Wakulla Spring Working Group and
Restoration Planning Meeting
Thursday, May 26, 2011
10:00 am – 3:30 pm
DouglasBuilding, Conference Room A
3900 Commonwealth Blvd., Tallahassee, FL 32399
Quarterly Meeting Agenda
10:00Welcome and IntroductionsLynn Cherry, Carpe Diem
Community Solutions, Inc.
10:15Presentations on Water Quality at Wakulla SpringBob Knight Wetland Solutions, Inc.
10:30Douglas Gilbert – Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP)
TMDL for Wakulla Spring
11:00City of Tallahassee (COT)
Planned Upgrades at the Wastewater Treatment Facility and how the COT Plans
to Keep Future Nitrogen Loads Low with Increased Growth
11:30LeonCounty Stormwater – Johnny Richardson
Stormwater Water Quality Data Trends and Planned Stormwater Upgrades
12:00Ed BallWakullaSpringState Park ReportBrian Fugate & Scott Savery
FDEP Parks Service
12:10Wakulla Spring Ambassador ReportCal Jamison
12:20Announcements from Stakeholders
12:30Lunch (Brownbag or cafeteria adjacent to conference room)
1:15Development of a Comprehensive Assessment Plan for Restoration of
Wakulla SpringBob Knight
1:30Build a Long-term Comprehensive Assessment Plan for Restoration
of Wakulla SpringLynn Cherry
Break into Small Groups by Interest or Expertise; groups are as follows:
(What group are you most interested in participating in?)
Development of a Comprehensive Assessment Plan
for Restoration of Wakulla Spring
Group 1: Groundwater Levels and Quality in the Springshed
- Monitoring locations
- Parameters and frequency
- Responsible parties
Group 2: Stream Flow and Quality in the Springshed
- Water levels and discharge
- Monitoring locations
- Parameters and frequency
- Responsible parties
Group 3: Other Parameters in the Springshed
- Rainfall
- Land use and land cover
- Record of withdrawals for public and private supply wells
- Land application of wastewater effluent
- Fertilizer sale and use
Group 4: Flows, Levels, and Water Quality at Wakulla Spring/River
- Instrumentation
- Parameters and frequency
- Location
- Responsible parties
Group 5: Biological Parameters and Human Use at Wakulla Spring/River
- Parameters and frequency
- Locations
- Responsible parties
All: Reporting and Dissemination of Monitoring Results
- Type of reporting
- Frequency
- Dissemination as public service
2:30Groups Present Monitoring Assessment to Audience and Audience Discussion
of Data Management and Reporting
3:15Meeting Conclusion and What’s Next?Bob Knight & Lynn Cherry
Questions regarding the Working Group Meeting or Restoration Plan can be directed to
Debra Segal at or 386.462.1003
The working group is funded by FDEP’s Springs Initiative. For more information, see www.Floridasprings.org