2017 Fellowship and Awards Application

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Fellowships Granted by Research Article - (Choose from one field.)

Bible field

o Nettie F. McCormick in Old Testament Hebrew Fellowship (A written Hebrew exam is required.)

o T.B. Blackstone in New Testament Greek (A written Greek exam is required.)

History field

o Author A. Hayes in Church History Fellowship (An oral exam on the article is required in addition to the article submitted)

Theology/Ethics field

o George Tressler Scott in Practical Theology Fellowship

o John V. Farwell in Theology and Ethics Fellowship


Competitions in Preaching (Applications for this category are automatically considered for the four preaching awards, but you may select your preferences below. Applications should include a cover page, purpose of sermon, sermon text and bulletin and may include a DIGITAL RECORDING of the scriptural reading and sermon.)

o Ellen and James Taylor 1st and 2nd prize o Martin D. Kneeland for Sermon Delivery

o Jesse Halsey for Imagination in Preaching o James W. Angell for Preaching w/Congregation

Competitions by Essay

o Nettie F. McCormick Award in Old Testament o Henry P. Crowell Award in Systematic Theology

o Isabella Blackstone Award in New Testament o Henry W. Anderson Award in Pastoral Ministry

o Isabella Blackstone Award in Church History o Floyd V. Filson Prize in New Testament

Competitions by Examination

o Hugh McBirney Award in English Bible (PCUSA Students) What was your Bible Content Exam Score? ___

o Samuel Robinson Award (Memory portion of the Shorter Catechism of the Westminster Confession of Faith

Awards by Nomination

o Marshall Scott Urban/Labor Ministry Award (Requires an academic record in urban ministry, a recommendation from your supervisor at an urban ministry site, a 5 page paper on their vision for urban and/or labor ministry.)

Submissions deadline: March 27, 2017. Send applications to Alicia Rhine, .