Unit 1-2 Plans
Day 1: (Thurs. Aug. 9)
Warm-Up: Dinosaur Bones (illustrative math)
Syllabus & Procedures
Closing: Pre-Assessment (CARD SORT - word problems to match to expressions)
-NOT MADE YET - (Lisa may have)
HW: Overcharge scenarios to go along with Dinosaur Bones (Joanne will type up)
Day 2: (Fri. Aug. 10)
Warm-Up: Calculator Skills (Operations & fractions cheat sheet)
Graphic Organizer on key terms (words to help write expressions -
add, subtract, mult, divide, equal/inequalities)
Writing expressions practice (notecards, carousel, or...)
Begin Lucy's Linear Equations (MAKE SURE TO HIT - Coefficient,
Closing: Questions from Lucy's Linear Equations
HW: Finish Lucy's Equations or practice expressions if needed
Day 3: (Mon. Aug. 13)
Warm-Up: Writing expressions/Solving equations
Tie up any loose ends for Lucy's Linear Equations
10 min STATIONS:
· Simplifying Expressions (Combine like terms)
· Order of operations (Check with calculator)
· Plotting points on a coordinate plane & calculate the slope
· Graphing lines in form (y=mx+b), identify m(slope) and b(y-int)
· Fractions, percents, decimals
· Extra Station: Measure Conversions
- GROUP ANSWER KEY to check answers
HW: Creating tables for linear equations
Day 4: (Tues. Aug. 14) (NQ2, A.CED 1,2,3)
Warm-Up: Animal Populations (A, D give hint to plug in #'s)
Cara's Candles Task (frameworks)
-Bonus Question: What literary term is used in the title: Cara's Candles? Alliteration
Closing: (student led)
· Write the equations, what does the slope & y-int represent?
· At what time is the 12 cm candle larger? smaller?
-Make sure to hit the different representations- words, symbols, inequalities
Make sure to write the inequalities for when each is ≥ or ≤
· At what time would the heights of the candles be equal? What does that mean?
· Which candle would you actually buy and why?
· Draw the original candles, draw the length after 5 hours.
· Discuss constraints: when the candle height is neg and what it means, mention domain
· When is each candle gone?
· What does this value represent on the graph?
Day 5: (Wed. Aug. 15) (NQ. 1)
Warm-Up: Conversion of Cara's Candles
- to inches
- time - min to hours - hours to sec.
- Which unit of measure is the most appropriate to use?
Setting Scale/Graphing/Cont or Discont Scenario Poster Activity
(from Christa and Kristie)
Closing: Students share posters and work
Day 6: (Thurs. Aug. 16) ( )
Warm-Up: Quick Test Review
TEST: - simplifying expressions (like terms, order of operations, etc.)
- writing expressions & equations
- conversions
- fill in a table & draw a line
- Cara's Candles & Lucy's Linear Equations like scenarios
- give a graph with a line & have students write the equation
- y = mx + b what does the m & b represent
- identify the coefficients
- perimeter problem
After Test: Boomerang Pre-Assessment (explain to students why they are doing it & that they'll be able to come back to it later and improve on it to see their own growth)
HW: Solving Equations (easy)
Day 7: (Fri. Aug. 17) (A. REI 1, 3)
Warm-Up: Homework Check on Solving Equations
Solve Eqautions/Inequalities(graph on a # line)
· reminder about flipping the signs and that x<3 is the same thing as 3>x
· write reasons for every step(on a few) in words, etc
Can use Boards Up to help check & practice problems
Closing: TOTD on solving
HW: Graphing inequalities on a # line (-3<x≤10, x≥5 or x<2, x<7)
Day 8: (Mon. Aug. 20) (A. REI 6)
Warm-Up: Real life problem that they try to solve (guess & check, etc)
Cash Box Problem (illustrative math)
Quiz: Check for understanding (3-5 problems)
Solving Systems of Equations (SUBSTITUTION & ELIMINATION)
(Cara's Candles problem will probably make this a little easier to understand & see)
· y = 5x + 4 (use substitution)
· 2x - 5y = 10 (use elimination)
· Use boards up to practice or carousel with problems
Closing: Solve CASH BOX problem
HW: Practice WS 4 problems & identify method used on each
Day 9: (Tues. Aug. 21) (A. REI 1,3,5,6)
Warm-Up: Rewrite equation in slope intercept form (solve for y)
Boomerang Task (FAL- Formative Assessment) - Solving Systems of inequalities
Closing: Give back to students original pre-assessment for students to fix/correct
Day 10: (Wed. Aug. 22) ( )
Warm-Up: Review graphing inequalities, shading, and solving for y
Carousel Activity - on graph paper (students will rotate their sheet of paper within a group of 4)
· Step 1: Create an equation in standard form Ax + By = C
· Step 2: Solve for y to put in slope intercept form
· Step 3: Graph it on a coordinate plane
· Step 4: Change the equation into an inequality
· Final Step: Pair students up within the group of 4 - Students will combine their two equations/inequalities to make a system and put on a big poster & solve them as a system
· BONUS: Come up w/context for the problem
Closing: Pick a pair or two of students to share their posters
Day 11: (Thurs. Aug. 23) (A. REI 12)
Warm-Up: Rewrite equations in terms of y for y = mx + b
Graphing Inequalities (FW Task) - Use as a teaching tool
Pre-Assessment: Combining inequalities (last 15 min or so) - (Defining regions using inequalities)
**Be sure to look over these to group students for the next day
HW: If you had to stop the Graphing Inequalities for the Pre-Assessment, could have students finish 7-9
Day 12: (Fri. Aug. 24)
Warm-Up: Could be a topic you've seen students struggling with
Defining Regions Using Inequalities (FAL TASK)
(Group student H-M, M-L)
Day 13: (Mon. Aug. 27)
Revise Combining Inequalities Pre-Assessment
(Count as a Quiz grade)
Review/Practice solving systems of equations
Catch up day if needed
Day 14: (Tues. Aug. 28)
Review/catch up day
Differentiation Day - may have to take a small group of struggling students and work with them as a small group while other students continue to work independently
Day 15: (Wed. Aug. 29)
Test Review
Maybe begin Family Outing (FW Task)
Day 16: (Thurs. Aug. 30)
60% Family Outing Task as TEST
40% Multiple Choice (10-20 questions) as TEST
Day 17: (Fri. Aug. 31)
FINAL Day of TEST - Multiple Choice part
Preview Sequences - writing explicit formulas and finding nth term
Discuss recursive situation - Ex. Joe is 17 years Ashley's senior
in order to know Joe's age, you gotta know more- maybe you have to know Ashley's age first - which kind of lends to the recursive