List of Supplies for 6-8 grades
Ms. Eaton ~ Language Arts ~ wide lined notebook paper, composition notebook*,
1 - two pocket folders (1 with a 3 prong fastener), yellow, pink and green highlighters,
book cover
Mr. Korcyzk ~ Math ~ 2 - composition notebooks*,
pencils/erasers, protractor, 1/16" ruler, compass,
TI 30 calculator, notebook paper, book cover
Mrs. Gilbertson ~ Social Studies ~ highlighters **,
colored pencils **, lots of markers **, notebook,
glue sticks (4) **, pencils, erasers, composition
notebook, book cover, file folder (no prongs)
Mrs. Nell ~ Science ~ composition notebook*,
pencils & erasers, spiral notebook or notebook
paper, glue sticks (2)**, book cover
Mrs. Bremer ~ Writing ~ three ring binder,
notebook paper, dividers
Mrs. Eichelberger ~ Health Enhancement ~ paper,
pencil, PE clothes, shoes
Mrs. Nelms ~ Tech ~ 2 gb flash drive – on a
lanyard or a wrist band flash drive
Ms. Kosorok/Mr. Clinton ~ Language Exploration/
7/8 Spanish ~ 1 – 1” 3 ring binder ~ can be used
for both classes, paper and pencil(s)
Mrs. Lammiman~ 7/8 Ag Ed ~ TBD
Ms. Coutts ~ Band ~ pencil, reeds/cleaning kit for
your instrument. Percussion will need to buy their
own sticks & mallets.
There’s a limited number of band instruments for
rental. There will be an opportunity to meet with
Ecroth Music, or stop and see them over the summer
regarding rentals.
Book covers (cloth lasts longer) most middle school
classroom books need the x-large book covers.
Locker Shelf ~ A plastic one that expands with the turn knob underneath or a metal coated one with legs.
Combination Locks are purchased from the office. Price is $6.00. At the end of the year 8th graders will receive a refund.
Students may not have personal locks on their lockers.
The same flash drive that is purchased for technology can be used for their narratives that they do for Student Led ~ Parent Teacher Conferences~ 2 gb flash drive – on a lanyard or a wrist band flash drive.
Each student is given a planner on the first day of school. If they lose their planner they may buy one from the office. Replacement cost is $3.00.
^Health Enhancement ~ clean bottom need not be new shoes, gym shorts, t-shirt, socks.
*(This is not a spiral notebook. Stiff cover with non-removable pages.)
** These items will be left in their classrooms so they will be available.
*** It is most helpful if your student would have a locker shelf ~ either the plastic coated one with legs or the plastic one with the knob that turns underneath it.
Please remember to mark all of your items with your name.