Cassidy Lake Boarding Kennel Ltd
Phone: 506-433-6974
Name of Owner
Name of Pet and Breed
Telephone & mobile phone:
Email address:
Home Address:
Emergency pick up contact name & number:

Vaccination date: (Vaccinations must be current 3 weeks prior to stay) DA2PP

Rabies, Distemper, canine adenovirus, Hepatitis, Para Influenza, Provirus.

Bordetella Vaccination date: Kennel Cough (Vaccinations must be current 3 weeks prior to stay)

Veterinarian name & number:
Spayed or Neutered:
Male or Female:
Age & Birthday:
Milk bone treats allowed: yes / no
Is Animal good with Children: yes / no
Is your dog good with other dogs yes / no
Is your dog housebroken yes / no I am not able to wash large beds
Does your dog have a proper fitting collar on yes/no must be tight, not a loose necklace.
Has your dog had kennel cough yes/no
Has your pet been sneezing or coughing in the last two weeks yes / no
Any allergies and to what yes / no
Has your dog ever bitten yes / no
Is your pet a chewer yes / no if yes, then bring chew treats/toys
Does your pet have Diarrhea yes / no We do not accept dogs with diarrhea
Does your pet have an eye infection yes / no We do not accept dogs with eye infections
Does your pet have any wounds or open cuts yes/no
I agree to pictures being taken of my pet yes / no
I agree to pictures being posted on Facebook yes / no
Feeding Schedule (how much & how often):
Other notes about your pet: past medical conditions? Has your pet been to other boarding kennels, dog day cares or dog parks recently? Where? It is recommended to refrain from public risk areas 2 week prior to stay.
My signature on this document indicates that I have read it and clearly understand all of its terms. In consideration of Cassidy Lake Boarding Kennel Ltd. agreeing to boarding my animal for the price as stated, I agreed to the follows
We DO NOT accept dog that are aggressive, that have bitten people.
1. I will be responsible for the actions of my dog/cat if it causes any damage whatsoever, including butnot limited to damage or injury to other dogs, people, or objects while in the care of Cassidy Lake Boarding Kennel Ltd.
2. Cassidy Lake Boarding Kennel Ltd. is not responsible for any injury to, or damage, whatsoever caused to or by my dog/catwhile it is in the care of Cassidy Lake Boarding Kennel Ltd.
3. To indemnify Cassidy Lake Boarding Kennel Ltd., and its employees and servants from any loss, injury or damage they may suffer as a result of the actions of my dog/cat.
4. My dog/cat is suitable to be in the care of Cassidy Lake Boarding Kennel Ltd. and is not aggressive toward people or other animals. My dog is obedient and capable of following instruction.
5. I understand that there are risks involved in having my dog/cat cared for by Cassidy Lake Boarding Kennel Ltd. In the event ofillness or injury, I authorize Cassidy Lake Boarding Kennel Ltd. to take my dog/cat to the nearest vet considered to be the most suitable by Cassidy Lake Boarding Kennel Ltd. I agree to pay all vet care required or advised, in the opinion of the vet, to the amount of $500. If the required care will exceed that amount, I know that Cassidy Lake Boarding Kennel Ltd. will try to contact me at the telephone numbers I have given in this waiver. If they cannot reach me.Cassidy Lake Boarding Kennel Ltd. is authorized to use their best judgment in deciding whether to go ahead with any form of treatment recommended by the vet, whether the cost of such treatment exceeds $500 or otherwise, and I agree to pay for all such care.
6. I understand that having my dog/cat in the company and environment of other dog/cats may involve risks regarding the contraction of illness. I understand that even regular vaccinations cannot completely guard against illness and disease, and that Cassidy Lake Boarding Kennel Ltd. cannot in any way prevent, nor are they responsible for, any illness that my dog/cat might contract.
7. I will ensure that my dog /cat is, and will be kept currently vaccinated. I agree to provide proof of current vaccinations when requested at check in.
Pet Owner's signature: ______Date ______
Check IN date ______Morning or Afternoon (circle One)
Ex- Friday Jan 1st
Check OUT date ______Morning or Afternoon (circle One)
Ex- Friday Jan 1st
Number of days ______x Rate $22 (single dog) = $______
Number of days ______x Rate $37 (double dog) = $______
Check out is 11am otherwise the full day is billed. Sundays always are full day.
How did you hear about us: ______
Where are you going? ______

Would you like to have your pets nails trimmed? $13.04 + HST = $15 yes / no (Circle one)

Would you like to have your pet bathed? $26.09 + HST = $30.00 yes / no (Circle one)

Checking out in the morning hours (11am) will not incur cost for that day,

Checking out in the afternoon hours will be billed for a full day visit.

Sunday’s will be a standard full day fee.

If** we are available for pick up or drop off’s beyond our normal hours. There will be a $10 additional fee

Cancellation Policy.

If your plans change and you no longer need to board your pet, you must call within 48 hours of your reservation to cancel. Calling the day of your arrival to cancel a reservation is not acceptable, and you can send cancellation payment of $50 by mail by check or email money transfer, to our below address. Cancelling on holidays or March Break must be made within two weeks, if not then a $50 cancellation fee will be billed to you, payable by check or email money transfer. Please remember we are running our kennel just like a hotel. Not showing up for your reservation will eliminate your chances to book another reservation in the future

Helpful Reminders and FRIENDLY suggestions while your pets stays with us:

Reminders of what to bring.

1-  Medical records / book to show PROOF of vaccines. Vaccines must be 3 weeks before stay

2-  Food in a plastic sealed container.

3-  Something to sleep on (optional, not a requirement, Such as a small blanket, please no king size duvets.)

4-  Proper fitting collar. (when I’m walking your dog, I don’t want them pulling their head out of the collar)

5-  Bordetella must be current or done at least 3 weeks before your stay. If your planning on staying with us. Please try toensure your pet has not come into contact with UN-vaccinated pets at public parks, private walks, or dog parks, dog day cares before your stay. We are striving to have a healthy environment for your pet.2 weeks before their stay.

Helpful Suggestions:

1-  When arriving at the kennel, come into the kennel with your paperwork and pets belongings. Check in first.

2-  Second, bring in your pet. You are encouraged to give them a quick walk before coming in. So- they don’t pee on the office floor after a drive in the car.

3-  If you feel your pet may be anxious while staying with us. Bring the pillowcase you slept on the night before. Your smell will comfort them. If you’re concerned they may not eat, bring their bowls they use every day, Bring your pets food in a plastic sealed container. (if possible) All of your pets extra “stuff” will hang on a hook in a “green” cloth bag on the front of their run.

4-  You pay for your pets stay at Checkout. We only accept cash. Check out is 11am. Any time after 11am you pay for that day. Remember the only time you don’t pay for a day is if you check out in the morning. All other days you pay for. Just like a hotel. Except Sunday- 4-6pm

5-  It is common for dogs to chew their beds while at the kennel. Some dogs do, some don’t. It does not indicate your dog was not loved during their stay with us. If you are concerned your dog will chew their bed then don’t bring it. The best is a rubber backed floor mat.

6-  Yes, it is hard to drop your furry kids off; this is just like dropping your kids off at the babysitters. The longer you hug and kiss them while they cry, the harder you make it on the dog after you leave to adjust. We will love them just as much as you do when you leave. J

7-  WE DO NOT accept dogs that bit or are aggressive with us! If your dog does bit or become aggressive you will be called immediately and requested to pick up your dog. I can’t risk being bit and getting injured, I am self-employed. I never want to make the phone call again that your dog has bitten someone and they are on their way to the ER.

8-  Bordetella- to reduce the possibility of your pet transmitting or contracting “kennel Cough” we recommend that your pet to stay away from Day cares, Dog Parks, and other risk area at least 2 weeks before their stay with us. Where they could potentially pick something up before their stay with us. This is us simply trying to ensure the best health practise for your pet.

Please remember these are friendly suggestions only. From past experiences, these methods tend to work best and make your pet feel at home, while staying with us. As well cause the parents less stress too. :)

Directions: From Saint John or Moncton

Get on the four lane highway

- Drive to the Norton Exit #175

- At the end of the ramp turn LEFT unto Route #865 Southfield Road,

- Continue straight for 10 minutes until you come to Cassidy Lake,

- TURN LEFT on Lakefield Road. We are 1 minutes down Lakefield Road#211.

Your GPS will work to our location, (Sussex Parish) there is also signs along the road.

SCHEDULED Check in and Out hours

Monday / 8:30am – 11:30am
4:00pm – 6:00pm
Tuesday / 8:30am – 11:30am
4:00pm – 6:00pm
Wednesday / 8:30am – 11:30am
4:00pm – 6:00pm
Thursday / 8:30am – 11:30am
4:00pm – 6:00pm
Friday / 8:30am – 11:30am
4:00pm – 6:00pm
Saturday / 8:30am – 11:30am
Sunday / 4:00pm – 6:00pm
Holidays / Please inquire.

It is possible for pick up or drop off’s beyond our normal hours. There will be a $10 additional fee.

Please call to discuss and set a scheduled time.

**Pease Pay ATTENTION to our scheduled hours. We WILL NOT be responsible if you are late or miss the scheduled pick up and drop of times. If you are going to be late or early please call to first to ensure I will be available to accommodate you. Yes, I do live here, However - if I do not have any scheduled clients coming or going, I will leave my house. Please be respectful of my time too.