Name / Hours / Cost Per Hour / Amount
Kenneth P. Costello / 42 (11 hrs/week x 3 weeks) / 26 / $1092
Seung-Joo Lee / 15 (5 hrs/week x 3 weeks) / 26 / $390
TOTAL / $1482
Supplementary Resources Development
Portable Chemistry Kit for online CHM130LL
Name: Kenneth P. Costello
Date / Objective / Activities / Hours
7/28/11 ‒ 8/4/11 / Locate and acquire the contents for the portable chemistry kit. / Locate and acquire all chemicals, labware, glassware, test strips, and accessories needed for the portable chemistry kit. / 11
8/5/11 ‒ 8/11/11 / Print and Label.
Measure and Fill. / 1. Print labels, charts, material data safety sheets, and in-kit instructions.
2. Affix labels to the appropriate test tubes, containers, unknowns, and chemicals.
3. Measure mass or volume of chemicals and place in appropriate containers.
4. Count test strips and place in appropriate containers. / 11
8/12/11 ‒ 8/18/11 / Organize and Pack the Portable Chemistry Kits / 1. Decide on the best organization of the kit’s contents within the portable chemistry kit case.
2. Pack the kit’s contents into the portable chemistry kit case. Do this for 24 portable chemistry cases for each section of the lab. / 11
Name: Seung-Joo Lee
Date / Objective / Activities / Hours
7/28/11 ‒ 8/4/11 / Locate and acquire the contents for the portable chemistry kit. / Locate and acquire all chemicals, labware, glassware, test strips, and accessories needed for the portable chemistry kit. / 5
8/5/11 ‒ 8/11/11 / Print and Label.
Measure and Fill. / 1. Print labels, charts, material data safety sheets, and in-kit instructions.
2. Affix labels to the appropriate test tubes, containers, unknowns, and chemicals.
3. Measure mass or volume of chemicals and place in appropriate containers.
4. Count test strips and place in appropriate containers. / 5
8/12/11 ‒ 8/18/11 / Organize and Pack Portable Chemistry Kits / 1. Decide on the best organization of the kit’s contents within the portable chemistry kit case.
2. Pack the kit’s contents into the portable chemistry kit case. Do this for 24 portable chemistry cases for each section of the lab. / 5
Seung-Joo Lee’s dates, objectives, and activities are the same. Just the hours are different.