Billy Browell Esq,

Planning Officer, 27th July 2007.

Alnwick District Council,

Dear Billy,

Re: Proposed CaravanPark, east of New Barns Farm, Warkworth.

The Parish Council has the following observations:

Alnwick District Council, having recently rejected a planning application for 3 caravans on a nearby plot (albeit on sound grounds in planning law), the timing of this application might seem to some to be a little unfortunate. Nonetheless, the Parish Council has considered this on its merits.

The Parish Council has major concerns and reservations regarding the adequacy of the proposed access routes. It is claimed in the Supporting Statement that NCC Highways has raised no major concerns, but the Parish Council has yet to see its considered response. The Applicant states that access should be directed via Guilden Road, but in these days of “sat-nav” it is inevitable that many will approach the site from the south, along what is acknowledged to be an inadequate road.

The Applicant indicates an estimated flow of 36 vehicles an hour to/from the site along Guilden Road but the route direction means that many will be travelling via Morwick Road (from Acklington ) or via Rotary Way and Beal Bank (from Amble ). Both of these approaches already have inadequacies: the Beal Bank junction is particularly hazardous at busy times while Morwick Road is a narrow road, prone to speeding drivers, concealed drive-ways and parked cars and any additional traffic, particularly towed caravans, is sure to aggravate both situations.

Very surprisingly, the Supporting Statement, whilst advocating Guilden Road, makes no mention nor apparently takes any cognisance of the fact that WarkworthFirstSchool lies on this road and is intensively trafficked at school times and any additional traffic volume must take into consideration children’s safety.

Whilst the Parish Council is supportive of measures to encourage tourism and to promote the economic health of the area, it has to be acknowledged that Warkworth already has a serious problem with parking and the potential extra volume from this proposed site can only create an intolerable situation.

Given the number of caravan parks in the area (6/7 within a 3 mile radius), the Parish Council questions the need or demand for another large development; does the Applicant have evidence of such a demand?

Finally, the Parish Council considers that if this application is to be approved, then it would require substantial investment in terms of community benefit, particularly directed at road improvements/safety measures especially in the vicinity of the School, but also to Morwick Road and Beal Bank and for further parking measures in the Village. These could be by way of S106 Agreements, but the Parish Council would want to be included in the detailed discussions with the Applicant.

If you feel that anything requires further clarification or information, I shall be pleased to hear from you.

Yours sincerely,

Stuart Elliott,
