Appendix 1
- Purpose
The Health and Well Being Board (HWBB) has a statutory duty to promote the health and wellbeing of Middlesbrough’s communities. Its focus will be on securing the best possible health outcomes for all residents.
- Principles
To collaborate effectively, the HWBB agree to the following principles:
- The Board should be a different way of working in partnership:
- Shared business – JSNA, Health and Well Being Strategy – high-level performance management.
- Shared priorities – focus on a small number of key priorities to address health inequalities in Middlesbrough.
- Shared approach – ensuring system alignment e.g. commissioning.
- The HWBB is key and must have a genuine influencing role.
- Members of the HWBB will have genuine levels of trust and an open and honest willingness to work collaboratively, with a culture and way of working that creates the conditions for innovation, integration and high performance.
- Communicate, listen and engage with the communities they serve and be representative of the public/patient voice.
- Decisions will be based on evidence and data sharing will be the norm, not the exception.
3. Role
- Provide strategic direction.
- Ensure all statutory duties are met
- Sign off for key documents, i.e. JSNA/JHWBS.
- Review progress against priorities.
- Develop a forward work programme.
- Link with neighbouring authorities across the TeesValley.
- Influence joint working between commissioners and providers of health and social care services.
4. Membership
Voting Members
Elected Mayor - Middlesbrough Council (Chair)
Deputy Mayor – Middlesbrough Council (Vice-Chair)
Executive Member for Wellbeing Care and Learning – Children’s Services
Executive Member for Wellbeing Care and Learning – Adult Social Care and Public Health
Executive Member for The Change Programme
Director of Wellbeing Care and Learning, Middlesbrough Council
Director of Public Health, Middlesbrough Council
Representative from Healthwatch
Senior representatives from South Tees Clinical Commissioning Group (Chair/ Locality Lead)
NHS Commissioning Board Representative
Chair, South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Chair, Tees Esk and WearValley NHS Trust
Chief Executive, Middlesbrough Voluntary Development Agency
Chair, Middlesbrough Partnership
Supporting Officers (non-voting)
Chief Executive, Middlesbrough Council
Chief Executive, South Tees Hospitals NHS Trust
Operations Director, Tees, Esk & WearValley Trust
Chief Officer, South Tees Clinical Commissioning Group
5. Communication and Engagement
Develop and implement a Communications and Engagement Strategy, outlining how the board will be influenced by stakeholders and the public, and how the board will disseminate specific duties required by the board, including consultation on service changes.
Communicate and engage with local people in how they can achieve the best possible quality of life and be supported to exercise choice and control over their personal health and wellbeing.
6. Governance
The Chairman will be the Elected Mayor.
The board will hold a minimum of four meetings per year. A schedule of meeting dates will be agreed for the year.
The Health and Wellbeing Executive will take responsibility for the Board’s agenda setting and papers will be sent out seven days before a meeting.
In order to ensure consistency and ability for senior decision-making, ad-hoc substitutions will not be allowed. However, each member of the group will be asked to nominate one appropriate deputy for those instances of non-attendance.
Private / Public Meetings
The Board will meet in public.
Decisions will be reached through a majority vote of members. Where the outcome is impasse, the Chair will have the casting vote.
The meeting will be quorate, provided that at least 50% of the members are present. This should include the Chair or Vice Chair, at least one CCG representative and an officer of the Local Authority.
Declaration of Interests
If any member has a conflict of interest in any matter discussed at the Board then that member shall declare that interest and take no part in that discussion.
As the Health and Well Being Board is evolving, the terms of reference, including membership of the board, will be subject to regular review to ensure they remain fit for purpose.
March 2013