
west acton baptist church
592 Massachusetts Avenue  Acton, MA 01720


Caring For Our Congregation

Our Church Covenant

Recognizing full liberty of individual interpretation and taking cognizance of the various statements of faith under which its members may have made their professions, we the members of the Church associate ourselves with all who follow Jesus and sincerely promise to work with one another in this Church to promote its Christian usefulness in worship and service, supporting its efforts as best we are able.

We humbly repent of all selfishness that is in us and of the wrongs that we have done, and trusting in God’s love to forgive, guide and strengthen us, hereby promise to love God with all our heart, mind and strength and our neighbors as ourselves.

We resolve to follow the Biblical injunction to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God, to take Jesus Christ as Master, His Spirit as our spirit and His way of life as ours.

We promise to pray, to work and if need be to sacrifice for the realization of righteousness, freedom and wholeness among all peoples.

(Adopted January24, 1988)

This document was created by the Safe-Church Policy panel (Bob Peabody, Nancy Hoover, Wendy Maxfield, Linda O’Neil and the Rev. Jeff Long-Middleton), approved by the Church Council on June16,2004 and adopted by a vote of the church by warrant article on September26,2004.


Page 1 of 32Questions or concerns about this document should be brought to the attention of the pastor.9/26/2004



Table of Contents

WABCSafe-Church Policy

Explanation of “Other Vulnerable Populations”...... 3

General Safe-Church Policies and Procedures at WABC...... 3

Recruiting and Hiring Level 1 Staff and Volunteers...... 5

Recruiting Level 2 Volunteers...... 5

Policies and Procedures When Working with Children and Youth...... 5

Older Youth—Discussion of Sensitive Issues...... 6

Participants’ Rights at WABC...... 7

Basic Do’s andDon’ts...... 7

Building Issues8

Incident & Injury Report...... 9

Sexual Harassment...... 9

Child Abuse & Elder Abuse Issues...... 11

Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect...... 11

Mandated Reporters...... 11

Mandated Reporter Responsibilities...... 12

Elder Abuse Issues...... 12

Bibliography...... 13

Appendices to the WABCSafe-Church Policy

Universal Precautions / Guidelines for Healthcare and Cleanliness...... 15

Fireand Evacuation Instructions...... 16

Incident and Injury Report...... 17

Church Staff/Volunteer Application...... 18

Acknowledgment of Receipt of WABCSafe-Church Policy...... 20

CORI/SORI Request Process...... 21

CORI/SORI Request Form...... 22

Agreement of Non-Disclosure Form...... 23

Blanket Consent Form for Children & Youth...... 24

One-Time Consent Form for Children & Youth...... 25

DSS Child Abuse Information & Reporting Procedures...... 26

Sexual Misconduct and Abuse Policy for Members Needing Restrictions
with Children, Youth and Other Populations...... 29

Sunday School Child & Youth Registration Form...... 30

Nursery Registration...... 31

Use of Private Vehicles for Transportation...... 32

If anyone has comments or questions about this policy, we encourage you to speak with the pastor.


Page 1 of 32Questions or concerns about this document should be brought to the attention of the pastor.9/26/2004



The West Acton Baptist Church (WABC) supports all efforts to curb and eliminate any form of abuse against any human being as well as any living part of God’s creation. WABC is especially concerned about the emotional, physical and sexual well being of children, youth and other vulnerable populations. As part of WABC’s ongoing work to provide a safe environment free from all forms of abuse for all children, youth and other vulnerable populations, WABC adopts the following guidelines for all WABC-sponsored programs and events.

Explanation of “Other Vulnerable Populations”

Children and youth deserve special care because their age, maturity level and still growing sense of “self” make them vulnerable to persuasion, coercion, undue influence, or physical control from people whom they perceive as having power, authority or leadership over them. Likewise, certain adults deserve special care because of their particular vulnerabilities.

The term “other vulnerable populations” found in this document is meant to describe those who, although chronologically adults—over the age of eighteen (18) or twenty-one (21)—may be particularly vulnerable to persuasion, coercion, undue influence, or physical control from those who have power, authority or leadership over them. For instance, persons with mental retardation are a part of a “vulnerable population.” In addition, persons might be vulnerable due to age, disease, dementia, physical infirmity, mental infirmity or status in a situation or group. While this outline illustrates some individuals who would potentially comprise a “vulnerable population,” it is not an exhaustive or comprehensive list of “other vulnerable populations.”

General Safe-Church Policies and Procedures at WABC

The policies and procedures outlined here are for all staff and volunteers who work in any setting within the church and its sponsored activities. These guidelines and procedures are put in place to protect the entire congregation but especially those in an at-risk population, specifically but not exclusively our children, youth and other vulnerable populations.

1.It shall be the policy of WABC to cooperate fully with civil authorities regarding the safety of its congregation.

2.WABC maintains an Open Door Policy meaning parents, ministers, appropriate adults or guardians may attend, drop-in or observe any activity at any time.

3.All staff and volunteers are required to fill out the “Church Staff/Volunteer Application” (Page 18) and the “Acknowledgment of Receipt of WABC Safe-Church Policy” (Page 20).

4.WABC adopts a two-level screening process for its staff and volunteers.

Level 1: This is the more extensive level of screening and requires a Criminal Offender Record Information and Sexual Offender Record Information (CORI/SORI) check (see Page 21). The “Church Staff/Volunteer Application” (Page 18) must be filled out also. This is mandatory for all staff and those volunteers who have long-term or ongoing contact with children, youth or other vulnerable populations in one-on-one situations.

Examples of this type of volunteer position may include the Sunday School Superintendent, Sunday School teachers, Nursery and Junior Church workers, Care Team members, youth leaders and Vacation Bible School workers. This list of volunteers is illustrative and not exhaustive.

Level 2: This screening is less extensive than Level 1 and requires filling out the “Church Staff/Volunteer Application” (Page 18). It is used for volunteers whose duties involve infrequent direct contact or contact only in a group setting with other adults with children, youth and other vulnerable populations.

Examples of this type of position may include a “substitute” teacher or a “substitute” worker (i.e., summer help or filling in during a time of illness or absence). If a “substitute” position becomes one of a lengthy duration, the church may ask such a volunteer to undergo a Level 1 screening.

WABC may require at any time a CORI/SORI check for a volunteer position if it believes it is in the best interest of its congregation.

For the safety of its congregation, WABC encourages—but does not require—all members and regular attendees undergo a Level 2 screening.

5.WABC adopts the “six-month rule.” This rule states that any new member or attendee of the church may not work alone in a Level 1 voluntary capacity with children, youth or other vulnerable populations for a period of six months and only after a criminal background check and references have been completed.

6.All Staff/Volunteer Application forms and CORI/SORI information are confidential and maintained in a locked cabinet in the church office. Only the pastor shall review CORI/SORI information. The pastor and the appropriate hiring committee as needed will view Church Staff/Volunteer application forms.

7.Individuals known to have committed previous acts of sexual misconduct shall be strictly prohibited from working with children, youth or other vulnerable populations at WABC. In addition, such individuals shall be asked by the pastor to read and sign “Individuals Needing Restrictions with Children, Youth and Other Populations” document (Page 29). This document is confidential and reviewed only by the pastor who may provide this information to others on an as-needed basis. If an individual is asked to sign this document and refuses to do so, it shall be the pastor’s responsibility to notify promptly the congregation and its tenants of the individual’s refusal to comply with the request.

8.WABC shall make copies of this policy available at its Annual Meeting. In addition, at that time, WABC will encourage everyone to participate in a Level 2 screening.

9.When providing references on the Staff/Volunteer Application, no more than one reference should be a member or regular attendee of the congregation and none may be related to the applicant.

10.The pastor shall maintain an updated file of all currently approved Level 1 and Level 2 staff and volunteers. These two lists are available on request or as necessary.

11.Upon approval of this document, if anyone identified as needing a Level 1 screening refuses a background check, then the congregation shall be notified immediately and he/she shall not be allowed to work with children, youth or other vulnerable populations.

12.A Safe-Church Policy Committee (SCP) shall be created by the pastor and/or church moderator to oversee the implementation and appropriateness of this policy. The SCP is empowered to update this policy as needed based on legislation, case law or when deemed necessary due to church experience. The Committee shall consist of three members in addition to the pastor and/or the church moderator. The other three members should be from the Boards/Committees of Deacons, Christian Education, Trustees, Care Team or Pastoral Relations. The SCP shall meet at least every October to review the policy, update it as needed and confirm its continued compliance by the various Boards/Committees of the church. In addition, the pastor or moderator may convene the SCP at any time if a need arises.

Recruiting and Hiring Level 1 Staff and Volunteers

1.A CORI/SORI check needs to be performed (see Page 21).

2.The “6-month rule” shall be applied. (See No. 5, page 4)

3.A Staff/Volunteer Application should be completed, reviewed and acted on as necessary.

4.If a staff/volunteer will not agree to complete the application or submit to a CORI check, he/she may not work with children, youth or other vulnerable populations at WABC.

5.All references must be verified and contacted either by telephone or in writing.

6.All staff/volunteers should receive a copy of the WABC Safe-Church Policy and return to the church the “Receipt of Acknowledgment of WABC Safe-Church Policy” (Page 20) after reviewing the document.

7.The pastor shall maintain a comprehensive and confidential file on all staff/volunteers that includes all information that was produced during the screening process (i.e., application record, notes on reference checks, CORI/SORI search, waiver form, etc.).

Recruiting Level 2 Volunteers

1.A Staff/Volunteer Application should be completed.

2.All references must be verified and contacted either by telephone or in writing.

3.If a volunteer will not agree to complete the application, he/she may not work with children, youth or other vulnerable populations at WABC.

4.All volunteers should receive a copy of the WABC Safe-Church Policy and return to the church the “Acknowledgment of Receipt of WABC Safe-Church Policy” (Page 20) after reviewing the document.

Policies and Procedures when Working with Children and Youth

1.WABC strongly prefers that in a situation where children, youth or other vulnerable populations are gathered that there be two adults present at all time. Recognizing that this is not always possible, WABC requires at least one adult and one floater (someone going in-and-out among venues at unspecified times) during WABC’s scheduled worship, study and activity times. WABC encourages all parents/guardians and members of its congregation to make use of our Open Door Policy to attend, drop-in or observe any activity at any time.

2.The Sunday School Superintendent, Christian Education (CE) chair and Music Director must see that all parents/guardians fill out the “Sunday School Child & Youth Registration” form (Page 30) before a child or youth attends Sunday School or youth events and activities on a regular basis. These forms should be updated annually or when necessary.

3.The CE chair and Nursery provider must see that all parents/guardians fill out the “Nursery Registration” (Page 31) for all infants–Preschool who regularly attend the nursery. These forms should be updated annually or when necessary.

4.If children and youth are traveling for an activity, it is best that two adults are in the vehicle whenever possible and that the vehicles try to maintain a “caravan” to and from an event.Permission slips are mandatory, and if only one adult chaperone is present, it must be so noted on the permission slip.

5.Any person other than pastors, youth leaders or chaperones wishing to participate in a WABC-sponsored youth event such as a retreat must complete a permission slip (Pages 24 and 25) in order to attend or participate.

6.On youth group outings with transportation leaving from the church property, youth under the age of 18 may not drive. All drivers transporting children and youth are required to fill out the “Use of Private Vehicles for Transportation” form (Page 32).

7.WABC expects that drivers shall follow all Massachusetts driving laws. Seatbelts are mandatory for all and drivers must follow the posted speed limits. Children under age 5 or less than 40 pounds must be properly seated and restrained while in a vehicle.

8.On church-sponsored youth trips and sleepovers there must be both a male and female chaperone.

9.If the youth go on a trip and will be sleeping in the homes of a host family, the host family’s references shall be verified and the host family shall accommodate at least two children.

10.On youth outings in a water situation, think twice. Don’t toss participants in a lake, ocean, or pool. Such actions could cause injury or be misunderstood. No practical jokes are allowed around water, as they may be dangerous or misinterpreted.

11.We do not approve or condone romantic relationships between a volunteer youth leader and a youth-group member. Any romantic relationship between a staff member and a youth under the age of 18 shall result in the staff member’s dismissal and, if required by law, a report shall be made to the civil authorities.

Older Youth—Discussion of Sensitive Issues
The nature of any church youth program invites and welcomes serious discussion on many of the tougher and more delicate issues of life and faith. These discussions should be entered into openly and honestly, valuing the opinion and struggle of each person. The purpose of the WABC youth program is not to advocate for or against any particular issue, but to equip the youth in the Christian faith as they develop critical thinking skills. This will help them to grow in their self-esteem to enable them to make their own Christ-centered, faith-based decisions.

If sensitive issues are going to be addressed throughout the year, it is always better to inform the parents of the curriculum ahead of time. A letter should be sent to the parents before the sessions informing them of the topics that may at times be discussed and let them know that it will be done with an attitude of respect.

Participants’ Rights at WABC

All participants—of any age and in any program—have the right to feel they are in a safe and secure environment. A participant has the right to feel free from bullying or harassment by others. A participant has the right to not participate in any activity.

Basic Do’s andDon’ts

WABC wants to state clearly what is acceptable behavior between staff/volunteers and our at-risk populations. The following “Do’s and Don’ts” must be adhered to:


  1. Don’t inflict any discipline or play that would cause physical pain (i.e. hitting, slapping, shaking, squeezing, physical stress causing obvious difficulties such as sit-ups, push-ups).
  2. Don’t dismiss any child unless it is to their parent or other designated person. Request that children be picked up in person so that you may see they are handed off to the proper person. Preschool and younger children should never be dismissed alone and should never be wandering around looking for a parent.
  3. Don’t let preschool children go to the bathroom alone.
  4. Don’t allow children or youth to wander around the building unattended. During worship, children must sit in the sanctuary or be released to Junior Church.
  5. Don’t touch the sensitive areas of any participant (genitals, breasts, and buttocks) or allow any casual contact with those areas.
  6. Don’t hug (for more than 10 seconds of embrace) unless to physically assist a disabled person to become mobile.
  7. Don’t hold hands with older participants who may perceive this action as a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship.
  8. Don’t wrestle or tickle (it could overstimulate).
  9. Don’t use a name tag to identify a child or youth in an event outside of the church building and grounds. This is an easy way for an unfamiliar person to gain their attention and trust.
  10. Don’t put yourself in a situation where you are alone in a building, closed-door room or vehicle with a single youth, child or vulnerable participant. If you must speak to such a person privately, do so in plain view of others and never in a closed-door room. Leave doors open. Make sure that the person you are speaking to is aware of and understands that there are other people nearby if they become uncomfortable.
