Today, as I was doing my usual trudging back to my apartment, uphill from town, lugging my groceries, the Father reminded me again regarding something He had audibly spoken to me around 1992 (which I relate on page 3). For this reason, to continue with my task of preparation of the remnant people of Yahuweh and Yahushua in these days, I must write a letter of love to you today to help you prepare for the days ahead, of which of Savior said, “Unless the days be shortened no flesh will be saved”.

I’ve had so many experiences in knowing Father, trusting Him and seeing Him do the miraculous, that many people have asked me, through the years, why I don’t write a book. Of course, I could write a big book on what I’ve seen Him do and heard Him say over the last 56 years. The problem in writing about my life is that I live a miraculous life, and almost every day is something to write about. But, here is a sampling of some things, given here for your edification, exhortation and instruction in righteousness.

As most of the world goes on its merry way, just surviving from one day to the next, an elite group of the agents of Lucifer, the Illumined one, Satan under a disguise of an angel of light, has been working for thousands of years, and especially the last 100 years, and now is in the final lap of their feverish race to the goal line to destroy most of the people off of this planet, so that they can takes the world’s wealth and establish their own Utopia, with their god Lucifer, enthroned on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Does this sound like Sci-fi? No, it is not science fiction--it is reality. Read all about the general plot in the Word of Elohim (God). I’ve been studying, researching, the details of the plot for many years now, and the parallel kingdom of Lucifer is gathering his elite, trained and sold-out remnant to him, to bring the finishing touches on the great plot. While his select agents are dedicated totally, and his children, in general, are lawless, rebellious, and dedicated to pleasing Lucifer with sin upon sin, the supposed born again children of Yahushua are basking in sun god worship on the beach somewhere without a care in the world regarding what their enemy is up to. Of course, Yahuweh/Yahushua have their elite agents also, totally trained, dedicated and sold out to their purposes.

Study diligently and keep your eyes and ears open, first of all to the voice of Yahushua through the Ruach ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit), and second to the happenings on a world and national level, so that He can show you what is happening revealed in its entirety in the Scriptures. The Scriptures very plainly tell all, you just have to know what you’re reading. The Ruach is your Master Teacher.

The Ruach ha Kodesh is the Ruach Yahuweh, omnipresent in the universe. II Corinthians 3:17-18 tells us that the Yahuweh IS the Ruach. Yahushua sent Him, but He is the Ruach that proceeds forth from Yahuweh. (John 14:26; 16:7) He is NOT an “it”. Romans 8:14: “As many as are led by Ruach of Elohim--they are the sons of Elohim”. He is NOT some “force” or “spirit guide” or spooky “ghost”. He is the Father, extended on this earth, to lead us into all Truth, to teach us, and empower us. He speaks to us, gifts us, manifests through us (called “the anointing”), and performs miracles through us, as He did through Yahushua on this earth. He is my dear lifetime Friend! “Its” don’t have personalities nor do they have a sense of humor, get angry, talk, rebuke, or have the ability to scare people to death, nor can they take form (I’ve seen Him), nor can they flood you with power. “Its”

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cannot comfort. “Its” don’t have a voice, not can they teach, nor tell you things to come. (John 14-16) The Ruach is Yahuweh Himself in His omnipresent form, going “to and fro around the earth watching for those who are obedient to Him”. The Father has never Himself, left the throne, nor will He ever leave the throne. The Ruach is “the finger of Elohim”, who not only wrote the 10 Commandments on the tablets of stone, but Yahushua said “he is the finger of Elohim” who drives out demons from people. (Luke 11:20 with Exodus 31:18) Oh how I love for Him to do that! He was the One who led the people of Israel through the wilderness. He was the One they vexed and tempted and angered. He was the One who went forth and slew thousands at the anger of Yahuweh. He was the One, who brought forth the water from the Rock. He is the One, who put the “glitter on the galaxies”, as Job tells us. He is the One who carries out on this earth, the will of the Father. He is the One who draws people to Yahushua, or else they cannot be saved. He is the One who puts up with our sin, and has to deal with our rebellion. He is the One who is wounded by our rejection of Him. He is a “HE”. Don’t insult my Friend, because you don’t know Him, or have intellectually ruled out the book of Acts for yourself personally. There is a religious superior pride in that arrogance. The Ruach dwells with the contrite and broken of heart. Without Him I would never have survived the years of holocaust that Satan put me through. I cringe inside when I hear Him ignorantly called an “it”. He is the One who reveals to me the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom, that has saved my children’s lives. He is the One who has gifted us with the gifts in II Corinthians 12, and sets the “gifts” in order in the assembly of believers. Who told you that there was no personal baptism into the Ruach ha Kodesh by Yahushua, or miracles, or tongues, or gifts, or power or anointing by Him after the “apostolic age”? It was not the Father.

It was the same liar that told you that there is an Old vs. a New Testament, grace vs. law, and faith vs. works, that the church has replaced Israel, and that the Torah was nailed to the cross. It is the same liar that told you that you have no responsibility to keep Father’s Torah. It is the same liar that keeps you from all the good things that Father has for you. It is the same liar that tells you that your celebrations in honor of sun gods are good and clean and should be defended, because you’ve christianized them. (See my two articles entitled Joyful Abominations and Easter or Passover). It is the “father of lies” himself, Satan, through the Emperor Constantine, and the Roman Catholic pagan mixed up Church that he invented. Study! The Catholic Church substituted baptism (infant baptism also) for the true new birth. They substituted “Confirmation” at age 12, for bar Mitzvah and bas Mitzvah, and the Baptism into the Ruach ha Kodesh. Bar Mitzvah means: “son of the Commandments”. Bas Mitzvah for girls means: “Daughter of the Commandments”. Constantine’s new religion was based on getting rid of anything Hebrew, the Torah and the Elohim of Israel that wrote it. So, for the new Church, the things of the Ruach were said to have “passed away”. Surprise!! They didn’t pass away. The Ruach--who breathed the Tenach (Genesis to Malachi, English order) through “set-part men of old”--is the same Elohim who still empowers and gifts, as He did in Acts. At the end of this age, He is growing in importance to us, because without His voice (and there are at least 40 ways that He speaks to us) we won’t know what to do, in the chaos and confusion that is coming. Today the world system is feverishly working to rid the whole world of Yahuweh and His Torah. And who is leading this campaign? – The Vatican and its many arms through the Illuminati.

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I have known the Ruach since I was 4 years old, when He came and separated me unto Yahuweh in a vision, and in an audible word, and told me “you don’t belong here anymore”. I know now that he took me out of the world system’s clutches, because though I am a normal woman, I have no interest in the fleshly pursuits of the “average” woman. I enjoy what the Father allows me to enjoy but I am not ruled by them. It’s OK to love beautiful things, as long as you can walk away from them without a thought.

I would rather be studying, researching, learning about Him, preaching and teaching about Him, prophesying, going on prayer assignments, prophetic declaration assignments, traveling, meeting new people by His divine set-up appointments, watching Him work through me to others--praying for people to receive the power of the Ruach, to receive their healing, to receive deliverance from demonic possession, to receive the Ruach’s power, teaching people in the Word, exhorting, edifying and comforting, challenging and encouraging, and of course, bringing people to Him for the new birth. Those things excite me. I want to see lives changed for HIS HONOR AND ESTEEM.

He has led me in the hard way, the very, very hard way, to toughen me up and instruct me in wisdom regarding the horrible nightmarish days ahead. And, there have been a few times that I’ve overstepped His grace, and incurred His wrath, which is quite terrifying. I’m sure glad He loves me that much!

In reference back to the first paragraph of this article: What He reminded me as I was bringing home my groceries: Back in 1992, I was kneeling at a communion service in my church in Ft. Worth, Texas. I had studied, researched, taught a class in end-time prophecy for over 2 years, and had given the latest in the schemes of the one world government, the secret plans of the agents of Lucifer, the scheme of Father’s plans to overtake the schemes of Lucifer, and I had come to a fork in the road. Should I continue on as an information giver, or just stop the class? I was studying for 8 or more hours a day, and things were happening so fast, that I couldn’t keep up with what my Father was showing me. As I knelt there in that silence, I was shocked at a booming voice like thunder off my right shoulder, saying to me: “PREPARE MY PEOPLE FOR TABERNACLES”. I knew instantly that voice--it was Father voice through the Ruach. (The Son has a different voice). The Ruach Yahuweh (Spirit of Yahuweh) also boomed like that at Sinai and about scared everyone to death, except Moses. (Exodus 19) (But, the Ruach can also have that “still, small, quiet, sweet voice of Yahushua”, as He teaches and comforts!) I knew what He meant by that “word”. It was time to stop being an information giver, and to start preparing His people for the 1,000-year reign of Messiah Yahushua on this earth. It was time to prepare His people to live under His government--the Torah. It was time to instruct people how to accept the reality of the 3 1/2-years of tribulation, in which only a remnant would survive to see Him coming.

Another lie: where does it say, or even allude to in the Scriptures that there is a 7-year tribulation that Christians escape from? It is not in there anywhere. According to the dialogue in Matthew 18:21-25, escapism is of Satan, and man, and not of Elohim! A 3½-year tribulation is spoken of many times. A hoax came from 1830, and is a now a multi-billion dollar money-maker, but it is a lie, and those weak ones who are not prepared for suffering, will not be able to withstand the horrors of the days to come.

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Paul told Timothy a good word in II Timothy 2:3-5: “Suffer hardship with us as a good soldier of Yahushua Messiah. No one serving as a soldier gets involved in the affairs of this life, in order to please only him who enlisted him as a soldier. And if anyone competes in a game, he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules”.

In 1985, when I was coming out of a very terrible and devastating time in my life, He impressed on my spirit: “Go get the Bible, I want to talk to you”. I had not read it for a long time. It opened to Matthew 14:24-32, the passage about Peter walking on the water. He spoke very clearly: “From now on you will walk on the water”. And, so it was. I began anew my life of miracles. It is not easy to walk on the water. We sink a lot until we understand that he won’t let us drown. We get scared easily until we learn that He never fails. Learning to trust Him is not easy.

One day I was in terrible pain in my back from the base of it to my head, and I had not learned to trust Him for healing. Out loud I told Him that I would love to trust Him, but that it would be easier for me to take painkillers, because, I said to Him: “You’re too slow!” I didn’t doubt that He could heal, but I needed it quick! As I turned to go into the bathroom to get Tylenol, I felt a very hot heat hit my lower back. I “froze in my tracks”. The heat slowly traveled up my spine to my neck. As the heat traveled upward, the pain was totally gone. I stood in that living room numb, saying “I’m sorry Sir; I’m sorry Sir”. That started my walking on the water and my learning to trust Him for healing. He has done many miracles of healing, including delivering me from migraines, and performing a creative miracle on my hips, to turn them outward so that I could walk straight.

I was in the grips of a terrible migraine headache, lying on my back in the dark in my bedroom, and my son was commanding the devil off of my head in the living room. All of a sudden, I felt about 5-6 needle-like claws slide straight out of my head. Then I felt heat going from my head to my feet. I was totally relieved of pain, and I’ve never had a migraine since. That was in 1986.

Once I had a terrible headache due to a vertebrae being out in my back. The pain was centered in my left eye, and was making me very sick. Neither my husband or my son could get the vertebrae back in place. As I sat there, I said this: “Holy Spirit, unless You do something, I will have to go to the emergency room. All of a sudden I saw a man’s hand—opaque. As it passed through the left side of my head, the pain instantly went away. I was in such a daze, I went to lie down and fell asleep. I have not had such a thing since, and that was about 15 years ago. He has done creative miracles to straighten by legs so that I could keep walking. In 1986, chiropractors took x-rays of my back, and said that soon I would be in a wheel-chair because it was totally disintegrating. As you can see, I am still walking. I’ve had friends who used to see me dragging my left leg, astounded at my walking normally.

Learning to trust is difficult, especially when He trusts you to walk on the water. I didn’t choose to walk on the water like Peter; Yahushua chose that life for me, and commanded me to walk in it.

Here is a lesson I learned that I’ll pass on to you: In 1999, the year I moved to Jordan, I was in a horrible condition, lying in Uganda in a bed with roaches crawling all over me--sick in body, grieved and depressed in mind and emotion, and having injured my ankle so that I was unable to preach. I was paralyzed with oppression. The enemy about took me

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under, but a very supernatural intervention by the “cloud of witnesses” (Heb. 12:1-2) and the Apostle Paul lifted me up with such power and strength that I preached from that point on with great anointing and fervor and many were saved. I learned of Paul’s mind-set in II Corinthians, in those chapters 4, 6, and the like, when he was pouring out his experiences in following the Lamb. I learned that the life of such a follower of the Lamb is just a life of suffering, and I’d better just get used to it, and learn to praise Him in the midst of it. Suffering is par in this world, for those who are totally out of Lucifer’s kingdom and all totally into Elohim’s kingdom. Suffering has great reward, because He uses it to prepare us for what is coming in these last days.

Hebrews 12:1: "We too, then, having so great a cloud of witnesses all around us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race set before us, looking to the Princely Leader and Perfector of our faith, Yahushua, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the stake, having despised the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of Elohim. For consider Him who endured such opposition from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and faint in your lives. You have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin".

I will quote one paragraph in it, written by Richard Wurmbrand: "We usually believe that the saints who have passed to the Lord are somewhere in the skies... The Bible tells us where they are. `Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses...' Hebrews 12:1. Why should they sit in the heavens? They are here where the real fighters and sufferers are. In the world of the Spirit there exists no here and there. We were isolated in prison, but they were around us. We felt the presence of the saints of all times".