Genoa-Hugo School District C-113

220 West 7th Street

Regular Meeting Board of Education

December 12th, 2016

1.  CALL TO ORDER – The Regular Meeting of the Genoa-Hugo School District C-113 was called to order at 7:00 P.M. Monday, December 12th, 2016.


3. ROLL CALL – Members Present:

Boger -present

Graham -present

Kraxberger -present All Present

Lockhart -present

Ravenkamp -present

4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Approve the agenda as presented.

MOTION: by Boger. Approve the agenda as presented. Second Ravenkamp. Vote.

Boger -aye

Graham -aye

Kraxberger -aye Motion Carried

Lockhart -aye

Ravenkamp -aye

5.  APPROVAL OF MINTUES- approval of the November 21st, 2016 Regular Board Meeting minutes.

MOTION: by Ravenkamp. Approve the November 21st, 2016 Regular Board Meeting minutes. Second By

Kraxberger. Vote.

Boger -aye

Graham -aye

Kraxberger -aye Motion Carried

Lockhart -aye

Ravenkamp -aye


Kara Emmerling, Shari Humphrey, Mary Andersen.

At this time the board had Mary Andersen present.

Mary handed out to the board some information comparing past and present cost summaries and enrollment history. She reviewed how the district receives back reimbursements for the use of our building and teachers.

Mary also reviewed the time line used by Morgan Community College for registration. She reported that she recently had been in our school and registered students for the spring 2017 semester.

Mary reported that to date all the students from Genoa-Hugo School were doing well in the classes they were taking. She enjoys working with the students, staff and administration.

Julia Boger asked about the difference between the old Accuplacer test and the new CCPT test that is not given to students for admission.

Mr. Holmen asked Mary about how Morgan Community College is working to fill teaching staff with the new Masters requirement. Mary shared that they have to reach out to other areas to find qualified staff.

Lastly Mary shared that Morgan Community College President, Dr. Hart, will be retiring March 1st, the college is actively looking for his replacement.


#7:01 -November Expenditures and Transfer of Funds


·  Approve November 2016 expenditures of $657,996.46 and transfer of funds.


Motion to Approve November expenditures of $657,996.46 Transfer of funds.

MOTION: by Lockhart. To Approve the November expenditures of $657,996.46 and Transfer of funds. Second by Kraxberger. Vote.

Boger -aye

Graham -aye

Kraxberger -aye Motion Carried

Lockhart -aye

Ravenkamp -aye

#7:02 –Approve Final Mill Levy Certification


·  Final Mills are not approved until December 10th

·  The board will approve the final number on the 12th

MOTION: by Boger. To approve the final Mill Levy Certification of 23.195 Mills. Second by Ravenkamp. Vote.

Boger -aye

Graham -aye

Kraxberger -aye Motion Carried

Lockhart -aye

Ravenkamp -aye

#7:03 –Classified and Bus Driver Salary Schedule


·  Currant per hour wage of $8.50 for activity trips does not meet the minimum wage standard of $9.30 as of January 1, 2017.

·  Minimum wage will have to be $12.00 by 2020

·  We can begin to move towards the $12.00 minimum on our classified salary schedule now for budgeting reasons because we do not have anyone at the $11.55 per hour rate.

MOTION: by Ravenkamp. To adopt only the $9.30/ hour change to meet the state law requirement. Second by Boger. Vote.

Boger -aye

Graham -aye

Kraxberger -aye Motion Carried

Lockhart -aye

Ravenkamp -aye

Becky Ravenkamp requested that Mr. Holmen check on some wording and bring the complete salary schedule back to the board in January before it is approved.


#8.01Principal’s Report-

Mrs. Humphrey will report

Mrs. Humphrey reported that on November 28th the Speech team attended the Limon Meet and several students placed. December 8th was the Elementary Concert and the Middle/High School concert will be this Tuesday.

Thee FFA had their Chapter Speaking contest and also attended the District Contest recently with students scoring very well.

Mrs. Humphrey shared a letter from the current English Comp instructor with MCC, the instructor wanted to share how impressed she was with our students and wanted to acknowledge the great instruction they students had received from their prior teacher. Mrs. Humphrey was going to share this with Mrs. Markle.

#8.02 Superintendents Report


·  Building update/Projects

Mr. Holmen reported that the additional security cameras will be installed next week over break.

He has contacted a HVAC company out of Lamar to see if they can help with the HVAC issues in the building.

Currently there are several heat pumps and roof top units not working correctly. The technician will be in the

building this Friday and work with Lloyd to hopefully find some answers and offer some training to Lloyd. When

Mr. Holmen visited with Mike Parker he thought it could a valve reversal problem, which is a rather expensive

and extensive process to fix.

The new score boards are delivered and will be installed on Tuesday.

Starting next week all of the students and staff will be on a google email.

Becky Ravenkamp asked about some cracks in the walls in the middle school science room.

#8.03 BOCES Report


Mr. Holmen reported that he attended the last BOCES meeting, Julia was home sick and was not able to go.

The audit was shared at the meeting along with some policy updates.

#8.04 Board Items


·  Boger- Had emailed elementary teachers for feedback on the new reading curriculum and they all were very excited about it and like it.

·  Graham- He was contacted by Karval School district about the possibility of having Mr. Holmen help out during this time of no administration in the building. They are currently looking but may need some help in the future.

·  Kraxberger- None

·  Lockhart- None

·  Ravenkamp- None

#8.05 MCC Report-Mary Andersen


Mary Andersen will present some information

Information was presented during the audience section.

#9.01 Next Regular Board Meeting


·  The next scheduled meeting is January 16, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.


MOTION: By Kraxberger. Motion to adjourn. Second by Lockhart. Vote. The time being 7:44 p.m.

Boger -aye

Graham -aye

Kraxberger -aye Motion Carried

Lockhart -aye

Ravenkamp -aye