On February 28, 2017, the County of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors adopted a motion to establish a Countywide response system to expedite the recovery of individuals who wander from their families and caregivers, such as individuals with Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, or Autism. The Board Motion can be accessed at:
Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services was tasked with launching the “Bringing Our Loved Ones Home” (BOLOH) Task Force to explore options and develop recommendations for the Board to mitigate the escalating wandering crisis. The inaugural Task Forcemeeting on April 6, 2017 brought together many key stakeholders and decided on conducting this survey to gather information about existing systems and first responder training programs within the County or neighboring areas. Your input and suggestions will help create a countywide inventory of resources and services as well as assist in the development of recommendations for the Board of Supervisors on this critical matter. Please provide us with your feedback by completing the following questionnaireand sending it to us via email at:unty.
- Your Name (Optional)
- Name of Agency, if applicable
- Email Address:
- Phone Number
Wander Programs/Services
- Do you or does your agency have programs that provide relevant services to individuals who wander from their families and caregivers?
- Please provide the following information:
b)A brief description of the programs/service
c)Total number of clients served annually
d)Number of children served annually
e)Number of older adults served annually
f)Policies/protocols/procedures used in providing the service
g)Estimated start-up cost
h)Estimated annual operational cost
i)Source of funding
j)Number of staff managing and working with the programs
k)Any reference materials including policies and procedures that can be made available for the purpose of this program.
Database Systems
- Do you or does your agency utilize a database system that is designed to identify and or track individuals who wander from their families and caregivers?
- Please provide the following information:
b)Description of the database
c)Owner/User of the database
d)Summary of types of data the system stores/captures
e)Is the database automated or web-based?
f)Does the database support easy sharing of data with other systems automatically?
g)Are there confidentiality issues that may hinder or limit data sharing?
h)Estimated start-up cost
i)Estimated annual maintenance cost
j)Source of funding
k)Number of staff managing and working with the database
l)Name of contact person and contact information
Tracking Technologies/Devices
- Do you or does your agency utilize or know of any tracking devices such as medical alert systems and GPS technologies?
- Please provide the following information:
b)Description of how it is used
c)Estimated start-up cost
d)Estimated annual maintenance cost
e)User fee/cost per person
f)Source of funding
g)Contact person and contact information
Wanderer Related Training Programs
- Do you or does your agency provide or utilize training programs to assist individuals (or their families) who wander from their families and caregivers?
- Please provide as much information as possible including:
b)Who provides the training
c)How the training is delivered
d)Recipients of the training program
e)Estimated cost of the training program
f)Source of funding
g)Number of staff managing and working with the training program
h)Contact person and contact information
Other Recommendations
- Please provide any Task Force suggestions or recommendations including the following:
b)Strategies for effective implementation of a Countywide database system
c)Strategies for the application of Countywide tracking devices such as medical alert systems and GPS technologies
d)Strategies or best practices for a first-responder training program
e)Collaborative partners
f)Best practices
g)Any other recommendations
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