SCREEN 1: Mishap Involved
- Select ship/sub/small craft or shore/ground/shipyard
- Select Property damage non-US Government or US Government
- Was there injury, illness, or fatality involved in the event (NO)
SCREEN 2: Event General Information
- Date of Mishap
- Local Time
- Locally assigned SER. #
- One line summary of mishap
- Was alcohol involved in this mishap
- Were drugs involved in this mishap
SCREEN 3: Type of Mishap event(select from pull down list)
SCREEN 4: UIC of reporting activity
- Activity name
SCREEN 5: Point of Contact information
- Last name
- First name
- Middle initial
- Rank/rate
- Primary phone number
- Secondary phone number
- DSN prefix
- Email address
SCREEN 6: UIC of Point of Contact
- Activity name
SCREEN 7: Mishap location
a. Did mishap occur on a government base or vessel yes or no/unknown
b. Was the mishap influenced by environmental conditions such as wind, temperature or visibility. yes or no/unknown
SCREEN 8: Ship/Sub/Small craft information
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Restricted waters yes or no/unknown
- Sea state
- Direction
SCREEN 9: General location of ship
- Body of water
- Port
SCREEN10: Command or activity involved
SCREEN11: UIC of command or activity involved
- Activity name
SCREEN 12: Ship/Sub/Small craft Location
- Vessel type (Ship/Sub/Small craft)
- Vessel status (Anchored, Moored, Dry-docked, other, shipyard drydocked, shipyard moored, submerged, or underway)
- Small or service craft (if applicable)
- Is this activity currently deployed yes or no/unknown
SCREEN 13: Employment
- Exercise or operation name
- Date left port (if underway)
- Date left home port (if deployed)
- Landing craft payload type cargo
- Landing craft payload weight (In tons)
SCREEN 14: Specific Unit evolution at Time of mishap
- General Type (explosive or non-explosive)
- Specific Type (select from pull down list)
SCREEN 15: Involved property damage in US dollars
- Total cost of damage to US GOVT owned property ______
- Total cost of damage to NON-US GOVT owned property caused by government. ______
- Number of mission days lost. ______
SCREEN 16: Involved property
- Add new entry
SCREEN 17: Property Information
a. Is this property Govt. owned or leased? Yes or no
- Is this item (airdropped cargo/Ordnance/Other)
- Name/nomenclature of involved equipment
- Is equipment currently deployed Yes or no or N/A
SCREEN 18: Specify Property Association
- Shore activity name not yet entered
- Ship activity 1 name not yet entered
- Ship activity 2 name not yet entered
- Activity not yet entered
SCREEN 19: Involved property location
- General level (Aviation/Ship/Sub/Small Craft)
- Specific level (Government/Non-Government)
- Fine level (select from pull down list)
- Extreme level (select from pull down list)
- BLDG#/Room/Shop/Compartment number
SCREEN 20: Property/Equipment involved in the mishap
- Item name/nomenclature of damaged equipment (23 characters)
- Description of equipment damage (70 characters)
- Year
- Make
- Model
- Series
- TAMS number
- Serial number
- Non-government property/equipment owner
- Non-government property/equipment operator
SCREEN 21: Involved people- even if not injured
- Add new entry
SCREEN 22: Involved Person – General information
a. Name:
b. Social Security Number:
c. Date of Birth:
d. Age:
SCREEN 23: Specify person association
- Shore activity name not yet entered
- Ship activity 1 name not yet entered
- Ship activity 2 name not yet entered
- Activity not yet entered
SCREEN 24: Location of involved person during mishap
- Type of location (Aviation/Ship/Sub/Small Craft)
- General location (Government/Non-Government)
- Specific location (select from pull down list)
- Detailed location (select from pull down list)
- BLDG#/Room/Shop/Compartment number
SCREEN 25: Involved Person – General information
- Injury/Illness severity (No injury or illness)
- DOD affiliation (Military/DOD Civilian/DOD Civilian TAD/Foreign National/None of the above)
- Duty Status (On duty/Off Duty/N/A)
- Was the person deployed at the time of the MISHAP? Yes or no or N/A
SCREEN 26: Involved Person – General information
- Sex:
- Height: in.
- Weight: lbs.
- Marital Status:
SCREEN 27: Personnel Section
- Branch of Service
- Service Status
- Enlisted or Officer
SCREEN 28: Personnel Section
- Primary NEC:
- Rating:
- Pay Grade
SCREEN 29: Involved Person – Specific Activity
- Job Skill:
- Specific Activity:
- Experience:
SCREEN 30: Courses Attended:
SCREEN 31: Personal Protective Equipment:
- Select all that apply:
SCREEN 32: Equipment Category:
SCREEN 33: Select Activity the Person was performing:
SCREEN 34: Injury / Occupational Illness Information
- Injury resulted in?
- Chemical Involved?
- Were Sharps Involved?
- Was Person Hospitalized?
- Was heat or Cold a Factor?
SCREEN 35: Lost Work Time
- Add New Entry
SCREEN 36: Injured Person Information
- Person Permanently Transferred?
SCREEN 37: Injury / Occupational Illness Information
- Source of Injury:
- OSHA Code:
SCREEN 38: Source of Injury or Occupational Illness:
- General Type:
- Specific Type:
SCREEN 39: Event or Exposure
- General Type:
- Specific Type:
- Fine:
- Specific:
SCREEN 40: Injured Body Parts
- Add New Entry
- Level One
- Level two
SCREEN 41: Primary Injury
- Is this the primary injured body part? Yes or No
SCREEN 42: Nature of Injury
- General Level:
- Specific Level:
- Detailed Level:
SCREEN 43: Injury / Occupational Illness Information
- Initial Medical Treatment
SCREEN 44: Property Cause Code
- Select equipment
SCREEN 45: Involved Equipment- Cause code
- General (select from pull down list)
- Specific (select from pull down list)
SCREEN 46: Cause Code Narrative (Fill in)
SCREEN 47: Personnel Cause Code
- Select personnel
SCREEN 48: Involved Personnel- Cause Code
- General (select from pull down list)
- Specific (select from pull down list)
SCREEN 49: Cause Code Narrative (Fill in)
SCREEN 50: Event Narrative/Lessons Learned/ Recommendations