breeze drove down see Fahey with Anne’s horse. Set hen- 14 eggs- Only 60 chickens left. Bartram about water and saw Costello.

June 7, 1913 Close and Heavy- Cloudy- Thunderstorm 2 p.m. Sat. Set another hen- 15 eggs. David walked down from H. Planted corn home place.

June 8, 1913 Sun 45° Slept tent. Clear and bright.

June 9, 1913 Mon. 42° 53 Cold. High north wind. Started furnace. Lunched Waitts. Whole family. Mr. W in N.Y. Saw Bartram and had leak fixed home place

June 10, 1913 Tues. 36° in tent. Beautiful day. First! Called on Anne with David and Willie.

June 11, 1913 Wed. Beautiful day. Warmer 42-76 Mrs. Waitt took Willie and I to Millerton- Set 2 hens 30 eggs. Bristol put in electric bell.

June 12, 1913 Thursday- 54° 78 Beautiful warm day. Took nap in tent. Ralph called and told us all about pole game. Animal in chicken run. Fox in chicken yard. We have lost half our chicks.

June 13, 1913 Fri 50° 76 Beautiful day David went back Hotchkiss for Commencement. Jim Fahey brought cow $80. Went Lakeville Mrs. Waitts auto- called on Dr. Morgan. Mrs. M in N.Y. about her eyes. First Hudson berries.

June 14, 1913 Sat. 55-80 Hot and Fine. Commencement Hotchkiss. First swarm. Mrs. A’s hive. 830 a.m. Mrs. Ackley came from Bennington.

June 15, 1913 Sun 54° North wind. Beautiful day. Wilhelmina slept in tent. First time. Took walk with Mr. Len Bartram for Laurel.

June 16, 1913 Mon. Went Hotchkiss after David and brought him and Lesher back. Very hot 60-84. Wrote Atkinson had ice cream in new tea room with Willie. Smyth ck 200 Rec’d tonight. Anna left 923 for N.Y and Thursday sails for Sweden.

June 17, 1913 Tues. Willie decided give up her bees. Not doing a thing. Dive Willie to market and Dakin and Peabody and paid bills. Steve Rosson, Lesher and David went golf links. Dr. and Mrs. Morgan calledin evening- sent strawberries and asparagus. Shot rat who has been eating chickens.

June 18, 1913 Wed. 47- 74 Boys said it was cold in tent. Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. McNulty called. Lesher left 232 p.m. for Millerton. Mrs. Orthcutcalled afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Waitt called evening brought strawberries and roses. Cut hay Mrs. A’s lot. Atkinson wrote declining rectorship. Mrs. Ackley was coming but didn’t.

June 19, 1913 Thur. 48° 68° Beautiful day. Set 2 hens 26 eggs. Our black cow calved today. Heifer calf. Floyd was haying and went down see about. Colored man drunk in lot ordered him off. McBurney brought 12 qts cherries can. Got in 2 loads hay. Rain at night. Got in cord birch firewood.

June 20, 1913 Fri. Rain storm First since the 7th Subs for “Evening Teleg”. Need the rain very much. Wrote Union Dome Sav Bank. Mrs. Ackley Decker came see about cow. Sick. Told him get Dr. Thompson.

June 21, 1913 Sat. Rainy 60- Floyd weights 105 ¾ with wrapper. Stands 5 ft 2 ¾ inches. Cleared off in morning Mr. Jones and Dr. Morgan called. Ralph and Anne called in evening and took us to Homestead ice cream parlor. Called on Mrs. Hertzel.

June 22, 1913 Sun- 57°-74° beautiful day. Cool north wind. Wrote Dr. Tuttle and sent specimen.

June 23, 1913 Mon, 53-77 Beautiful day, Haircut. Paid weekly bills- with David and Floyd. A few chicks came out. Mrs. Jamison called.

June 24, 1913 Tues. 52 70 Went N.Y. with Willie. Fine and hot. More chicks out. Lunch Del’s. Pomeroy truss. Wanamakers,Hammacher S & Co. Dined Belmont- Dr. Munn called auto took us 58 St. Saw Mrs. Munn. Called Dr. Tuttle 530 Said I was fine.

June 25, 1913 Wed. 60-80 Hot Cloudy- 2ndSwarm 830 out 34 49 chicks out. Coleman and Taylor called 910 Went Astor & Co. Saw Cockram and Astor Safe Dep Co. Tiffany and got watch and David’s watch. Lunch Belmont: Left 320 for Sharon.

June 26, 1913 Thur. Cloudy 59. Warm Murky. In evening called on Waitts- found Sedgwicks there dining. Waitt won his suit for reduction appraisement property. Reqst. Letter Franklin trust ck 450$ Appointed Ex. Of D.H.H Est.

June 27, 1913 Fri 64 86 Damp, Cloudy, Close. Very hot. Arthur Duane and Dr. Morgan called morning- Mr. and Mrs. Pillow 530 p.m. David and Floyd went Jamison’s for swim. Bill from Liberty storage- wrote them. Living Ackley house.

June 28, 1913 Sat 60-76 Floyd went home 9.23. Called on Jones. Saw Mr. Pellew & Boughton & told Dr. Chaffee about McGowan. Printed photo of house & developed films.

June 29, 1913 Sun 52 78 Beautiful day. Jane, David and I slept in tent. Went church first time, apportionment Sunday Dr. and Mrs. Morgan and Rev. Mr. Sheppard called $250.72 collection.

June 30, 1913 Mon 60-85 Lovely day. Mrs. Johnson left me today 4 p.m. She has been with me 5 mos. Hazard and Ralph and Bunny called. David shot Eng. Sparrows. Wrote Mrs. Ackley.

July 1, 1913 Tues. Hottest day of year. 95° in tent. Did nothing. Coleman wrote. Will Probated 26th Sent summons and complaint in Supreme Court action. Sent Coleman statement of bills. Stock market seems to be at bottom. Stock 49.

July 2, 1913 Wed. 70-83 Slept in tent under sheet. Very hot. Swam bees. 8 a.m. North wind and cooler. Drove to Mr. Haynes for chickens. Baker witness summons and complaint- returned them to Coleman. Rec’d check from Costello 500$ sent to Astor T. Co. Saw Landon about telephone Called on Dr. Mackey.

July 3, 1913 Thur. 59- 82 Saw Costello’s in front Gillette’s. Disturbance about ice and Floyd. Spoke about fishing preserve. Miss Laura Wheeler. Lunch.

July 4, 1913, Fri 59- 87 Very hot. Quiet 4th 2 Goslings killed on home place. David went to Hiddens evening.

July 5, 1913 Sat 68 85 Very hot. Pistol practice with David. Jones fireworks. David and Jane went.

July 6, 1913 Sun. 70° 85° Very hot. Bar 29 in. Large swarm 9 a.m. Very dry summer and hot weather.

July 7, 1913 Mon. 54- 76 ½ Cold, Cloudy, big change in weather. Cleared off bright. Mr. Pillow, Dr. Morgan, Mrs. Orthcut called, separator came.

July 8, 1913 Tues. 46-76 Bar 2922 Beautiful day. Slept in underclothes and 4 blankets in tent. Showers after 2.

July 9, 1913 Wed. 54°- 73 Bar 2925 Auto ride with Colgate. Cloudy.

July 10, 1913 Thur. 64 – 76 2905 Cloudy, humid, warm, called on Jones and Waitts in morning- afternoon Mrs. Rhodes called.

July 11, 1913 Fri. 51- 2925 Bar. Lovely day. Weight 141 1/2 . Bees working hard but no swarms. Sent specimen to Dr. Tuttle and Dr. Munn. Spent afternoon writing Coleman and Taylor.

July 12, 1913 Sat. 49° - 77° Bar 2920 Close. Cloudy- called on Costello’s. Took geese down. Went see Dr. Schoup at Waitt’s- Wrote Coleman. Holtzmann and Murphy arrived from Fishkill 4 p.m. and left at 530 p.m. Bleecker and Florence arrived. 4 p.m. via Poughkeepsie.

July 13. 1913 Sun. 62°- 83° Bar 2910 Rain all night and warm. Lovely day. Took auto ride Lakeville with Rathbones. Did not go to church.

July 14, 1913 Mon. 58 – 73 N.W. wind. Cool. Rode in auto Amenia and Millerton. Ice box robbed last night. Dr. Morgan called. Took off 30 honey bars. Bar 2920. Wilbur came see about robbery. Cow sick: had Thompson.

July 15, 1913 Tues. 52 – 75 Bar 2930. Bleecker started home 955 a.m. via Pawling.

July 16, 1913 First honey Dakin 16 lb Gillette 12 lb. Wed. 54- 76 Bar 2991 Fine day- windy- Gerald Eggleston for lunch. Revolver and shot gun practice. Slept 2 hrs. Willie busy all day with bees. Drove home place. Had words with Mrs. Decker.

July 17, 1913 Thur. 54-76 Bar 2930 Cloudy and warmer. Very bad night. Rectal pains. Stayed house. Did nothing all day. Mr. Horace Mann called on way to train. Willie busy with bus all day. Didn’t see her.

July 18, 1913 Fri. 60- 76 Bar 2930 Rainy. First real rainy day this summer. Close and humid. Jane sick in night. Too much candy. Vomiting!

July 19, 1913 Sat. 54°- 81° Bar 2910 Drove to Peabody’s- Market, and Anne’s- afternoon drove Willie Coleman’s. Lovely day. Warm. Good breeze. Willie sent Mrs. Hertzel box honey. Took off two supers honey. 36 lbs.

July 20, 1913 Sun. 56-76° Bar 2910 Beautiful day. Went church with Jane and David- Willie didn’t go. Mrs. Ackley came after lunch from Chappaqua and returned 611 p.m. train. Showers in afternoon Willie cleaned and finished to date 80 boxes honey.

July 21, 1913 Mon. 53- 77° Bar 2930 Lovely day north wind. Clear and bright. Sick. Dr. Schoeps called see me. 6 p.m. drove Amenia Union with Dr. Morgan. Dr. and Mrs. Morgan called 830 p.m.

July 22, 1913 Tues 52- 80 Bar 2940 Sick in bed all day. Slept in house- no rain this month- very dry.

July 23, 1913 Wed. 56-81° Bar 2940 Very hot and close. Shower in afternoon. Slept in tent: feel better. Didn’t go out. Brought up 25 boxes honey. Total 105 boxes.

July 24, 1913 Thurs. 62- 72° Floyd Decker cutting wheat and green oats. Rain a little night. Close. Cloudy. Little rain. Mrs. Waitts for tea 4 p.m.: Met Mrs. Ogle and 2 ladies. Called on Mrs. Hertzel on way home. Dakin putting fence front Mrs. Ackley’s.

July 25, 1913 Friday- 60- 73 Bar 2920 Slept in tent last night. Cleared in night- north wind. Calomel. Drove Jane in buggy afternoon. Walked to P.O. in morning.

July 26, 1913 Sat. 49°- 77 Bar 2946 Cool. Cloudy. Cleared Lovely day. Dr. Morgan called- Said he would stay. In eve drove Willie down Morehouse and Randall. David went to see “Two Orphans” Casino (25$) Called on Waitt’s- Brought up 48 boxes honey. Total finished clean to date 153.

July 27, 1913 Sun. 53- 81 Bar 2940 Went to church. Dr. Morgan preached. Ralph and Anne came with their babies in afternoon. Lovely day. Eve Dr. Schoep called say goodbye.

July 28, 1913 Mon. 60-80 Bar 2938 Wrote Hicks if he wanted honey. Willie drove Millerton with Anne- very hot day.

July 29, 1913 Tues. 70-86 Bar 2938 Very damp- very hot. Close murky. David started on his visit to Lesher at Blueberry Island camp. Shapleigh Me. Mrs. Watson, Miss Hidden called. Gave David 50$. Sent comp. Sec. Bks. Wrote Coleman. Sent bills paid for his Ck. Haircut. Walked P.O. Saw Mr. Boughton.

July 30, 1913 Wed. 64-87 Bar 2930 Cooler. Thunderstorms north of us cleared atmosphere. No rain here this north. Hottest day of summer. Went with Waitt to look at his house “Skiff”- Congregational Fair. Jane went. Spent 40 cents.

July 31, 1913 Thur. 62- 85 Bar 2940 North wind. Good air. No humidity. Lunched at Waitts. Mr. W took our photos. Ther. Up here 89°. Very hot day. Mr. I.N. Bartram called in evening to see about water in cottage where Johnson sleeps. Read letter from Holtzmann asking for settlement: said he would come up to see me. Sent Specimen Dr. Tuttle.

August 1, 1913 Fri. 62 – 74 Bar 2940 Sent Mrs. Ackley check. Paid bills- Fahey’s cow bred at Liner’s. Showers- cloudy.

August 2, 1913 Sat. 64°- 81 Bar 2928 Warm- hazy- fine. Went Inn with Jane. To meet Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence who arrived 12 o’clock. Vestry meeting 230. Randall, Morehouse, Pillow, Boughton, Schwab passed revolution giving Dr. Morgan vacation winter and every other summer. Rode to Millerton with Mr. Waitt in auto.

August 3, 1913 Sun. 53- 82° Bar 2927 Warm day. Good breeze. Walked down home place look at spring. Just running- didn’t go church. Went Inn called on Mr. Lawrence. Jersey cow calved.

August 4, 1913 Mon. 64- 76 Bar 2976 Few drops rain woke me this morning. Jane and I called on Mr. Lawrence very windy. Evening Willie and I drove to Leedsville. Dr. Morgan went Bramewell W. Va. for wedding. Willie very busy with bees: Took off 3 supers got 38 boxes. Sold to date 94 boxes given away 20 boxes.

August 5, 1913 Tues. New moon. 50-76 Bar 2936 Cold last night. Lovely day. Went Millerton with Costello in his auto. Took Jane. Walked to inn in afternoon- didn’t see Mr. Lawrence. Mrs. Duane called at 1130. Johnson went down to his mothers with horse and stayed for supper.

August 6, 1913 Wed. 55- 76 Bar 2940 Cloudy Sultry. Arthur Duane called in morning- promised me Griffon puppy. In afternoon Willie and I called on Anne and her mother and sister. Then drove through Colgate’s.

August 7, 1913 Thur. 60-70 Bar 2930 Began rain last night about 8 p.m. and rained for 2 hrs. First rain this 10 weeks. Need it very much. First night have not slept in tent. Willie says I don’t look so well this morning- got 250 for Jersey calf- shower in afternoon- called on Mr. Lawrence.

August 8, 1913 Fri. 56- 79 Bar 2940 Close and murky. Called on Anne with Willie in morning. Also Costello’s- Mr. Ussher came up 540 p.m. I met him station. Willie very proud of her honey: has 200 lbs on hand boxed. Looks very fine.