Hockey Board Meeting

VFWFebruary 2, 2009

1. Meeting called to order.
2. Present at Roll Call:Donavon Luhning, Rhonda McManigle, Tim Meuhler, Stacy Miller, Steve Schloeder, George Behl, Katie Dykhoff, Beth Najjar, Amy Killian, Anna Olson, Paul Warren, Pat Boline

3. Approval of Agenda–Oneaddition. Approved unanimous consent.

4. Approval of minutesfromJanuary’09: Approved unanimous consent.

5. Treasurer’s report: Beth gave a report of the balances of our accounts. Tim will resubmit to VFW for sponsorship. Per discussion also should check out other VFW’s in the surrounding towns.

6 Committee Reports

6a. Player Development:Bantams are the #1 seat. George wants to become a Master Coach, asking for $450 entry fee, offered in August at St Paul. Pat motioned, Paul seconded, Motion carried with one objection.

High school teams will keep ice time but schedule may be adjusted as needed.

6b. Tournaments – Mite Jamboree:Bantams won their home tournament. Mite jamboree was rescheduled due to not enough teams were able to attend the original date. To change dates of Jamborees it needs to be brought to the Board for approval……no exceptions.

6c. Scheduling:Cindy is still trying to get a presentation on a scheduling program… be continued.

6d. Registrar: Nothing to report.

6e. Referee – List & Levels: Donavon presented a list of referee’s. Steve reported that he tries to make sure each Ref gets equal games. 1st year ref is paid $25, 2nd year $30, and 3rd year $40. Steve will be out of town starting Feb. 28th for 12 days.

6f. Concessions: Door is installed and working well. Camera’s were installed to watch for theft not mistakes that people may make. Tim suggested that every family should be required to work at least 10 to 15 hours at concessions each season.

6g. Public Relations – Learn to Skate:Program is up and going and lots of little ones participated.

7 Old Business

7a.Tent: Not present.

7b. Compressor Loan – small one paid: Small loan was paid off on January 30, 2009, Donavon reported.

7c. Construction Project - Progress: Mr Spar is working on this and coming along fine.

7d. Sponsor night – Feb 9th:This is a set date… Rhonda will check on the cake.

8 New Business

8a.07-08 work hours bills:Warning were sent out last August and now a final bill will be sent…per Donavon

8b. Facilities – Air quality testing:State Health Department was in to do air testing. A tool will be purchased to do regular testing…..approximate cost $500.

8c.End of Season banquets: March 23rd for Mites & Mity Mites, and March 30th for all older players

8d. Paul Warren: Crosby-Ironton expressed disappointment from events that happened at the PeeWee tournament. It was suggested that a letter of apology be sent to their association. Donavon agreed to send a letter.

9 Adjourn

PatBoline moved, Paul Warrenseconded, motion carried

Next Meeting March2nd@ 7:30 PM at the VFW