Container List of
Blondell Malone Papers, 1800-1956 (bulk, 1898-1951)
Page one of this finding aid available at following URL:
Extent: ca. 10 linear ft.
Series List
· I - Personal Papers, 1800-1956 (bulk 1894-1951) - - (Boxes 1-12).
· II - Artwork, ca 1900-1940, and undated - - (Box 13).
· III - Photographs, ca 1870-1940, and undated - - (Boxes 13-14).
Container List
SERIES I. Personal Papers (Blondelle Malone abbreviated as “BM”)
Box Folder
Career as an Artist
1 1 Admittance Cards/Invitations for Exhibitions, 1906-14, nd
2 Benefit Exhibition for St. Luke’s Hospital (Tokyo, Japan), List of Exhibited Works, nd
Criticism and Exhibition Reviews:
3 Collected Comments, 1913-22, nd
4 From The Golden Book of Living Artists, 1911
5 Written in French (some translations), nd
12 265 The Vista, “Three Women Painters” (p. 9), 1929
1 7-14 Exhibit Catalogs, 1906-41, nd
15 Miscellaneous Programs (Art and Music), 1913, 1916, nd
16 Notice re: Golden Jubilee Exhibition, nd
17 Visitor’s Book for the Exhibition at the Lyceum Club, Paris, France, 1913
Works of Art – Series III; see page 15
2 18-37 Letters, 1800-1907
3 38-60 1908-14
4 61-86 1915-27
5 87-116 1928-46
6 117-121 1947-51
12 248 Legal size, 1891-1943
Os 1[*] Oversize, 1905, 1911
Os 2 Oversize, 1905, nd
6 122 undated (written in French and German)
123 undated (telegrams)
124-44 undated (general)
7 145-150 undated (general)
151-56 Postcards, to BM from abroad
8 157-58 to BM from within United States
SERIES I. Personal Papers (continued)
Box Folder
8 159-62 to parents from BM
163-65 annotated by BM but not mailed, nd
na South Carolina postcards[*]
Family History and Genealogy
166 Edwards Family, the Edwards Family of New York, nd
Os 1 Edwards Family, Genealogical Charts, nd
167 Jones Family, Octavia Jones, Report of Scholarship and Deportment (grammar school), nd
168 Jones Family, Octavia Jones, Teaching Contract, 1876
169 Malone Family, Coat of Arms, nd
170 Malone Family, Sallie J. Malone, poem, nd
171-72 Miscellaneous Materials, nd
Os 2 United Daughters of Confederacy: Certificate for Mrs. M. A. Malone (Jones), Wade Hampton Chapter, South Carolina Division, nd
General Materials
173 Account of Automobile Accident and Subsequent Medical Treatment and Insurance Issues, 1939
174 Associations and Memberships (membership cards), 1899-1946, nd
9 175 Astrology, “Your Individually Compiled Master Nostradamus Chart With Interpretation and Twelve Months Forecast,” 1944
176 Calling Cards, Associates, nd
177 Personal (BM), nd
Collected Publications:
178 “Crime, Criminology and Criminological Institutes,” (signed) Boris Brasol, 1938
179 “One of the Blue Hen’s Chickens,” (signed) Virginia Durant Young, 1901
180 “A Study of Oscar Wilde,” Walter Winston Kenilworth, 1912
181 Converse College (Spartanburg, SC), 1894-95, nd
182 Hospital Bills (Circle Terrace Hospital, Alexandria, VA),
183-86 Invitations and Announcements, 1898-1951, nd
187 List of Books Presented to Oglethorpe University, nd
187a Lock of Hair (possibly Blondelle’s), nd
188-89 Miscellaneous and Unidentified Materials, nd
190 Miscellaneous Receipts and Bills, 1913-34, 1947, nd
191 Stock market Activity, 1920
Historic Preservation Activities
192 Historic House Descriptions, nd
Os 2 Land Survey, Washington, DC, area, 1851
193 Miscellaneous Materials, nd
194 Properties in Virginia, 1932, 1937, nd
SERIES I. Personal Papers (continued)
Box Folder
9, 10 195-201 Bound Volumes (16 volumes), ca 1908-12, nd
10 202 Loose entries, 1929
Legal Documents
12 249 Abstract of Title of Blondelle Edwards Malone and Miles A. Malone re Main Street Property, Columbia, South Carolina, 1912
Estate of Miles A. Malone, 1931-48
250 Inventory and Appraisement of Personal Property of the Estate of Miles Alexander Malone, 1930
251-54 Last Will and Testament of Miles Alexander Malone and accompanying documents, 1929-31, nd
255 Oath of Fiduciary, Executrix (Julia Oglesly), 1930
Legal Documents, continued
256 The South Carolina National Bank as substituted trustee under the Will of Miles A. Malone, PLAINTIFF, VS.
S. M. Busby and Blondelle O. Malone, DEFENDANTS: Answer of Blondelle O. E. Malone, 1943
257 Statement for Miss Blondelle E. Malone in re: Sale of the Property on the East Side of Main Street Between Washington and Hampton Streets, 1932
258 Last Will and Testament of Wiley A. Jones, 1873, 1898, 1901
Properties owned:
259 Aiken, South Carolina, property, 1918-19
260 Duke Street, Alexandria, Virginia, 1931, 1933, 1943
261 Lee and Jefferson Streets, Alexandria, Virginia, 1932
262 South Fairfax Street, Alexandria, Virginia, 1931, 1940, 1942
263 Rental agreements, 1903, 1920-30
264 Title to Real Estate: William S. Burney to Sallie Belle Watt, 1908
Newspaper Articles and Clippings
10 203-04 Unbound scrapbook, about BM, ca 1898-1910, nd
205-13 Unbound, about BM, 1898-1950, nd
214-15 Unbound (contents of scrapbook), about BM (2 volumes),
216 Unbound, about Malone family: M. A. Malone obituary, GET DATE
217-18 Unbound, about Malone family: Stone Mountain Monument, 1924, 1927, 1941, nd
Research Materials for Enigma (belonged to Louise Jones DuBose)
11 219-29 Letter Transcriptions, 1894-1956, nd
229a Press Release, University of South Carolina, re publication of Enigma, 12/15/1963
230, Os2 Official Documents for International Travels, 1904, 1915
Os 2 Passport Issued to BM by the Embassy of the United States at London, England, 1915
SERIES I. Personal Papers (continued)
Box Folder
11 231 Brochure from 188th Robert Burns Anniversary, St. Andrews Society of Washington, DC, 1947
232 “A Cathedral Hillside and Its Gardens,” Florence Bratenahl, 1931
233 Cunard Line, List of Saloon Passengers on the Carpathia, 1909
234 “Gregory’s Guide and View Book of Woburn Sands, Aspley Guise, and Woburn,” nd
235 “A Handy Guide to Wrest Gardens,” W. Treacher, nd
236 “History and Description of Muckress Abbey,” Maurice R. Moriarty, 1912 (signed copy)
Souvenirs, continued:
237 “Lady Sarah Lennox, A Lecture Delivered Before Members of the Cork Literary and Scientific Society,” Matthew J. Bourke, 1914 (signed copy)
238 “The Memorial to Washington, An Historic Souvenir,” Charles H. Callahan, 1932
239 “St. Agnes Church, Franklin, NC – The First Fifty Years, 3rd May 1888 to 3rd May 1938
240 “St. Ann’s Hill Hydro – Blarney Souvenir, nd
241 “Souvenirs of Killarny,” nd
242 Account of Painting in France, nd
243 Autobiographical Essay, 1892
244 Bagatelle, nd
245 “Education in Japan: the Growth of the School System,” nd
246 Miscellaneous, Unidentified
247 “Rattenberg in Tirol,” nd
SERIES II. Artwork
Box Folder
13 1 List of BOM’s paintings, (incomplete), nd
2 Aiken, South Carolina, Vanderbilt Garden (photographic reproduction, 2 copies), nd
3 Aiken, South Carolina, “The Weeping Cherry Tree,” Miss Oliver Islin’s porch (photographic reproduction, 1 image), nd
4 Charleston, South Carolina, Manigault Building (photograhic reproduction on a postcard), 1908
5 Converse College, snow scene painted from bedroom window (watercolor? Approximately 5 inches by 9 inches), ca 1894
6 East River, New York, painted from #27 Beekman Place (sketch and watercolor, 4.5 inches by 4.3 inches, 1 watercolor image, 2 sketched images), 1922
7 Blarney Castle (watercolor, approximately 5 inches by 4 ½ inches, 1 copy), ca 1915
SERIES II. Artwork (continued)
Box Folder
13 8 Blarney Castle (photographic reproduction, 1 copy), 1914
9 Gardens, Dublin and Killarney House (photographic reproductions, 2 copies), ca 1915
10 Gardens, “Lady Morris’ Japanese Garden,” Glasnevin (watercolor, 6 inches by 7.5 inches), nd
11 Killen Castle, County Meath (sketch, 4.75 inches by 3.5 inches, needs repair, corn study sketched on reverse), nd
12 Cherry tree (watercolor, 8 inches by 7.5 inches), 1903
13 “In Japan,” 1903
14 “Iris in Japan,” watercolor, ca 1908
Japan, continued:
Flowers, continued:
15 Unfinished watercolor, 1903
16 Photographic Reproductions (3 images), ca 1908
17 Watercolor, unidentified, (1 image) 1908
18 Watercolors, Wang Poo, unidentified, (2 images) nd
19 Geisha (watercolor, 5.25 inches by 6.5 inches), ca 1903
20 Mt. Fuji, watercolor, ca 1908
21 Palermo, Italy, St. Giovanni degli Eremiti (possibly) (photographic reproduction), nd
Paris, France:
22 Luxembourg Gardens, Paris, France (photographic reproductions, 2 copies), nd
23 Temple near Paris (photographic reproduction), nd
24 Pawley’s Island, South Carolina (photographic reproductions, 2 copies), ca 1926
25 Photographic Reproductions, miscellaneous (7 images), nd
26 Sketches, miscellaneous, nd
27 Washington Monument, “A Spray and the Monument” (Photographic reproduction, 5 copies, nd
28 Watercolors, miscellaneous (3 images), nd
Annex Watercolor (inquire at reference desk)
29 Watercolor painting of BOM in her sunbonnet painting at Cos Cob, Connecticut, unidentified artist (possibly John Henry Twachtman), ca 1899-1900
30 Watercolor painting, “Among the Islands, Bermuda,” artist initials S.W.I.M., nd
31-35 Book Plates designed by BOM, ca 1901
36 Malone coat of arms, painted on cardboard by B. F. Johnson, Inc., genealogical firm, Washington, D.C., nd
SERIES III. Photographs (Photographer is in italics if known) (198 images)
Box Folder
Formal portraits of BM (25 images):
13 37 As a young woman (W. A. Reckling, Columbia, SC), ca 1896 (1 image)
38 “At age 5,” ca 1882 (1 image)
Blanchard Photo, Columbia, SC (a series in which Blondelle is posed in and around her parents’ home in Columbia):
39 “In the garden of her studio in Columbia, SC,” with an unidentified man, 1909 (2 images)
40 “The hall at my home, Columbia, SC,” 1909 (1 image)
Formal portraits of BM (26 images), continued:
41 “The hall at my home, Columbia, SC,” 1909 (2 images)
42 “My mother’s drawing room decorated with landscapes…” 1909 (1 image)
43 “In the summer dining room at Gervais Street,” 1909 (1 image)
44 “Tea time in the drawing room at home,” with an unidentified man, 1909 (4 images)
14 1 Debutante, around age 21 (Condon Photo, Atlanta, GA), ca 1898 (3 images, plus one reproduction)
2 On a tricycle (Hennies Photo, Columbia, SC), 1889
3 Passport photograph, taken in Dublin, Ireland, 1915 (2 images)
OS2 Shoreham Hotel, Dinner in honor of Pact of Friendship between Turkey and Greece, 11/14/1933
4 Taken in Holland? nd (1 image)
5 Underwood and Underwood, Washington, DC, ca 1933 (3 images)
6 With Lucy Bacon (Blanchard Photo, Columbia, SC), ca 1901-02 (2 images)
Informal photographs of BM (51 photos)
7 As a young woman, nd (2 images)
8 As a young woman, 1892-1900 (2 images)
9 As an older woman, nd (5 images)
10 At Converse College, 1940s (3 images)
11 In France, ca 1910 (3 images)
12 In the garden of BM’s Aiken, SC, home with an unidentified man and her dog, ca 1920s (2 images)
13 In garden at Cos Cob, CT, ca 1899 (1 image)
14 In Newport, RI, ca 1906 (1 image)
15 In her New York studio, ca 1925 (13 images)
16 On board a ship, 1904 (2 images)
17 Painting in backyard of the Craik house, Alexandria, VA (letter written by BM on back of one photo), 1941 (2 images)
18 Painting in a park, Brooklyn, NY, nd (1 image)
SERIES III. Photographs (continued)
Box Folder
14 19 Painting in garden, ca 1902 (1 image, plus one reproduction)
20 Posed next to her Greek vase, Aiken, SC, ca 1916 (2 images)
21 With a Japanese child, Japan, 1903 (1 image)
22 With her dog, Aiken, SC, ca 1920s (3 images)
23 Wearing kimono, Japan, 1903 (3 images)
24 With Venable family members at Stone Mountain, GA, ca 1930s (3 images)
Formal and Informal – Family (33 images):
25 “Aunt Becky Jonson,” ca 1882 (1 image)
26 Ola May (Jones) Nisbet, BOM’s cousin (Russell, Atlanta, GA), 1898 (1 image)
27 Malone family burial plots, West View Cemetery, Atlanta, GA, nd; Edwards family plot, no location given, nd (7 images)
28 Miles Alexander Malone (Kuhn’s, Atlanta, GA), ca 1880s-90s (3 images)
29 Miles Alexander Malone, wedding photographs (Smith & Motes, Atlanta, GA), 1877 (3 images)
30 Miles Alexander Malone as a young boy (?) (Vogue), ca 1862 (3 images)
31 Miles Alexander Malone (McKinstry Studio, Columbia, SC; B.F. Johnson, Inc., Washington, D.C.), early 1900s (6 images)
32 Sarah Glenn Jones Malone, wedding photographs (Smith & Motes, Atlanta, GA; B.F. Johnson, Inc., Washington, DC), 1877 (3 images)
33 Lucy Payne, BOM’s great aunt (?), nd (2 images)
34 Unidentified (Orren Jack Turner), nd (2 images)
35 Venable family members, nd (2 images)
36 Samuel Hoyt Venable, owner of Stone Mountain property upon which the Confederate monument was constructed (1 image), nd
Formal and Informal – Friends and Associates(11 images):
37 Dr. Anderson, ca 1887 (1 image)
38 Jacques Emile Blanche, French portrait painter (photocopy of protrait, 1 image), nd
39 George Brown, president of First Bank in Georgia, and his wife (1 image), nd
40 Mrs. Draper and Baroness Soskow, ca 1907 (1 image)
41 Camilla Hardwall (?), author of children’s books, nd (1 image)
42 Josef Irael, postcard photo, ca 1900-05 (1 image)
43 David S.S. Johnson, nd (1 image)
44 Dr. Moore’s daughter, a friend of BOM’s, nd (1 image)
45 William Nash (possibly) (1 photostat image), nd
46 Camille Pissarro in his studio, ca 1890s (1 image)
SERIES III. Photographs (continued)
Box Folder
14 47 Mrs. Scott Siddons, nd; “Eugenie,” nd (2 images)
48 Charles Louis Slattery (?), photostat, nd (1 image)
49 The Dowager Duchess D’Uzes (1 photostat image), nd
Informal photographs of locations, objects (78 photos)
50 Cottage and studio, Aiken, SC (6 images)
51 Craik and Wayles Houses, Alexandria, VA, nd (39 images)
52 Craik and Wayles Houses, Alexandria, VA, nd (6 negatives)
53 Japan, miscellaneous scenes, ca 1904 (2 images)
54 Malone home (furnishings), Gervais Street, Columbia, SC, nd (5 images)
55 Miscellaneous, unidentified, nd (14 images)
56 Wall murals painted by BOM, Virginia Tea Room on 211 W. 57th Street, New York, ca 1930s (6 images)
57 Slides/Glass Plate Negatives:
Blondelle Malone in her New York studio (1 glass plate slide, commercially made), nd
Memorial marker, Rev. W. M. Godfrey Washington (glass plate negative), nd
Sketch, Henry Simpson created this image of the rediscovery of BOM’s lost artwork, “Walter Sickert Finds Malone Pictures of Japan,” (1 glass plate slide), ca 1904
[*] The personal papers series in the collection contains two oversize file folders – Os 1 and Os 2.
[*] See South Carolina postcard collection.