English Banana.com

Test Your Patience!

Nonsense Quiz 1

Warning: this quiz does not make any sense!

1.  Why did the chicken cross the road?

2.  How many beans make five?

3.  If I have twelve sweets and give Tom four, how many sweets does Tom have?

4.  What is the capital of Australia?

5.  When is a door not a door?

6.  How do you make a sausage roll?

7.  Why was the piece of toast in a bad mood?

8.  What is black and white and red all over?

9.  What have eyes but cannot see?

10.  What has ears but cannot hear?

11.  What has a heart that cannot beat?

12.  What has wings but cannot fly?

13.  What is Father Christmas’ wife called?

14.  What sport do oranges play?

15.  What do short sighted ghosts wear?

16.  What has legs but cannot walk?

17.  What runs but never gets anywhere?

18.  What is the coldest vegetable in the world?

19.  What do you call a cat with eight legs that lives underwater?

20.  Why did the tomato cross the road?


1.  It needed a new lamp for its bike.

2.  Five.

3.  Thirty eight (he already had some sweets in his pocket).

4.  A.

5.  When it is ajar (a jar).

6.  Push it down a hill.

7.  Because it was getting browned off.

8.  A sunburnt penguin.

9.  Needles.

10.  A field of corn.

11.  A lettuce.

12.  A theatre.

13.  Mary Christmas.

14.  Squash.

15.  Spook-tacles (spectacles).

16.  A chair.

17.  A nose.

18.  A chilli pepper (a chilly pepper).

19.  An octo-puss (octopus).

20.  It was chasing a bowl of salad for a bet.

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