(Wall After School
Parent Handbook
Welcome to Wasp
In March of 2006, an OST grant was obtained to purchase equipment and supplies to implement the program for the summer and school years of 2006, 2007 and 2008. A volunteer committee was created consisting of Mary Williams, Mandi McDonnell, Charles Sykora, Rachel McConaghy, and Jody Bielmaier.
WASP is an enrichment and academic support program that provides a wide variety of age appropriate activities intended to meet the many needs of the children enrolled in the program. This program is designed for children between the ages of 5 and 5th grade (current year) who will benefit from enrichment activities in groups with a 15 to 1 ratio.
WASP is directed by Mandi McDonnell. Should you have any questions or concerns about the program, please call 279-2156 ext. 2110 or email at
Program Location
The program is located in room 110. The multi-purpose and computer lab will also be utilized.
How To Register
Children will be enrolled by properly completing the registration form and submitting appropriate payment with that month’s calendar. The program has a limited number of spaces available that fill on a first come first serve basis.
Days and Hours
Monday-Thursday: 3:10 -5:15
Friday: 7:45-5:15
The program will follow the WallSchool District school calendar with beginning and ending days as well as weather and holiday closings. The program may be closed on Friday, October 9th to allow all staff members to attend the Annual OST Conference. The program will be offered on early release days at the time of dismissal. In case of inclement weather on a Friday, parents should listen to KOTA or KBHB for program cancellations or delays.
After School Rate - $4.00
Friday Rate - $18.00
Half Day Friday Rate - $10 (7:45-1:00 or 11:30-5:15 Lunch Included)
Drop-In Rates
Drop-in Friday Rate - $20.00
Drop-in Half Day Friday Rate - $12.00
Early Release Days Rate (school is let out at or before 2 pm) - $8
***Credit will not be given for days missed.
The fee ensures that space and staff is available for each child, whether he/she attends or not.
Calendars and payments are due the last day of the month for the following month’s services. If your child(ren)attends before his/her calendar is turned in, an additional $2 will be added to each day per child.
*** Services will be terminated if payment is 7 days past due. Please feel free to visit with the director to discuss anypersonal or financial problems you may be experiencing. Financial assistance is available.
We believe that making choices is an important part of WASP. Each child will have the right to choose among activities throughout the day. The right to choose is one way of developing independence and decision making.
One snack will be offered after school and two on Fridays, as well as lunch on Friday.
Homework Policy
During the free-time portion of the day, the homework table will be a choice. The homework table is anopportunity for your child to get a start on his or her homework. A staff member will be available to assist in questions. However, this is not intended to be a tutoring session. If you would like the homework table to be one of your child’s choices please visit with your child first and then with the staff. The amount of work completed and the accuracy of the work is your child’s responsibility.
Parent Involvement
Parents are encouraged to check the bulletin boards, signs, letters and monthly calendars as we make every effort to keep you informed. We ask that you keep your child’s registration file up to date. And, please, let us know of any situations in your child’s life that we should be aware of.
Medical Forms
All children attending WASP must have current immunizations on file with the school. WASP employees will NOT administer medication.
WASP does not provide care for sick children. You will be notified by phone if your child becomes ill or is injured during program hours. Once notified, the programrequires that your child be picked up as soon as possible and he/she will be isolated from the other children(but supervised) until you arrive.
Sign In/Out Policy
Children must sign in upon arrival. Parents must come into the classroom to sign out their child(ren) each day. Release of a child will be to those persons named on the Pick Up Authorization List or to a parent/guardian.
The director is to be notified in writing of any changes.
****Children will only be allowed to walk or ride their bike home with written permission.
Late Pick-Up
All children must be picked up by 5:15. If there is a problem and you know you will be late, please makearrangements for someone on your authorized release list to pick up your child. You will be charged $5.00 per child for the 1st 5 minutes, and $1.00 per child for every minute after that. Fee must be paid before thechild(ren) can return to the program.
Safety Policy
When a child is expected at WASP but does not arrive, the staff will take the following steps:
- Check the school absence list
- Check the child’s classroom
- Call parent(s)
- Call emergency contact numbers
- Dial 9-1-1
These safety steps are needed for the safety of thechildren. They also take staff time away from the other WASP children. In order to assure the safety of allchildren, we are adding a Failure to Notify Fee.
1st time = $10 Charge
2ndtime = $10 Charge
3rdtime = Removal from WASP
Children enrolled in WASP are expected to exhibit behavior that does not disrupt or interfere with theactivities of the other children in the program. Parents will be notified in writing when a major discipline problemoccurs. After 3 occurrences, there will be a one-weeksuspension and a meeting with the parents to determine behavior guidelines. Your child then may return to the program. If another occurrence occurs, your child will be terminated from the program for the remainder of theyear. Immediate termination from the program will occur if the safety of other children or staff is at risk. We want to keep WASP fun as well as safe. Other children will not be allowed to administer punishment onto other students. The staff will provide discipline that is not frightening or humiliating.
The following behaviors are considered inappropriate and unacceptable at WASP:
Termination of Services
Service will be terminated if a child is not following the discipline plan outlined in the handbook.